Author's Note

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Thank you so much  for reading this🎉 (You will see me say this a lot throughout the story:)

Author's Note:  Alright this won't take long just a few things I want to say.

First, this is my first story so cut me some slack, I'm still kinda new to this so it won't be perfect

Second: Give my story a chance, I will try to publish as much and as soon as possible and I will try to make a decent story worthy of your time

Third: I have no idea how the tags work lol, so don't pay attention to those, I will probably add more familiar faces to the story as it continues so stay tuned and 

Fourth: I know I already said this but thank you for reading this it means a lot that you are giving me a chance 

Fifth: I'm open to suggestions, but please no swearing, I'd like to keep this kid friendly

Sixth: Enjoy Rise of a Legend!

Jeffrey's age: From Chapters 1-21: 14 years old, Chapters 22-26: 15 years old, Chapters 27-The End: 16 years old.

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