TV shows and decision making

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Interviewer: And again - the zodiac signs! Today's question is... if you were a TV show, what type of TV show would it be? 

Aries: A show full of competition like the X Factor or something. I  love to compete that's why

Taurus: Master chef or some cooking show. I love good food and TV shows are great for that

Gemini: How about a comedy show? I make people laugh because I'm pretty funny

Cancer: I can be those dramatic, emotional TV shows that tug on people's hearts a little

Leo: I'd be those talents shows or performing competitions. I'm pretty talented and love to perform

Virgo: The news! I don't care if it's boring - I know what's happening where and I'm prepared to tell you because I'm full of facts and intelligence

Libra: Don't you think I should be so romantic shows? I'm a flirt and a charming one myself so that'll be good

Scorpio: Horror shows are pretty great. Or mystery shows. Or mysterious stories from the news

Sagittarius: You know those shows on TV that show people exploring things or experimenting stuff in adventures? I'll be that since I'm an adventurous explorer

Capricorn: I should be those reality TV shows. I'm pretty realistic and practical by personality, aren't I

Aquarius: Celebrity gossip! Especially on MTV. I like to know what's going on and know about the latest things. I'm pretty social as well which is why I get to know so many things

Pisces: I'll just be those fantasy shows or animated shows. I'm a dreamer and I'm imaginative so that's great for me

Interviewer: Good decisions there. Speaking of decisions, how are you guys with decision making? How do you make them?

Libra: I am the WORST at decision making. I'm indecisive. I hate choosing between more that one thing. It takes me forever to actually decide one thing. I guess it's good in a way since I look at the goods and bads of all the choices, but seriously people need to choose things for me. Another problem. I don't stick to my decisions or keep promises that well. I might change it.

Taurus: I'm a major procastinator so it'll probably take a while for me to make a decision as well. But once I do make a decision, I'm going to stick with it unlike Libra. I'm stubborn so no one can change my mind on it.

Gemini: Here's the thing. Once I choose something, I never actually stick with that thing. Like I keep changing my mind. One second I feel like doing one thing and then the next second I feel like I should do something completely different. That's also a good reason why I can't commit so easily.

Aquarius: I can't commit that easily either. I'm really unpredictable so you never know what I'm going to decide. And like Taurus, once I decide something - you can't change my mind. I also hate it when someone else makes a decision for me.

Scorpio: Same. I hate it when someone makes decisions for me. But at least once I decide something, I stick with it until the end.

Sagittarius: And here we have me, Aries and Leo. Us three make decisions really really quickly. The problem with that is that it might not be the best choice. We're rash and impulsive, which means we don't put a lot of thought into our decisions. It sucks because I just jump straight to it without thinking... and it might turn out pretty bad. Whatever though. We're not going to wait all day to make some decision. Who wants to think when you can just act?

Aries: I hate it when people take forever to make decisions too. They need to HURRY UP and choose. It's not that hard.

Leo: All correct. I jump straight to it. Except out of all the fire signs, I'm the least likely to be impulsive

Capricorn: Taurus, Virgo and I make our decisions very carefully. Especially me. I take a really really long time to think about something and make sure it's the best decision. 

Virgo: I'm sort of a perfectionist and I want my decisions to be perfect. I'm kind of picky as well. So I'll choose well for what suits me.

Pisces: I'd probably need a little assistance to decide things like Libra. Because sometimes I'm not a hundred percent clear on what I want and I try to see things from different point of views. I'm pretty open to new ideas though. And I'd like to follow my intuition.

Cancer: I'm even more open to new ideas. I can choose anything without having to sit and think about it, and I follow my good intuition and feelings about each decision. 

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