*Taurus and Virgo - ONE SHOT*

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~So I've decided that if the chapter's title has the sign * next to it, it's a whole new story (a one shot) that has nothing to do with my original A or B stories and it won't be continued :) this story is for @Blisst

This is a Taurus X Virgo story that has nothing to do with my other stories btw :) Here, Taurus is a guy and Virgo & Sagittarius are girls~

It was school today. Virgo got dressed and got to school early as usual. She sat in class with her books ready and waiting for her friend Sagittarius.

Virgo was thinking about Sagittarius for a while until she saw HIM. Taurus.

Virgo had the biggest crush on Taurus. The problem is that Taurus was completely unaware. Taurus walked into the class room looking amazing as usual and took out the books from his bag. He placed all the books on the table with Virgo watching every single move he made.

Taurus turned around and caught Virgo staring at him. Virgo realized and quickly looked away. She saw her friend Sagittarius come into the room and wave.

"VIRGO! Hey," she greeted. "Hi!" Virgo said back. Sagittarius saw a worm on the floor and pointed to it. "Look at that," she said. "I know right. He's like, the most beautiful thing in the world," Virgo sighed. "Um what?" Sagittarius asked in confusion. Then she realized that Virgo was staring and talking about Taurus again, not the worm.

"Virgo... if you like him so SO much, you need to actually go and talk to him," Sagittarius told her. "I can't," Virgo whined. "Why not?" Sagittarius asked. Virgo couldn't reply because Mr Mint walked into their classroom for their History class.

Everyone walked to their seats and sat down. Taurus sat right in front of Virgo. And Sagittarius always sat next to her. "Good morning class. Today, we won't be taking notes as usual. We're going to have group projects this time!" Mr Mint told the class. "Yesssss!" some people cheered. Taking notes was always so boring. Virgo actually didn't mind the notes. She thought it was better than listening to Mr Mint's lectures anyway.

"All of the projects will be about the Vikings since we've learnt that in class so far. Every group will have four to five people in it. I've assigned the people in the groups," Mr Mint continued. Every one groaned. Virgo hoped that she wouldn't be in a group with people who make her do all the work and have fun of their own.

Mr Mint started reading out the names of people in groups. Then finally he said, "Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus and... Virgo." Virgo's heat started beating faster and harder than it did before. SHE WAS GOING TO BE IN THE SAME GROUP AS HER CRUSH. Sagittarius realized that and quickly gathered her group around her. She smiled a big smile at Virgo. "Oh so... hi guys," Taurus said to the three other girls in his group. Virgo's brain and heart just melted at his sweet voice. Not literally of course.

Sagittarius spoke up excitedly. "Hey hey hey guys... how about we separate the project into two parts? Cancer and I can work on one part together and you two can work on the other parts with each other," she told Virgo and Taurus. "I'm fine with that," Cancer shrugged and smiled. "Great! Let's start now!" Sagittarius said.

The group went and sat down near each other to start working on their project. Sagittarius and Cancer started working together, leaving Virgo and Taurus on their own. "So... do you want to start planning out what we're going to do first?" Taurus asked her. Virgo shyly nodded. "Um yeah. I - I like plans..." she said quietly. Taurus nodded. He looked for his pens and realized he left it in his locker. "I'll go ask Mr Mint if I can go to my locker. You can come with me if you want," Taurus said. "Okay," Virgo replied. Mr Mint was a nice teacher. He let students leave the class room at any time with his permission.

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