Cake VS Pizza (B)

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~This chapter is kind of based on an episode of Teen Titans Go..(soz) so credits to that episode~ 

The signs were all at Sagittarius's place.

"Guys it's time for dinner!" Sagittarius announced. "YES!" everyone cheered. "So what should we have for dinner?" Sagittarius asked the others. "PIZZA! I'll order it now," Aries said, pulling out her phone. The others agreed. "Nooo not pizza! I was thinking about cake for dinner!" Gemini said. "Cake? Um cake is not meant for dinner. I'm ordering pizza," Aries replied. She started dialling the pizza place number. "Or maybe we can eat both at the same time," Gemini said. Aries shook her head. "That's disgusting. We're not having cake," she said stubbornly.
"Why? Cake is so much more better than pizza," Gemini told her, placing her hands on her hips. "Uh uh. Pizza is the best," Aries said back. "Hmm... you guys should have a little competition between pizza and cake. Let's see which one is really the best," Taurus said. "YES!" Aries shouted out. Gemini shrugged. "Sure. Only to find out cake is the best," she casually said.

Taurus excitedly stood up. "Ehem ehem," he started, clearing his throat. "ROUND ONE... the taste testing competition. All of us will try a bit of pizza and a bit of cake. And then we'll see which one is the best," he continued. The others agreed and cheered.
Aries and Gemini ordered pizza and cake, and soon received it on Sagittarius's door step. They gave a slice to every other zodiac sign. "LET ROUND ONE BEGIN!" Taurus announced. First, everyone ate a slice of pepperoni pizza. "Oh wow this is delicious," Pisces commented. "Agreed. I've never tasted anything like it," Capricorn complimented. "Pizza is amazing," Libra sighed. "Ten out of ten," Leo added. Then it was time for the signs to taste Gemini's cake. "Guys, guys! Before you actually eat, I want you all to brush your teeth and wash your mouth so that you won't get any pizza taste in between my cake," Gemini said. Aries rolled her eyes. 
Everyone groaned and walked to the bathroom. They all took turns brushing their teeth and washing their mouths with Sagittarius's tooth brush. No one told Sagittarius about it. Then they all went back to taste testing Gemini's cake. "Oh wow this is delicious," Pisces commented. "Agreed. I've never tasted anything like it," Capricorn complimented. "Pizza is amazing," Libra sighed. "Ten out of ten," Leo added. "What!?" Gemini yelped. "You guys said the same thing about pizza!" 
"This is a hard decision. Both foods are great in their own ways," Aquarius said. "No they're not! CHOOSE the best! Pizza or cake?" Aries questioned. "Uh... we don't know which one is better," Virgo shrugged. "Aghhhh..." Aries groaned. "Okay okay. This means that it's time for... ROUND TWO!!! Let's see who can balance a plate of cake or pizza on their heads for the longest!" Taurus suggested. 

So Aries and Gemini started balancing a plate of their foods while standing up. To make it a little harder, Sagittarius told them a funny story. Gemini tried to keep a straight face. But she ended up giggling too much, and the plate of cake fell of her head. "I WIN!" Aries shouted out, grabbing her plate of pizza. The signs cheered.
"Yes! Now for the final round... ROUND THREE!!! Both of you are going to stuff your foods into your faces for the longest time. If you give up, you lose!" Taurus told them. So Aries and Gemini stuffed pizza and cake into their faces. It wasn't easy. It was actually very suffocating. "I... cannot... breath..." Gemini mumbled as she stuffed another slice of chocolate cake into her face. Aries muffled a reply that no one heard. Scorpio took out her phone and started recording.
The two of them continued stuffing food into their faces when Aries gasped. She fell to the floor and raised a white flag. "Aries has given up! And the winner of this is... Gemini!" Taurus declared. The signs all cheered. Gemini and Aries washed up their faces. "So who's the overall winner?" Cancer asked. "Oh um, there isn't one. The results were equal," Taurus shrugged. "Good. That's how it should be. Equal," Libra said. "What!? Noooo I WANT TO WIN!!!" Aries screamed. "Too bad you lose," Gemini teased. 

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