Taurus and Pisces's Carnival (B)

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~This chapter was requested by @CathyFirefly26 ages ago. Like two weeks ago. Sorry it took so long! I didn't forget! Enjoy :)~

Taurus sat on the couch, relaxing. He loved to rest and to stay calm. He didn't take life very seriously unlike Capricorn or other people. When he was just relaxing, Pisces came up to him.

"Taurus guess what! There's a carnival opening up this afternoon and it's HUGE! I'm looking for someone to go with," she said. "Okay," Taurus replied.

Pisces sat on the couch next to him. "Yeah. Let me repeat what I said. I'm look for someone to go with," she repeated. "That's great, Pisces. Good luck on your search," Taurus told her. Pisces grabbed his hand. "What about you? Can you come with me?" she asked. "Well..." Taurus started. "Please? Please please please please please?" Pisces begged. "Okay fine," Taurus replied, getting up.

Taurus drove Pisces to the carnival and looked around. "Woah... it's so big," he gasped. "Where do you want to go first?" Pisces asked him. "I don't know. Anywhere," he replied. "Are you sure you don't mind going anywhere?" she asked. "Nope, I don't mind where we go," he answered. "Great. Then let's go to the merry-go-round," Pisces decided, clapping her hands excitedly. "What- what? No no no not the merry-go-round," Taurus groaned.

"I was joking. How about the roller coaster?" she suggested. "Sure," he replied with relief. The two of them saw a long and fast roller coaster in the distance and walked towards it. When they got on, Pisces started worrying about the speed. But Taurus was calm as usually, and slightly worried if his breakfast this morning will come back out during this ride.

After a whole fast, long journey of the roller coaster ride, Pisces and Taurus got off. Their feet were wobbling and they felt dizzy. So they both sat down near by. Once they were back to normal, they decided to get popcorn. After walking around eating that, they decided to ride the scariest ride: The haunted tunnel.

"I'm warning you about my screaming I usually do in places like these," Pisces told Taurus. "I'm sure you'll be fine," he replied. They both got onto a small boat shaped trolley on wheels which automatically pulled them through the tunnel. It got darker and spookier. A skeleton popped out in front of them. "AGHH!" Pisces screamed. Then she gasped and stopped. Taurus giggled a little. Ghost sounds were echoing through the tunnel. "So fake," Taurus mumbled. The air got colder and it was pitch black. "I'm so cold," Pisces said quietly. Taurus pulled her closer to him to keep her warm. He thought it was quite nice.

Soon after the tunnel, both of them went into a water slide. They didn't get wet. It was just a long, steep slide with water underneath the plastic they were sliding on. After that, the two of them walked around. A clown came up to them. "Oh hello people! Want me to show you a trick?" he asked. Pisces and Taurus nodded. "Okay!" he replied. The clown started juggling three balls, but kept dropping them. He tried again, but that didn't work either. "Booooo! You're terrible," Taurus booed. He walked off. "Okay fine, here's a joke. What is the biggest? An elephant, a whale or an ant?" the clown asked. "Uh, the whale?" Pisces answered. "Wrong! The answer is the ant because the ant's name was Mr Biggest! Hahahahaha!" the clown laughed. "Yeah... no. That was terrible," Pisces said. She left him and followed Taurus.

Both of them went to the game where you throw a ball into a plastic clown head's mouth. Pisces tried many times, but it never got in. "I want that teddy bear though!" Pisces told Taurus, pointing to a huge golden bear. "Hmm... I'll try to get it for you," he told her. He tried the first couple of times, but couldn't get the ball in. He spent more and more money on it. "Taurus, you don't have to," Pisces told him. "Nah, I'm going to get that bear for you," he replied. Pisces smiled. Taurus spent a little more money until he finally got a ball in. "YESSS!" he shouted out. He received the bear and gave it to Pisces. "Aw thanks Taurus. That was so sweet of you," she told him. Taurus smiled shyly. "It was no problem," he told her.

The lady at that counter looked at both of them. "You guys are a cute couple," she said. "Oh we're not a couple. We're just friends," Pisces informed her. "Oh. Sorry. You guys should totally date though," the lady replied with a smile.

The pair of them awkwardly smiled at the lady and left. They walked around together until they entered a tent. Inside, a magic show was going on. Taurus and Pisces quickly bought a ticket for that and went inside. They sat on the seats, watching the show which has been going.

The magician's name was Bert. He didn't do ordinary tricks that you would see in most magic shows. He didn't pull rabbits out of hats or make anyone disappear. Instead, he pulled rabbits out of the audience's hair, under random seats and made people's tongues turn green. After a while he asked Taurus to step up on stage. "Um me? I-I don't think so..." Taurus hesitated. Pisces looked at him. "Please? He's not going to do anything that would hurt you," she pleaded. Taurus fell for her innocent eyes and pleading smile. "Fine," he sighed. Even though Taurus was usually very stubborn, he decided to give something new a try.

He got up on stage and stood near the Bert as everyone applauded him. "What's your name?" Bert asked him. "Taurus," Taurus replied. "Taurus! Wonderful. Put your hand out for me," he asked. Taurus put out his hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see Taurus has five fingers on his hand. Now Taurus, put your hand into this magic box," Bert announced. Taurus was hesitant, but he did it anyway. While his hand was in the sparkly purple box, Bert pulled out his magic wand. He tapped on the box twice. "Pick a number. Four or six?" Bert asked Taurus. "Um Six," Taurus replied. "Okay now pull out your hand," Bert instructed. Taurus pulled his hand out from the box. He gasped. So did the audience. Taurus has six finders on his hand now! The audience applauded in great shock. Taurus put his hand in the box again and Bert turned his hand back to five fingers again. "Thank you Taurus," Bert thanked. He shook his hand and let him go back to his seat.

"That was awesome!" Pisces exclaimed when he sat back down. "Yeah I have no idea how that happened," Taurus breathed.

After the magic show had ended, they both walked out of the tent. For some reason there was a spaghetti stall. Pisces ordered them both a plate of spaghetti to share. She took one end of the spaghetti string and slurped it up. Taurus did that to the other end of the string. They both slurped up the string and they got closer. Taurus rolled his eyes at how cheesy the situation was. Then Pisces ate her spaghetti while Taurus still had one in his mouth. He then realized that they were chewing on different spaghetti strings. Oh.

After that, they both realized it was time for the sun to set. Perfect timing for them to ride on the Ferris Wheel together. They both got onto a Ferris Wheel carriage and let it ride them away as it became evening.

Pisces and Taurus sat next to each other, incredibly tired. Pisces slowly fell a sleep. Taurus just realized that she was asleep and looked at her. Cute. He places a small kiss on her lips and looked at her again.

"Hey I'm awake you know," a voice said. Taurus jumped. Pisces opened her eyes and smiled at him. Taurus turned red in embarrassment. Pisces noticed that. "No but it's okay," she said. "Sorry," he apologised. "No need to be. I should be sorry because that was a non-mutual kiss. Let's make it more mutual," Pisces replied. Taurus stared at her in confusion. Pisces lent in a bit more and kissed Taurus's lips.

Taurus's eyes stayed open and he was just staring at her in surprise. Whatever, he thought. He closed his eyes and kissed her back. They stayed there for a while as the Ferris Wheel kept turning. Then they pulled back. "That was nice," she softly said. "Mm hmm," he replied. He turned his head towards the glass windows and slowly smiled to himself.

After the Ferris Wheel, they got off and decided to walk back to Taurus' car to go home. It was silent. They finally got into the car. "I'll drop you home," Taurus told Pisces. "Thanks," she replied. He drove her home. Before Pisces opened the car door to walk home, Taurus stopped her. "Wait," he said. Pisces turned back to him. "What?" she replied. Taurus smiled at her. He leaned over to her and kissed her. A bit more passionately than before. Then they let go.

"Okay," was all she said. She smiled and got out of the car. She closed the door behind him and unlocked her house door. Taurus made sure she entered home safely. Pisces smiled and waved a little to him and closed her house door. Taurus madly smiled to himself and thought about what happened earlier. He drove home too.

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