Chapter 26

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The long delayed next chapter has now at last finally arrived!  Enjoy! 

"I've got a new calculation for you. What are the chances that your droid army can defeat the Empire?" Ezra asked Kalani.

"My resources are depleted. However the droid army is not currently at war with the galactic Empire." The tactical droid responded.

"You wanna bet?" Zeb sarcastically asked the droid.

"Unit B1268 analyze the threat." Kalani told a droid through his radio.

Jeffrey walked over to Ezra. "It's not going to be easy getting away from here." Jeffrey whispered to him.

"Don't worry, I've got a plan." Ezra whispered back confidently.

As the Empire continued to come closer, Ezra continued to talk to Rex and General Kalani. "I think we face a common enemy now." 

"Now wait  a minute." Rex started before he was cut off by Kanan. "Let him finish captain."

"Clones, battle droids, you destroyed each other and when you were both weak enough, the Empire took over. General, what were you fighting for?"

"According to my programming, freedom from the tyranny of the Republic." Kalani responded.

"Fighting tyranny, sounds like the Empire has always been your enemy." Ezra said.

"You are against the Empire. I am against the Republic. Now the Republic has become the Empire. I accept your logic, we are on the same side." Kalani decided and the droid pointing the blaster at Zeb lowered its weapon.

Rex took off his helmet. "I guess we are." He said.

"However as I stated, my forces are too depleted to launch a successful counter attack." Kalani restated.

"Fighting against the odds? We can help with that." Kanan stepped forward.

"Good, because I have a plan that I think will work." Jeffrey suddenly said.

10 minutes later...

Jeffrey waited from atop the wreckage. He had given the plan and with a few slight adjustments had been carried out quickly. He saw of the AT-ST's go up in flames before he got ready to jump. 

"This has got to be the most stupid thing I have ever attempted in my life. But at least it's for a good reason." Jeffrey thought to himself before leaping off the wreckage and pulling out his lightsabers, landing on top of one of the walkers.

Jeffrey quickly cut a hole in the roof of the walker before jumping inside it. 

"Do you hear something?" One of the stormtroopers piloting the walker asked.

"Nah, that's just your imagination." The other laughed before suddenly hearing something fall down. 

"Uh-oh." The stormtroopers said in unison as soon as they saw Jeffrey's blade.

"Guys I've successfully taken one of the walkers." Jeffrey informed everyone through his com.

"Great job! Head to the hangar bay, we're blasting out of here." Ezra exclaimed.

Jeffrey didn't waste a moment and burst through the window in front of him and used the Force to land safely. He ran through the battlefield only taking time to slash a stormtrooper in his way. He made it to the shuttle just before it was going to lift off.

"Come on kid!" Zeb bellowed.

Jeffrey jumped into the ship and they lifted off. 

"Veer the shuttle to the right. To the right!" Rex yelled at the ship in front of them just before it was blasted. The next shuttle hit the walker that was in the way and blew up upon impact with the ground. Rex white-knuckled the controls of the ship to the right before they cleared the hangar. Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"We made it! General do you read us? Ezra celebrated as Kalani appeared in a hologram. 

"Affirmative. We have survived the battle. It was not a victory but a successful strategy nonetheless." Kalani answered.

"No, it was a victory. We all just won the Clone War. And you ended it Ezra. A galaxy full of senators couldn't do that. An army full of Jedi, Clones, and battle droids couldn't find the middle ground that you did." Rex replied putting his hand on Ezra's shoulder.

"Rex all I did was point out that none of you were meant to win. You couldn't." Ezra said.

"And we needed to hear it." Rex responded.

"Agreed. I am satisfied if you are captain." Kalani said.

"I am." Rex answered.

"Very good. Now based upon this battle I calculate that you have less then a 1% chance of staging a successful rebellion against the Empire. So this is where we must part ways." Kalani concluded.

"Roger, Roger." Ezra saluted him as Kalani's hologram deactivated. "I can't imagine fighting that many droids all the time." Ezra said.

"Well if you thought that was bad, let me tell you about the battle of Geonosis." Rex elbowed Ezra lightly.

The Rebels shuttle continued to fly towards where the Ghost was hovering. "Ghost to specter 1 are you there?" Hera asked through Kanan's comlink.

"Hera! I was just about to call you. How was your day?" Kanan asked.

"We're tracking 2 shuttles leaving the system. Is everything alright? Did you have trouble securing the bombs?" She inquired.

"Well the bad news is we didn't get the bombs but the good news is that we don't need a pickup because we got a new Phantom. Tell Sabine it's gonna need a paint job." Kanan replied right before they jumped to light speed with the Ghost.

And that concludes this mini arc in Rise of a Legend. Let me know what you thought of it in the comments. Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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