Chapter 3

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Jeffrey and Ahsoka ran into a docking bay where a certain ship was waiting.  

"That's our ship," Ahsoka said as she pointed to the small Rebel ship.

"Please tell me that the whole Resistance fleet is not full of ships like that." Jeffrey groaned at the small size.

Ahsoka just laughed, "That's the auxiliary vessel, the vessel is much bigger."

Jeffrey just stared dumbfounded as he realized how silly it would have been for a Rebellion to have been made of ships that small. It was then that they heard what sounded like a fight.

"It doesn't sound good out there." Jeffrey shivered as he thought of who was most likely outside but then clenched his fists.

"I'm going to go help them." Ahsoka informed Jeffrey as she began walking for the door.

"Whoa, how do you know that's your friends?" Jeffrey questioned.

"I know it's them, I can feel it," Ahsoka said.

"Wait your basing this off of your feelings?"

"I'll explain later, for now all I can tell you is that I know."

"Well I'm going with you."

"No, you're staying here, my friends will take you with them."

"But I want to fight th-," Jeffrey began before Ahsoka cut him off.

"No, they will take you or worse kill you."

Jeffrey sighed as he realized that what Ahsoka said was true.

"What about you, I owe my life to you and I'm not about to leave you with those guys," he said gesturing to the door Ahsoka was walking towards.

"I'll be fine, just wait for my friends and tell them that you're with me."

"I still don't like this but I trust you." Jeffrey said.

Ahsoka gave him a small smile, took a deep breath and opened the door.  Jeffrey then heard her say, "Ezra, get the youngling to the ship."

Jeffrey thought to himself "I bet Ezra is one of her friends. I guess I'll just wait for him to come through that door."

In about thirty seconds, a boy who looked about a year older then him holding a baby, a man, and a huge purple creature came through the door. "Are you guys the Rebels?" Jeffrey tentatively asked.

Immediately the man's lightsaber was pointed at him. "Whoa, please don't kill me Ahsoka said to tell her friends that I'm with her." Jeffrey blurted out in desperation.

The lightsaber then retracted, "A blue one," Jeffrey thought to himself.

"You know Ahsoka?" The boy with the baby asked.

"I mean kinda, but yeah I guess so." Jeffrey said deciding now was not a great time to elaborate.

"Well I guess your with us then, I'm Ezra by the way."

"My name is Jeffrey."

"I'm Kanan."

"And I think that we need to get into the Phantom NOW!" The large purple creature said.

"Zeb's right, we gotta get out of here." Ezra said as he spoke into his com link, "Chop, open the Phantom's door."

They began to run towards the Phantom as the door to it opened. They all ran into the ship as it almost immediately took off right after they were all in the ship.

"I guess it's not such a bad ship after all." Jeffrey grinned to himself.

However he was jostled from his thoughts when the door to the Phantom reopened and Ahsoka jumped in.

"You made it!" Jeffrey cheered as the door closed once more and they took off.

"I told you I'd be fine." Ahsoka smirked.

"Yeah well next time, don't make the plan so risky." Jeffrey countered.

"It wasn't risky, I knew what I was doing the whole time." Ahsoka said.

"Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear the explanation for this." Jeffrey sarcastically said.

"You'll get one, just not now."

"I'm pretty sure that's code for never."

"It isn't." Ahsoka said.

"I bet it is." Jeffrey argued.

"I can tell you that it isn't."

"Boy, you two sure like to argue." Zeb said sounding annoyed.

Everyone on the ship except Zeb laughed at hearing that.

And I'm gonna end it there. Instead of making one extra long chapter I decided to make this one a little shorter.  Hopefully Chapter 3 will be out soon.  Until then I'm The Lunch Kid signing off. Lunch Kid out.

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