How to get annoyed

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Interviewer: Hi hi hi. I'm back. And this time I'm going to ask the zodiac signs how they get angry or annoyed. So guys, what really annoys you? What do you really hate?

Aries: Oh gosh I HATE IT when someone tries to control me. I am in charge of myself thank you very much. I also don't like it when people try to be better than me. Excuse you, but I seriously want to be number one okay? Also, the slow people. *looks at Taurus* I'm not going to wait all day for you. I don't like waiting for things. I also get really annoyed of people who are negative. Like, all they do is complain and whine about everything. Seriously stop it. Don't be bossy either. And I also don't like boring people. Be fun for once. And those people who play mind games? Why can't they just be straightforward or direct and honest?

Taurus: You know what I really hate? When people tell me to HURRY UP. Seriously? I wish people would just let me take all the time I want. *looks at Aries* I hate it when people try to rush me or make me do things quicker. Because I won't. I'll take my own time. And I don't like it when there are sudden changes. I want to be aware of everything going on. Last minute changes are the worst. Don't tell me we're moving to Italy tomorrow. You should have told me way earlier. It annoys me when I'm uncomfortable. I want to feel comfortable. I also don't like it when people waste things - especially expensive stuff. It's a waste of money or valuables. Don't do that. And I don't like it when people tell me what to do as well. I am my own person, I do what I want.

Gemini: I get pretty annoyed when people tell me that I need to shut up or that I'm not smart. I actually am, okay? I could be one of the most intellectual person you have ever met, and here you are telling me that I don't know anything. And don't tell me to be quiet either. At least I'm social and can communicate. And also I'm not annoying. Lack of communication is bad. Or when people don't have an open mind *looks and Virgo* they annoy me too. And maybe for once there should be some more changes instead of boring routines that happen every day. I don't like normal, boring routines or people. Be fun! Don't be dull. And it's annoying when people talk for too long... give me a chance to tell you stuff as well. I also hate conditions and limitations. I would like to be free to do whatever I want without all these barriers. Ugh. And I'm curious one, so don't be secretive either.

Cancer: Don't ever hurt my family, friends, or someone I love. Because then I will wreck you. So don't under estimate me either. I don't like it when people say I'm 'too emotional' and look at me like I'm weak. Because if you hurt someone who means a lot to me, I'm become 100x stronger than you think (mwa hahaha). And I hate it when people take my trust and loose it. Like come on, don't take advantage of me. You wouldn't want me to do that for you. It's horrible when I feel forgotten or unwanted. Or when people are ungrateful. I also don't like haste decisions. If you are impulsive and rush into things - can you not? And don't ever trash my home. Or your home. It's your home, treat it like it's your home. The giant trash can is outside if you need it.

Leo: I get really annoyed when people avoid me, ignore me, or make me feel unwanted. I exist. Please make me feel like I do. And don't hate me, I don't want haters. Just like Cancer, I also hate it when people take my trust and misuse it. Sure, I trust people too easily as well. But don't take advantage of it either. I don't like it when people say mean stuff about myself, it hurts my delicate ego :/ It might not be so obvious, but I'm sensitive at times. It's annoying when people don't let me show my talents and abilities. I find those people with no sense of humour quite annoying too. Don't be that person who spoils the joke for everyone by your lack of humour. Selfish people annoy me. I'm generous, you should be like that too.

Virgo: I get so so so annoyed when people just take my stuff and loose, misplace or ruin it. Don't take my stuff and re-organise it. I never asked you to. I hate it when people just misplace my things, and you all wonder why I can't trust many people with my stuff. And don't mess my organised things up. I don't want chaos. I get annoyed when things aren't accurate. For example - stuff on the internet. At least I can tell when things are fake ahahaha... too much curiosity is pretty damn bad too. It's annoying when people ask a billion questions in five seconds. Relax people. And I don't like indisciplined, unhygienic, unclean people. Please do NOT embarrass me. I don't want to be the centre of attention, thank you for not asking -.- Sure, maybe I'm good at some things and bad at  other things, but please don't tell the whole world that. I don't want much attention okay? Okay. Leave me to my life. 

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