*Sagittarius and Cancer - One Shot*

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~Requested by TeresaFigueroa8 for a Sagittarius X Cancer love story. Sagittarius is the guys, Cancer is the girl. I was thinking of doing it in the B stories, but then I was like nope~

It was Saturday night and a girl named Emily was having a party. One of her friends, Cancer, arrived a bit late. "Hi Emily!" Cancer greeted when she arrived. "Hi Cancer! Gosh you're here! Come in," Emily replied. Cancer got into her house. The music was loud, it was nice and dark and people where dancing. The problem was that Cancer didn't know anyone there. And she's not the fastest at making friends. She had no idea where to go, so she sat on a seat near the bar. 
"Heyyy thereeee..." said a voice next to her. Cancer quickly turned around and saw a guy she didn't know. He had a drink in one hand. He sat next to her looking very drunk. "What's your name beautiful?" he asked with a wink. "Um I don't know you," Cancer replied nervously. "That's okay darling... I'm here to get to know you," he said. He moved closer to her with a smile. Meanwhile Sagittarius was at the party. He saw his crush Cancer and went over to her. "Hi Cancer!" he greeted happily. Cancer looked at him nervously. "What's wrong?" Sagittarius asked. He was confused until he saw some random drunk man extremely close to her. 
"Um dude you need to go," Sagittarius told him. "Whyyyy? I'm here and you can't make me goooo..." the man slurred, putting an arm around Cancer. "Just go away. Leave her alone," Sagittarius replied firmly. The man rolled his eyes and walked off. Sagittarius took a seat next to Cancer. "Thank you," Cancer thanked him. "No problemo," he replied back to his crush. "Looks like you're the only person I know here," she told him. "Yeah I know a few here. You want me to get you a drink?" he offered. "Uh sure," she replied with a nod. Sagittarius got drinks for the two of them. They both talked for a while. Cancer got more drinks for herself. 
Suddenly Sagittarius said, "LET'S DANCE!" He and Cancer jumped up and went onto the dance floor. They started dancing to upbeat, fun songs. And soon they danced to slower, sweeter songs. Sagittarius thought Cancer was incredibly beautiful during that. They took a break, sitting down on seats again. Cancer took a few more drinks. "Cancer, you're drinking too much," Sagittarius told her. "I know. I've been drunk before," she said. "Really? Okay then that's fine," he replied. "Haha you thought I'm the type of person who wouldn't get drunk?" she asked. "Yep," he answered. Cancer shrugged. "I have my rare moments some times," she replied with a smile. Later through out the night, Sagittarius watched Cancer getting more and more drinks. Finally, he knew she was fully drunk. 
The night was ending and Cancer wanted to go home. "I'll drop you down to your place. Or you can stay at my house for the night," Sagittarius offered. "Yes pleassseee," Cancer agreed. She was all over the place and she couldn't stand still. Sagittarius tried to walk out of the party with her. But she was too drunk. So he had an idea. Sagittarius picked Cancer up and gave her a piggy back to his car. He laughed as he did it. He couldn't open the car door with his hand, so he did it with his foot somehow. He set Cancer down and put her seat belt on. Then he went to the driver's seat and started the car. About a minute of driving back to his place, he realized that he forgot to close Cancer's car door. A lady from the car next to his was yelling at him to close the door. "Okay okay!" Sagittarius laughed. At a red signal, he got off and closed the door. Then he went back to what he was doing before.
Sagittarius finally arrived at his place and brought Cancer along with him. In his home, he let Cancer flop down on his couch. He took in all her beauty. "What are yooooou starrring attt?" Cancer whined. Sagittarius pulled a face when he smelled her alcoholic breath. "You want something to eat? Or drink?" he asked. "No thank you," Cancer replied. She sat up straight and ruffled Sagittarius's hair. Sagittarius thought that was pretty funny since no one ever does that to anyone. "Your cuuutee," Cancer said. Sagittarius smiled. "Thank you. So are you," he replied. Cancer and Sagittarius sat on the couch together, just staring at each other. "Can we kiss?" Cancer asked. "Um what? Like - kiss? Actual kiss?" he asked, surprised. 

Cancer leaned over and kissed his lips. Sagittarius smiled and kissed her back. They were there for a while until they let go. "That was nice," Cancer said softly. Sagittarius nodded. "It was," he replied feeling special. How unusual is it for your crush to actually kiss you? Then he remembered something. Cancer was only drunk. When she wakes up to her normal self in the morning, she won't remember a thing. She would still see Sagittarius as a friend. That's all. Sagittarius sighed and looked at her. She had already fallen fast asleep on the couch. "That was quick," he muttered as he got up. 

He picked her up and placed her carefully on his bed. 
The next morning, Sagittarius woke up and found himself on his bed as usual. He remembered Cancer from last night. Sagittarius looked around for Cancer but she wasn't there. He was confused. Did she wake up early? She must have gone home by herself. He felt pretty tired and hurt that she wouldn't be able to remember that kiss. Oh well. Sagittarius got up and got changed. He walked into his kitchen as was surprised to see Cancer was there. 

"Hey Sagittarius! I'm just making breakfast for us," she chirped. Sagittarius was surprised, but wasn't in the mood to be happy for once. He was pretty upset about the kiss. He really wanted something to happen between them. He gave her a half smile and took the plate of bacon and eggs that Cancer made.

They both sat across from each other on Sagittarius's round table. It was silent while they were both eating their breakfast. The only sound that could be heard was Sagittarius's loud chewing. "So uh, Sagittarius... how are you um, this morning?" Cancer asked shyly.  Sagittarius didn't know why Cancer was shy at the moment but he shrugged with a smile. "I'm you know, pretty fine. You?" he asked. "I'm good. So uh, I want to talk about something. You know... about last night?" she questioned. "Last night? Don't worry we didn't do anything. You fell asleep, so I placed you on my bed. And then I just fell asleep next to you. That's all," he informed. "Oh no it's not about me waking up next to you. It's about um, the kiss. Remember?" she asked. Sagittarius widened his eyes and dropped his fork. "You remembered it?" he asked. Cancer nodded. "I'm so sorry about that," he said. "Oh no so am I," she replied. "But you were drunk, so it's okay. I kissed you back on purpose," he told her. Cancer shrugged. "I don't like you in that way," she said slowly. 

Sagittarius didn't feel that well. What she said hit him hard. He just sat there and tried his best to shake it off. "Um yeah same," he mumbled. Once both of them were done with their breakfast, they got up and put their plates away. It was really awkward between them. Everything was silent. "I should go now," Cancer said. Sagittarius walked her to the door and watch her about to go. "Sagittarius, I had fun at the party last night though," Cancer said happily. Sagittarius was confused. One second she's all awkward, the next second she's bubbly. Then her eyes moved down to his lips.
"I want to try something though," she said. "Um sure. Go ahead," he replied. Cancer smiled playfully and kissed him again.

She let go, leaving him even more confused. "I lied. I do really like you," she said. She kissed him for a longer time, allowing Sagittarius to kiss her back. "That's good to hear. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," he said with a smile.

~GUYS go check out Siberia_chan's drawings right now. See that picture of Cancer at the top there? That's one of  her drawings based on my book! She's pretty great Cancer herself so give her a follow as well~

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