*Pisces & Capricorn - ONE SHOT*

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~Requested by AyannaPotter Pisces is the guy, Capricorn is the girl. Also a half request by LucasFromAbove for a female Capricorn love story (sorry for doing the request so late. I also wish I can dedicate this to more than one person :/)~

Pisces lived in a flat by himself and was happy like that. Sometimes he wished he had someone to spend time with instead of being alone all the time. His best friend Cancer was living all the way on the other side of town because of his job. Whenever Cancer visited, Pisces always felt great. But he really wished that he was always with him. It's okay though, Pisces was an introvert and found it easy to enjoy by himself.
Living in the flat above him was a girl named Capricorn. She was about his age, but they both didn't know each other. Yet. It was almost Christmas at the time. It was cold and snowy outside and everything was so lit up with Christmas lights and all. Pisces decided that his Christmas tree needed more decorations. "Looks like I'm going to have to go to the shops and get more," he told himself. He put on some warm clothes and went outside. It was snowing heavily. Pisces went into the warm store and bought more decorations. He went back to his flat and tried to unlock the door. For some reason, it wasn't working.

"Come on," Pisces murdered as he tried opening the door. But it wouldn't move. He pulled, pushed, tried again and banged on it a couple of times. Capricorn was upstairs when she heard all of the noise beneath her. She went down to see what was going on. "Um excuse me? Do you need any help or anything?" she asked Pisces. Pisces smiled politely. "Yep," he replied. Capricorn went over and pushed as hard as she could on the door. And it didn't open. "This sucks. I'm really cold and I want to get in," Pisces muttered. "Oh. Well you can go ask the front desk later. Do you want to come to my flat and warm up inside?" Capricorn asked. "Sure," he answered. 

Capricorn led the stranger into her flat. She's not the type of person who would do that. But for some reason today, Capricorn felt like she should comfort Pisces from the bad weather outside. Strange for someone like her. She's probably really in the Christmas spirit. Capricorn opened her flat door and let Pisces sit on her couch inside. "So... want some hot chocolate or something?" Capricorn asked. She was hoping he'd say no. "Yes please," he replied. She got up and made hot chocolate for both of them. Then she went over and sat next to him.
"So uh, what's your name?" she asked. "Pisces," he replied. "You?" "Capricorn," she answered. "Hey thanks for letting me in here for a while," he said. "Oh it's fine," she told him. They both sat there drinking their hot chocolate. After a while, Pisces spoke up. "What's that book you have there?" he asked, pointing to a book on the coffee table. "Oh it's something I read," Capricorn said like it wasn't obvious. She picked it up and showed it to him. "When are you going to finish it?" he asked curiously. Capricorn shrugged. "I don't know. I'm almost done. Before Christmas I hope," she answered. He nodded. "You ready for Christmas?" he asked her. "Yeah. I'm going to visit my family and all," she said. "Same," he replied.

The two of them continues talking about their family, friends and the things they like or dislike. Soon, Capricorn realized it was really late. "You've got to go back to your flat," she told him. Pisces nodded and placed the empty hot chocolate mug on the coffee table. "Thanks for having me," he said with a smile. Capricorn smiled back. Pisces said bye to her and left her flat. He went to the front desk to open his door for him. He settled back in his own flat and felt great to have a nice deep conversation with some stranger he just met.

The next day, Pisces got ready for work. He was in college at the moment, but he also worked in a restaurant. As he was going out for work, he walked into the elevator at the same time as Capricorn. "Hi," he greeted. "Hey," she replied. "I'm going to work," he casually said. "Yeah me too. I work at the cinemas," she told him. There was a long pause. "Hey Pisces. Since I know you and all, can I get your number?" Capricorn asked nervously. "Oh yeah," Pisces replied with a smile. The two of them exchanged phone numbers. "Okay great. Bye Pisces," she said, stepping out of the elevator. Pisces waved bye to her and walked the other direction. 
At work, Pisces served people in a restaurant as usual. Then he felt a buzzing noise in his pocket. Pisces pulled out his phone. It was Capricorn. Hi. Sorry if you can't answer my texts or anything. Work here is really simple. We just have to hand out movie tickets. I'm allowed to text here. Pisces smiled. Yeah same. I'm pretty bored. he replied. He actually wasn't that bored. The two of them continued texting each other, trying to avoid it to keep working on the job.
When it was time to go home, Pisces went back to his flat. He did his usual things he did at the end of every day. It was the same old routine. Days had passed, and Pisces enjoyed texting and having small talks with Capricorn. The next morning, it was two days before Christmas. No college, no work until after Christmas. Suddenly there was a knock on his door. Pisces answered it, and saw Capricorn standing there.

"Hi," she said cheerfully. "Hi Capricorn," he replied. "I don't have anything to do today. I was wondering, do you maybe want to hang out?" she asked shyly. Pisces smiled. "Okay," he replied. "Let me get ready first." Pisces hadn't hung out with anyone in ages. He excitedly got his wallet and everything. He headed out with Capricorn. They both decided to have breakfast together in a nice casual cafe. They talked about all kinds of things. Then they decided to go watch a movie together. They took a lot of pictures of themselves with each other. By the end of it all, they were pretty tired but happy.
"I had fun," Capricorn laughed as both of them were outside Pisces's door. "Me too," Pisces sighed with a smile. They both were comfortable with each other, even though they've know one another for a bit more than one week. "Have a good Christmas," Capricorn wished him. "Thanks. You too," Pisces said back. They both were confused of what to do before they left. Hug? Shake hands? Pisces laughed and gave her a small, nice hug. They said bye to each other.

Pisces walked into his flat, feeling nice and prepared for Christmas. He looked at his beautiful, lit up Christmas tree and all of the presents under it. There were presents for mostly his family and also Cancer when he comes to visit. Then he had an idea. He should get a present for Capricorn! That sounded pretty great. Pisces headed out to the stores. What would Capricorn like? Something expensive? Something useful? He actually had no idea. Probably something nice and practical.
Pisces searched around the shops until he found some a beautiful necklace and a box of nice chocolates. He went back into his flat and wrapped up his gifts carefully. "Perfect," he said to himself.

It was finally Christmas! Both Pisces and Capricorn spent the day driving to their family's houses and exchanging presents. Pisces went to Cancer's place and spent a great, happy time with him. Finally at evening, Pisces settled in his flat. The presents under the Christmas tree were all gone - except for one. Capricorn's gift. Pisces texted Capricorn to ask her where she was at. She told him that she had just arrived home after seeing her family and friends. Great.
Pisces went over to Capricorn's place and knocked on the door. Capricorn opened it and saw him there. "Hi," she greeted warmly. "Merry Christmas." Pisces hugged her. "Merry Christmas to you too," he said happily. They both went inside and stayed by the warm fireplace. "I got you a present," Pisces said softly, handing her the gift. "Aw thank you," Capricorn thanked as she opened it. She look at the necklace and the chocolates. "Thank you Pisces! It's beautiful!" she thanked. She gave Pisces a present that she bought for him. It was a nice perfume, a soft Christmas bear and a fancy photo frame. "Thank you Capricorn! I love it," Pisces replied, hugging her. 
For the rest of the evening, Pisces and Capricorn shared a nice Christmas pie, and danced to good music. Finally it was time for Pisces leave. "Bye Capricorn. I had a great time here with you," he said. She smiled. "So did I," she said. They stood there awkwardly in front of each other at Capricorn's doorstep. "I'll go. Thanks for having me," Pisces thanked with a smile. He turned to leave. But on his way, Capricorn stopped him. "Wait - Pisces!" she called out. Pisces turned around. "Yes?" he asked. Capricorn ran towards him, grabbed his arms and kissed him.

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