Chapter 35

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The Mandalorian trials have begun at last! These trials are completely original (meaning I did no research for them) and they are just some ideas I came up with. So sit back, relax, pop the popcorn, and enjoy the next chapter!

Early the next morning, Kanan and Ezra decided it was time to leave. Everyone at dinner the previous night walked with them to the Phantom.

"The Empire will come for you after they've heard about what has happened. The Rebellion can help." Kanan offered.

"The same Rebellion that sent you seeking my help? No, Mandalore must rise on it's own. We protect our own." The Countess declined.

"So do we. Come on Sabine." Kanan replied respectfully and called Sabine over.

Sabine took a step forward before stopping. "She's right." 

Ezra and Kanan looked at her surprised. "Wait your not coming with us?" Ezra asked and Chopper beeped in confusion.

"I'm done running away. My father is on Mandalore. We'll find a way to bring him back. Then... then maybe we can join the fight against the Empire. But right now, I can do more good here." Sabine answered.

Kanan and Ezra just stared at her for a moment before Kanan spoke up. "I am so-"

"Please do not say your proud of me." Sabine interrupted.

"Me? Never. But I am going to miss you." Kanan smirked as Sabine hugged him.

"We all will." Ezra smiled.

"Yeah, some more then others." Jeffrey grinned maliciously as he let out that comment.

Everyone turned to look at him except Ezra who looked everywhere but at Jeffrey. 

"What? I speak what I observe." Jeffrey's grin grew wider as he looked at Ezra's face which was turning into every shade of red.

Everyone chuckled and shook their heads at Jeffrey's antics. Kanan walked over to Jeffrey. 

"Guess we won't be seeing you for a while." He said.

"No I guess not." Jeffrey said.

"We're going to miss you too." Kanan said. "Although the decrease in pranks might not be missed." He added and everyone laughed at that.

Jeffrey headed over to Ezra who had recovered from his temporary state of shock and embarrassment. Jeffrey and Ezra both started to say something and then stopped. They just looked at each other without a word before giving each other a handshake. Right before they pulled away, Ezra pulled Jeffrey into a hug. 

"Thanks for being my best friend. Through thick and thin you've always hung around." Ezra said while Jeffrey smiled.

"I was about to say the same thing." Jeffrey said. 

"Friends till the end?" Ezra asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Jeffrey said as they did one final handshake to solidify it and Ezra joined Kanan and Chopper on the Phantom. 

Jeffrey, Sabine, Rau, and the Countess watched as the Phantom lifted off and blasted out of sight.

"So about that trial..." Jeffrey started but stopped when he realized that nobody was there.

He instantly sensed 4 Mandalorians suddenly closing in on him. On instinct Jeffrey reached for his lightsabers but was less then pleased to find that they were not there.

"Looks like I'll have to improvise." Jeffrey muttered as he summoned the Force and knocked one of the Mandalorians off their feet. After seeing this the other three charged from different angles. 

Jeffrey ducked underneath two of the spears while twisting to avoid the other one. He immediately started backing away as they regrouped and began splitting up. Jeffrey soon noticed that the one who had been thrown off his feet at the start had recovered and rejoined the fight.

Jeffrey summoned some Force lightning and attempted to blast one the guards with it but much to his dismay had very little effect. "Lightning-proof armor? Man you guys thought of everything!" Jeffrey exclaimed as his back hit one of the walls of the stronghold. 

The soldiers charged once more and Jeffrey used the wall to his advantage by jumping over the guards and ramming one of them into it, effectively knocking them out. Jeffrey grabbed the Mandalorian's spear and used it to block a sudden attack made by another guard. Jeffrey pushed him back and watched as the three remaining soldiers signaled to each other and started getting into a strong offensive position.

They hurled themselves at Jeffrey as one and Jeffrey soon found himself struggling to block all their fierce attacks while learning how to wield a spear on the fly. He was quickly disarmed and nearly pinned but Jeffrey managed to roll away and grab his spear from off the ground.

"How am I going to beat these guys if they are already better warriors then I am? I can't even use my lightning! But.... there is a possibility that their gloves aren't lightning-proof. Maybe I could use my lightning to electrify my spear and when I lock spears with them they get electrocuted through their hand.!" Jeffrey allowed a small smile to light his features for a second before electrifying his spear.

In a second the Mandalorians were fighting him again and whenever the spears clashed, a bright flash followed. Jeffrey managed to barely dodge a lunge and ducked underneath another strike before jumping a second later to avoid a low slash. Jeffrey then Force pushed one away and raised the odds temporarily to a 2vs1. 

"Looks like you two are the lucky ones." Jeffrey commented but received no response. "Ok I guess we keep it serious then." Jeffrey said and this time ran at them.

Jeffrey kicked one of them in the face and pushed his spear into the other's before, just as he hoped, heard a cry of agony and the guard dropped his spear and stopped moving. Jeffrey threw it behind him and reached up to block a strike from the other Mandalorian but the one he had pushed a minute earlier hit him from behind and knocked Jeffrey to the ground.

Jeffrey groaned in pain and at the same time felt the pain from his hand of wielding an electrified weapon without any protection except some gloves. He had built up a strong tolerance to lightning after his encounter with his "evil twin" back at the Jedi temple on Lothal but still felt some pain. He sensed the two remaining Mandalorians advance on him and before he could react, felt the tip of a spear push lightly into his neck. It wasn't enough to draw blood but it still hurt badly.

"Yield!" Came the gruff voice of one of the Mandalorians.

Jeffrey clenched his teeth and shook his head before the spear pushed in a little deeper and the pain intensified. 

"I said yield!" The Mandalorian shouted.

Jeffrey closed his eyes and gathered all his remaining strength into a massive Force push.

"And I said NO!" Jeffrey shouted back and unleashed the push sending the Mandalorian previously holding him in a submitting position flying.

Jeffrey weakly turned to the final Mandalorian who just stared at him impassively for a minute before thrusting his spear into the ground. 

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