Chapter 19

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"You're the fourth Inquisitor we've seen. How many are there?" Kanan interrogated.

"More than enough for the three of you. Nothing can save you." The Inquisitor replied.

"Why are you on Malachor?" Kanan continued.

"Hunting." The  Inquisitor answered.

Kanan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ahsoka. "But you were not expecting us. Who are you after?" Ahsoka asked.

The Inquisitor chuckled, "A shadow." He said.

All of a sudden the ground began to shake and the Sith Temple lit up.

While Kanan and Ahsoka were distracted, Jeffrey saw the Inquisitor push a button on his wrist. But before he could say anything he got interrupted.

"We need to find Ezra." Ahsoka said.

"Hey, I saw him push something on his wrist." Jeffrey said but was ignored.

"C'mon, let's go for a walk." Ahsoka told the Inquisitor as they started running to the Temple.

"Why do I know Ezra is involved in this somehow." Kanan said as they stopped in front of a closed door.

"He's inside, I know it. But there's no way he lifted that door." Kanan thought out loud.

"Not without help." Ahsoka offered.

The Inquisitor started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Kanan demanded.

"I knew it!" Jeffrey called out. "Alright buddy, who did you call?" Jeffrey questioned.

All of a sudden Kanan's com beeped. "What is it Chopper?" Kanan asked annoyed. Chopper beeped through the com. "What do you mean we have company?" Kanan asked, now slightly worried.

The Inquisitor laughed a little louder. 

"What are you laughing at?" Kanan demanded again. 

"He contacted someone. I saw him do it." Jeffrey explained.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ahsoka asked.

"I tried!" Jeffrey defensively exclaimed.

The whirring sound of lightsabers could be heard as two sets of red double blades came into view. Jeffrey, Kanan, and Ahsoka all pulled out their sabers. The Fifth Brother  landed while the Seventh Sister flew over to the other Inquisitor.

Author note: In case you don't know, the Inquisitor that makes an appearance in these two episodes is actually the Eighth Brother so that is what I will be referring to him as from now on.

Kanan and Ahsoka immediately engaged the Fifth Brother as the Seventh Sister set the  Eighth Brother free. Eighth Brother then used the Force to summon his blade off of Kanan's waist. 

"Oh no you don't." Jeffrey said as soon he saw the Seventh Sister ready to help the Fifth Brother. He used the Force to push her back.

She let out a grunt of annoyance. "Who are you, the Masked Menace?" She sneered.

"Big talk coming from one who wears her helmet all the time." Jeffrey shot back.

"I don't have time for children like you, step out of the way before I make you." She said.

"Go ahead and try." Jeffrey brought his red saber out. 

She rushed at him and started a flurry of attacks. Jeffrey parried them all before coming to a saber lock with her. 

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