Chapter 1

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This is an edit that I am making right after publishing Chapter 18, I would like to give confirmation that I believe that my writing has improved and the story DOES get better!

It was another normal day on the planet Takobo, at least as normal as it could be for a certain 14 year old boy.  He had always known he was different in one way or another.  He didn't have many friends because they all thought he was weird when he would try to explain to them the odd things he could do. He actually didn't have any friends at all anymore.

He loved to go out and explore his city often and attempting to sneak into the Empire's bases was his favorite pass time. He was hanging in his room getting ready to go out and explore when all of a sudden he heard a pounding on the door to his home coming from beneath him. He heard his parents answer the door and then he heard a few muffled voices.  Then came a sort of coldness to him and he immediately knew something was wrong.

"Jeffrey!" His father called.

Jeffrey immediately bolted for the door as the bad feeling coursing through him grew stronger.  He raced down the stairs to find a stone faced man holding his mother captive with a crimson blade to her neck.  He looked over and saw his father despairingly looking at a woman in a helmet who was brandishing a similar blade.

"Is he the one?" The stone faced man asked the woman.

She lifted the visor of her helmet revealing her face, "Yes he is, bigger then I expected but it's him"

"Tell me," she said moving closer to Jeffrey, "How old are you?"

Jeffrey looked at her unwaveringly and just stared.  "I asked you a question boy."

Jeffrey continued to defiantly stare.  "Answer her or your mother dies!" The man roared and brought his blade closer to his mother's neck.

Jeffrey's eyes widened as his father nearly collapsed at hearing that.  "Alright, I'm 14." 

The woman smirked as she said "It would appear that some of these children are older then others" 

The man then said, "Enough talk, let's finish our business and leave"  He then retracted his saber but then reignited it through Jeffrey's mother.

Before anyone could react the woman jumped and slashed Jeffrey's father, killing him as well.

Jeffrey watched too shocked to say anything.  "There, now your parents are dead," the woman paused, "You have nowhere to go, but you can come with us and we will take you somewhere safe"

Jeffrey angrily looked at the two "Like I would go with people who just killed my parents and I have no idea even what their names are."

"My apologies, you may call me, the Seventh Sister."

Jeffrey still glared at them "Well I know who you are," he said turning to the man, "Fifth Brother."

The Inquisitors looked at him in surprise.  "Your not guarding your mind" he revealed with attitude. "She is." He said nodding to the Seventh Sister.  Seventh Sister looked at Fifth Brother while he scowled and put his mental shields up.

"I will not go with you", Jeffrey defiantly declared, "I'd rather live on the streets."

"We weren't asking," Fifth Brother said and then used his hand to levitate Jeffrey.

"What is this?" Jeffrey asked as he was lifted off the ground against his will.

"I will take him to my ship, you go find the other one." The Fifth Brother directed.

Seventh Sister nodded and was about to leave when all of a sudden a voice was heard behind them.

"That won't be necessary, I'll take the boy off your hands."  The voice said smoothly.

The Inquisitors then turned around and looked at the source of the voice who was walking confidently toward them. "Look who it is" the Seventh Sister said as she ignited her both of her blades."

Jeffrey got a weird feeling going through him again as he looked at his possible rescuer. He was sensing one name particularly although he knew he wasn't reading any minds this time and he didn't recognize it either. 

He then thought to himself, "Who is Ahsoka Tano?"

And done! Chapter 1 is complete.  Tell me what you think in the comments below, constructive criticism is appreciated.  This is a shorter chapter, I most likely will make them longer and better as the story continues.  Also one thing to clarify, When my "mysterious voice" (or not so mysterious lol) is heard from behind the Inquisitors, they were still looking at Jeffrey so the door to Jeffrey's house was behind them. The owner of the voice did NOT jump through the window.😂

The Voice will be revealed next chapter if you haven't guessed who it is already.

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