Taurus & Aquarius (A)

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~So this love story between Taurus and Aquarius was requested by @angelnthesky !~

Aquarius, Taurus, Pisces and Aries were huddled up in a corner where no one can see them. They were on a mission to find more about Scorpio. Scorpio was always so secretive and hidden. They four of them wanted to find more about her and her secretive world. And decided to find out by stalking her.

"Alright let's split up. Taurus and Aquarius, you two go together. Pisces is with me," Aries told the other three signs. Taurus cleared her throat. "Since when were you the boss?" she asked, rolling her eyes. Aries narrowed his eyes at her.

Yup, Taurus and Aries were back onto their usual terms. They tried to stay together as a dating couple for a few weeks. But they didn't work out and now they still hate each other. For real this time.

"Because I was born as a LEADER!" Aries announced. "Just because you're the first zodiac sign, doesn't mean you're the first for everything," Taurus snapped. Aries opened his mouth to say something, but Aquarius closed his mouth with his hand. "That's enough guys," he said.

They all turned to Pisces because she was the only one who didn't talk so far. Pisces was eating from a bag of popcorn. "Oh sorry guys... I thought a big fight was going to happen," she said as she put away the popcorn.

"Anyways, let's go stalk Scorpio. Maybe Pisces and Aries should stalk her in real life while Taurus and I stalk her on social media," Aquarius instructed. The other signs nodded and got to work.

Aquarius and Taurus went towards a desk and sat down. Aquarius opened his laptop while Taurus got herself a bottle of alcohol. "Ugh I hate Aries so much," she said as she poured herself a drink. Aquarius just nodded as he went onto Scorpio's Facebook page.

"She's single. I did not know that until now," Aquarius murmured. "We should know that since we're her friends. But she hardly tells us anything!" Taurus whined. She finished drinking the liquid in her glass and poured out some more alcohol.

"Don't drink too much," Aquarius warned. Aquarius was a bit of a rebel and wouldn't mind getting drunk himself, but he's the person who cares for others. "I won't," Taurus giggled, finishing her second glass.

Then Taurus drank her third glass then her fourth. She was half way on her fifth one when Aquarius stopped her. "Ok Taurus that's enough," he said with a smile. He took the alcohol away from her.

"I'm sleepy and tired..." Taurus slurred. Yep, she's already drunk. Aquarius closed his laptop and looked at her. "Aquarius I feel sick," Taurus whined. Aquarius sighed. "Come on let's go to the bathroom before you get really sick," he said.

He walked to the bathroom pulling Taurus's hand. Taurus leaned on him and put all her weight on him. "I wanna sleep," she groaned. The two of them were already in the bathroom with the door closed.

"Do you still feel sick?" he asked her in concern. "Noooo..." she slurred walking closer to him. Before Aquarius could run away, she already placed her lips onto his.

"Uh Taurus..." he managed to said when they let go. But Taurus didn't listen. She kept kissing him. He was shocked and surprisingly liked it. She's drunk he thought. Oh. So he just kept kissing her back because he knew she wouldn't remember anything after this. Hopefully.

But he quite liked this kiss. Soon, he let go of her and realized he was running out of time. He walked towards the bathroom door. "Wait!" Taurus whined. Aquarius rolled his eyes and smiled as he opened the door.

Outside, Pisces and Aries were just passing by. They saw Aquarius with lipstick smudges all over his lips and a very drunk Taurus staggering up behind him. Both their mouths dropped open. "Um guys... she's drunk," Aquarius explained.

"Who's drunk? Are you talking about me? Why meeeee???" Taurus exclaimed. "Right," Aries smirked. He looked back and forth between her and Aquarius.

"I'm serious. I should drive her home," Aquarius said. "Okay," Pisces giggled. Aquarius got into his car to drive Taurus home. Taurus lived in a flat with Virgo and Capricorn. It was about an hour from where they were at right now.

In the car journey, Aquarius and Taurus talked about trees, how much Taurus hates Aries, about food and money. When they arrived, Aquarius led her to her flat's door step and took her door keys keys from her pocket.

"You're home," he told her. Taurus looked at him with lots of affection in her eyes. "You're fun," was all she said. "Okay..." he replied smiling. Taurus kept staring at him. "What?" he asked her. Taurus said nothing. She just kissed his lips. Instead of her fast, drunk kissing, she kissed him more slowly and softly now.

She let go. "I'm not so drunk anymore," she whispered in his ear. What? Aquarius was surprised. She's not drunk anymore... so she meant that kiss. He blushed and smiled to himself. Taurus unlocked her front door and invited Aquarius inside.

She remembers kissing him when she was drunk. She was completely aware of what was happening but she had not control over her actions. "Want me to show you around the flat?" she asked him. He nodded.

Taurus showed him everyone's room, the living room, the kitchen (which was her favorite place) and the view from her room. "Woah the view is amazing!" Aquarius said looking out. "I know right," Taurus agreed.

Then Aquarius had a crazy idea. What if... he and Taurus just started dating? That would be different but cool. Aquarius liked that idea.

"It would be nice if you didn't say you thoughts out loud," Taurus said, kicking off her black boots. Aquarius gasped. He was just telling himself about dating her while she was right there. "Damn," he muttered to himself, hiding his blush.

Taurus came up to him. "But I wouldn't mind going out with you," she sweetly said. He smiled. "Then maybe... maybe we should go out sometime," he replied. "Sure, when are you free?" she asked. "Hmm... tomorrow night," he replied. "Okay," she simply said.

She softly kissed him. Capricorn was in the flat at the moment. She opened the door of Taurus's room because she heard a man's voice there. "Damn what did I miss..." she said. Taurus stopped with the kiss and smiled cheekily.

"Guess what!?" she squealed. "I don't need to guess," Capricorn giggled. Aquarius ran one hand through his hair. "I'm just going to go," he said. "No stay longer," Taurus pleaded. "No, I'm going to go because it's late," Aquarius told her.

"Ok then," she sighed. She pecked his lips. "Bye Aquarius," she smiled. "Goodbye," he said and walked out the door.

"Another guy... you're so quick," Capricorn said. "I actually set up a spider prank for you near the front door." "Really?" Taurus asked. Suddenly, a loud, high pitched, girly scream echoed throughout the flat.

Taurus laughed. "Looks like Virgo's got your prank," she said. "That was Aquarius," Capricorn corrected. "Oh."

But anyways, Taurus found herself much happier with Aquarius than Aries. Even though Aquarius doesn't commit to relationships that well, he's pretty happy with Taurus too.

~Ok I'm really sleepy right now. Sorry if this chapter isn't so good I tried my best ;) but yeah, have a nice day! #taurius~

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