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How zodiac signs would be as parents:

Aries: They are protective and wants their kids to stay active and play outdoors instead of staying home and doing work all the time. Very broad-minded and treats their kids as friends, but makes sure that they are a parent first. Very passionate, sometimes a bit too dedicated on making sure their kids are happy instead of taking care of on themselves. They are very dominating and can be a bit strict if their kids take the wrong path. They give their kids the amount of space that they need, but makes sure they don't go too far with things.

Taurus: Conservative in their approach to bring up their kids. Usually wants their kids to follow in their footsteps. They might not give their kids enough space, but they do make sure their kids are comfortable in their life. They are very possessive of their children and very supportive of them. They sometimes worries about their kids' future and wants to make sure that they grow up to be good human beings.

Gemini: They treats their kids as best friends and share their stories with them. It would seem like there's no generation gap between the parent and the kids because the parents would be very flexible in relationships. They give their kids enough freedom and space. But from time to time, they do keep a parental watch out for their kids to guide them in the right direction. They are hardly ever strict and gives their kids full liberty to live their life their own way. Mothers would usually be very devoted, so even if they're working, they make time for their kids and won't ignore them.

Cancer: These parents would be very nurturing, loving and caring. They are really attached to their kids and quite protective. They hardly get angry at their kids and don't like being strict. This is because they can't bare seeing pain or hurt on their kids' faces. They are always there for their kids if they need them but they need to be a bit more firm on their kids, just in case their taking the wrong path. Mothers are especially very soft and would not only give unconditional love to their kids, but to their kids' friends as well. They can be over-anxious of their kids sometimes.

Leo: These parents are very balanced, they won't be too strict or too soft on their kids. They fulfil all the kids' demands and needs and allows them to take part in other activities instead of staying home with work all the time. They are always there when the kids need them, and won't be very protective over them. They usually have hard outer shells and are very soft on the inside. But they don't bring their soft side out to their kids very much. They are great motivation for their kids and encourages them to give their full potential in what they want.

Virgo: They can be tough. They can give lots of affection and love to their kids, but makes sure that they are their parent first. They don't want any communication gaps get between them, they want to know what their kids are up to at all times. This is because they don't want their kids following the wrong path. They express everything to their kids open-heartedly and give their kids the exact amount of freedom that they need, not the amount they want. They will be concerned on keeping the kids on the right track. They also demand on things from their kids and keep them running errands. They are also protective. If they want, they can be very good friends to their kids.

Libra: They are very balanced, they know the times when they need to be strict to when they need to be affectionate. They are generous and attached, but might not show how attached they are. They get worried if their kids take the wrong path, but respect their freedom to do what they want. They want their kids to also grow up to be good people to represent a good family name.

Scorpio: They seem to make strict fathers, whereas the mothers are a mix of soft and hard feelings for their kids. Kids find it hard to find the affection behind the parent's hard outer shell. The parents would be very concerned in bringing up their children in the right way and guiding them to a good future. They can have over-anxiety of this and as a result, they might not give the kids enough freedom. They use their emotions on their kids in the right way and want their kids to also enjoy the word as well as staying on the right track.

Sagittarius: These parents love to spend quality time with their kids. They are innocent at heart, so they sometimes find themselves becoming a child again when they play with their kids or help them with school work. They won't be too strict on their kids and they give them enough freedom they want. Mothers especially want to build their kids' futures by giving them enough love when they are young. They treat their kids as friends rather than kids sometimes. They also keep an eye out to check if their kids are staying on the right track.

Capricorn: Can be very strict with their kids. They are the most concerned about their kids' future and spends a great deal of time thinking about it. They also expect a lot from their kids and might not give them enough freedom or space. They bring their children up well and their intentions are always good. Sometimes they need to soften up a bit, but they are very good at making sure their kids follow the right path and live a good, peaceful life.

Aquarius: These parents would be very frank and friendly to their kids. They would give the most freedom any other parent would give to their children and adjust themselves to their kids' environment. The problem can be that sometimes their kids might misuse their parent's freedom and follow the wrong path. The parents will be very open with them and won't put any limitations to their freedom. They treat their kids as good friends.

Pisces: The parents would shower lots of love and care for their children. Most times they would treat their kids as friends and hardly get angry with them. They can sometimes get moody, so they might not be there for their kids when they're not in the mood to be. They give their kids enough freedom and space. They tend to come up with unique and creative ways to guide them on the right track and make sure they don't get into too much trouble. They are very devoted and cannot stay strict on their kids for too long. They want their kids to be happy, and adjust themselves for that.

~Source: So... are any of your parents like that? I have a Libra mum and a Gemini dad. What signs are your parents?~

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