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A/n: Hi everyone. This is my first chapter. It won't be a story (since I am working on it) but an interview. Enjoy!

If the Signs could be Drugs

Interviewer: So once again we have the Zodiac's with us.
Aries: yay *waves*
Sagittarius: *cheers loudly*
Scorpio: Because you got nobody else to invite to your silly talk show.
Leo: *A little offended* why are you here then, if its sooo silly.
Interviewer: Now now, signs relax. Scorpio doesn't think it's very silly she is probably in a snarky mood.
Virgo: God interviewer! stop wasting our time, ask us the question already.

Gemini *steps up to the interviewer desk* : Ahem ahem! The question for us is *dramatic pause*

Interviewer: Oh no you don't, gimme that! *Snaches a paper from Gemini's hand* So after a lot of interruptions, tell me signs what Drugs would you be?

Capricorn: You are not asking us to take drugs right? Coz that's illegal!

Interviewer: NO Capricorn! I am not promoting Drugs. Let this be my disclaimer as well.

Aquarius: Drugs are not banned in every country you know. And just because the government says its bad doesn't mean it has to be bad.

Libra: let's not argue about this.

Interviewer: Thank you. Now who will go first?

Taurus: Well if I were a Drug, I would be ECSTASY. It increases awareness of the senses and I really do enjoy the luxuries life has to offer.

Aries: *pouting* I should have started.

Interviewer: well you can go now.

Aries: umm I don't know many drugs.

Interviewer: *sweat drop* Er why don't you research online like Gemini.

Gemini: *Looks up from iPad* I got it, I would be SALVIA. I took three personality quizzes and they all say the same. "You are SALVIA. You are charming & funloving but with a short attention span and you never stick to your decisions. You are carefree with your head in the clouds. Your attitude in life is lighthearted and you love to laugh."

Interviewer: That's right Gemini, who's next Aries are you ready?

Aries: Well I am Crystal Meth. The drug our chemistry professor is creating because he is going to die.

Capricorn: No he is not!

Aries: Well I am not the one for online research. Boring egg head stuff that is! I am energetic and alert and excited. I was getting restless researching.

Scorpio: Crystal Meth is for Aries. The lack of self control is also part of the package. I for one will be Heroin. Hardcore & addictive.

Leo: *sings* I'm on a plane with COCAINE and I'm all lift up again! The king of drugs for the king of signs.

Aries: who made you the king!

Leo: *continues as if uninterrupted* Cocaine makes you happy and confident. And I am the happiest and most confident of you all.

Cancer: I think I will be LSD since it influences the emotional sensitivity, makes everything grander.

Capricorn: I don't approve of drugs but since we are just discussing and not thinking of consuming them: I am RITALIN. It makes you focus or could make you hyper. Just like me with some people in group homework or projects or study group I am a positive influence but with others ...

Pieces: I will go for Valium. It makes the person relaxed and calm and dreamy. I guess I will never need this drug, I am already too languid.

Virgo: I was going to say Ritalin but it can make you hyper so I will be ADDERALL. This drug helps to Focus and if there is anyone here else who can focus like me, no I don't think so. Plus I do get anxious sometimes and I have a great eye for detail so yes I am Adderall.

Sagittarius: I will like to have PCP. Its dissociative, wouldn't it be cool to float out of the body and see myself like an adventure.

Capricorn: No drugs are bad! Plus you don't need drugs Sagittarius. You are so outgoing and full of adventure.

Cancer: Yeah Sagittarius! You are so interesting and full of energy you don't need drugs.

Sagittarius: you think so ? *googly eyes*

Cancer: *a little uncomfortable* What about you Aquarius? You have been silent.

Aquarius: I will be Psilocybin Mushroom. They make you think, change your viewpoint. We are all connected, you and me and the trees...

Interviewer: That's enough Aquarius. We are all quite enlightened. What about you Libra, decided yet?

Libra: I guess I am CANNABIS. It balances you out. It's actually safer than some of the legal drugs. Did you know that cannabis oil is good for health?

Aquarius: The government is misleading us!

Interviewer: Ok now that about wraps up our show for today!

Aquarius:*breaking the fourth wall* we are not done yet!

Interviewer shuts the door on them.

A/n: That's about it for today. I have never done any drugs, all my research is internet based.

So this is my first chapter, I hope it's not to heavy a topic. Tell me how it was, comment!

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