*Gemini & Sagittarius - One Shot*

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~This was requested by CoCostyles29 Gemini is the guy, Sagittarius and Aquarius are girls~

Gemini and Sagittarius were both on a ship which was on its way to another country. Everything was going great. Gemini and Sagittarius didn't know each other yet. Sagittarius slowly walked away from her family inside a cabin of the ship. She decided to spend some fun time alone, trying new things. Sagittarius walked outside and breathed in the fresh air. 
She went to the edge of the ship and looked at the view. "Woah," she said. "I know right," said a voice behind her. Sagittarius turned around. Gemini was standing behind her. He was a worker on the ship, and his job was to guard everyone and see if they're doing the right thing. "Oh hi. I didn't see you there," Sagittarius said. "Oh yeah sorry. I'm just really bored with this job," he stated. "So you were looking for someone to talk to? You can have a conversation with me if you like," Sagittarius replied casually. "Yeah.Thanks. Are you enjoying this trip so far?" Gemini asked.

"Yeah it's awesome. I love to travel," Sagittarius replied. "Great," he replied. "Are you enjoying this trip?" she asked him. Gemini stopped at stared at her. "I work here," he replied. "Ohhh yes that's right," Sagittarius realized. "Yeah," said Gemini. "So do you like your job?" Sagittarius asked. Gemini shook his head. "I did when I first started. Not any more. It's so boring now," he replied. "Yeah I'd be pretty bored too," she said. 

Gemini and Sagittarius continued talking about jobs and other things. Just then, Sagittarius's phone started ringing. She picked it up. It was her dad who was calling her. Her strict, over-protective dad. "I've got to go," she told Gemini after the phone call. "Alright bye," he said with a small smile. "Sorry to bring back your boredom. See you," Sagittarius replied. She quickly ran back to her cabin. "Dad I'm so sorry," she quickly spat out once she got into the cabin. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" her dad bellowed. His name is Mr S. "Just looking at the view and all," Sagittarius told him. "SAGITTARIUS! You know the rules! You are not to get out of my sight on this ship," Mr S growled. Sagittarius rolled her eyes. Her dad didn't mind her talking to other people, as long as it's someone he knows. He didn't mind her learning new things, as long as it's with a book and the news. Mr S was a great dad except for one thing. He never let his kids have the freedom to do anything. If any of his kids makes friends with someone he doesn't like, he bans that person from them.
"Sagittarius you KNOW you're not allowed to leave this cabin without me knowing," Mr S shouted. "Yeah - I know. And do I care? No. I can do whatever I want to do dad," Sagittarius snapped. She walked to the small bedroom. "Come back here young lady!" Mr S screamed after her. Sagittarius didn't listen. She ignored him and stayed in that room.

Meanwhile, Gemini was pacing around the swimming pool which was built in the ship. He had to watch out for anything bad to happen. Just then, his sister Aquarius approached him. She also worked on the ship. Except her job was to work in the souvenir store. Her job was over for the moment because she was on break. "Hey Gem," she said when she came up to him. "Hi," Gemini grumbled. "This is still too boring for you?" Aquarius asked. "Yeah," Gemini sighed. 

"Want to make it fun?" Aquarius asked. She nudged him a little. His face lit up. "Yes I do," he replied. "Alright..." she said. She grabbed Gemini's microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls!" she announced into it. "What! What are you doing?" Gemini whispered nervously to Aquarius. "Oh don't worry, my anxious little brother," she said casually. "People of this ship! Bring your kids here for a fun activity!" she spoke into the microphone. Slowly, many kids walked up in front of Aquarius. "Great. Now kids, this boy standing here is my brother," she introduced, pointing towards Gemini. "...ahh yeah," Gemini murmured. "Okay guys. On the count of three, all of you are going to jump onto Gemini and pull his hair, scratch his skin, tickle him, whatever!" Aquarius excitedly told them. "WHAT!?" Gemini shouted at her. "One... two... three!" Aquarius yelled. About twenty kids came running up to Gemini, screaming and torturing him. Aquarius laughed. She pulled out her phone and recorded it for a while. Then she left him there alone. Some of the parents were cheering the kids on. The others didn't care. Sagittarius walked out of the cabin she had to stay in. She walked across the ship to find Gemini. And then she found him on the floor with screaming, excited kids all over him. She laughed and rushed over to help him. "Guys go play or something," she told the kids. They all ran away. Sagittarius helped Gemini up. "Hilarious," she bluntly said. "Oh thanks for the sympathy," Gemini sarcastically replied.  Sagittarius laughed. "No problem," she said.
Then both of them got some food and drinks. They sat on deck chairs, close enough to everyone since Gemini was still on his job. They laughed, talked and had a good time. "Gosh I haven't had this much fun in a long time since I'm always working here," Gemini said to himself. Sagittarius didn't hear him, but she thought hanging out with Gemini was so much more freer and better than being stuck in the cabin with her dad. That night, Gemini was on his break from his job. He and Sagittarius decided to go to the party on the ship. It wasn't much, but they had fun eating food in funny, weird ways for each other. They went to the game room and played loads of games together. By the end of the night, they were laughing with one another and feeling great. "I've got to go now," Sagittarius finally said. "Thank you for such a great day." "No, thank you," Gemini replied. They said good bye to each other with a hug and left.

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