Chapter 4

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Author's Note: This takes place when Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, Chopper, Ahsoka, and Jeffrey meet back with the resistance.

As they landed on the planet Garel, Jeffrey rubbed his palms together. He began taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" Ahsoka asked.

"Me? Yeah, of course I mean why wouldn't I be?" Jeffrey answered.

"So should I go first or should you go first? Or maybe I should just wait in the ship...." Jeffrey trailed as Ahsoka just smiled.

"Relax, everyone here is very kind, I'll introduce you to the Commander." Ahsoka said while Jeffrey continued to rub his hands.

"Yeah okay, I guess your right."

"Trust me, you'll love it here, I'll introduce you to the rest of the Ghost crew." Ezra said, joining the conversation. 

"Thanks, I'd like that." Jeffrey said.

"No problem, and I bet I could give you a tour of the base as well. Maybe grab a bite to eat, because I'm starving." 

"That would be nice," Jeffrey grinned as they went down the ladder leading to the Ghost and then walked out of the Ghost.

"So how did it go?," a certain Twi'lek asked as Kanan walked out, with everyone following from behind.

"Well we ran into a couple of Inquisitors, saved some younglings, and brought back a new recruit." Kanan said.

"Sounds like it went great then." The Twi'lek smiled as she began walking with them to the base.

"Who is that?" Jeffrey whispered to Ezra.

"That's Hera, pilot of the Ghost..... that ship we just walked out of." Ezra finished after seeing Jeffrey's confused face."

"Got it." Jeffrey responded.

As they walked into the command center, Commander Sato greeted them.

"Welcome back, how did your mission go?" He asked.

"It went fine Commander," Kanan said.

"We picked up a new recruit along the way as well." Ahsoka gestured to Jeffrey standing a little behind her.

Commander Sato directed his attention over to Jeffrey. "Tell me, what is your name?" The Commander asked as Jeffrey took a step forward."

"Jeffrey, it's nice to meet you Commander." Jeffrey responded.

"It is nice to meet you as well," the Commander looked at Ezra, "Why don't you show Jeffrey around the base?"

"Alright," Ezra said as he led Jeffrey out of the room.

The Commander looked to Kanan and Ahsoka with a serious face after Ezra and Jeffrey had left. "I do not think that bringing more teenagers into this war is a valid new recruit." The Commander sternly said.

"I understand, but he was being hunted by the Empire and he needed somewhere to go." Ahsoka said while the Commander shook his head and turned around.

Seeing that the Commander needed more evidence that he could be of use to them, she then said, "Also...... he is very strong with the Force."

At that the Commander turned back to Ahsoka while she continued, "I think that with some training he could be a very valuable asset to the Resistance."

"Yes but who would train him?" The Commander said as he crossed his arms.

"Not me, I can barely train Ezra." Kanan joined the conversation.

"I will." Ahsoka said.

The Commander sighed, "Do you think it's really worth all that time?"

"Absolutely." Ahsoka firmly answered.

The Commander turned to Hera who hadn't said anything during the conversation. "Captain Syndulla, what do you think of this?"

Hera thought about it for a minute, "I think that if Ahsoka," she glanced over to Kanan who nodded his head, "and Kanan think it is a good idea then I agree."

"Then it is decided, you will train the boy and he will learn how to use his abilities." The Commander said

"You are all dismissed." He finished before turning back to his work.

Meanwhile, in a different part of the base.....

"I feel so much better after eating, how about you?" Ezra asked his new friend.

"Same, I haven't eaten that much in a long time." Jeffrey answered, licking his lips.

"Well that's about the entire base, but I could show you the Ghost while we are out and about." Ezra offered.

"Sure, let's go."

"There's the cockpit, and most of those ladders either lead to the guns or that one leads to Phantom." Ezra pointed to one ladder in the Ghost

"Over here is Kanan's room, My room that I share with Zeb, and that's Sabine's room, Ezra finished as Sabine walked out of her room."

"Who is this?" Sabine asked and nearly groaned at seeing another kid.

Before Jeffrey could answer, Ezra jumped in and answered, "This is my new friend Jeffrey, we saved him from the Inquisitors on Takobo."

Sabine studied Jeffrey for a second, "Welcome to the Resistance, Kid." Sabine finally said before she walked out of the Ghost.

Jeffrey watched Sabine leave before looking back at Ezra who was still watching her, "You like her don't you?"

Ezra jumped, "What? No no no, we are just friends."

"The look on the face don't lie" Jeffrey grinned. 

Ezra scowled, "Come on, we better go meet up with everyone else."

Jeffrey laughed as he followed Ezra back to the base.

Chapter 4 is done! Let me know what you think in the comments below of the story so far. Until then Lunch Kid out.

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