Chapter 24

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Note: This chapter and the last are taking place right before episode 6 (The last Battle)of season 3. I forgot to mention it in the last chapter XD.

"Are you sure that there isn't going to be any stormtroopers here?" Jeffrey asked with uncertainty.

"Positive. This planet has been pretty much abandoned since the Clone Wars." Rex answered positively.

Only half the crew jumped out after the Ghost landed on Agamar.

"You're sure you'll be fine?" Hera questioned.

"I'm sure everything will go horribly wrong." Kanan said.

"We'll be fine. We have a Clone Wars veteran with us." Ezra reassured her.

"Ready Captain?" Kanan asked.

"Yes sir, General, Kanan." Rex corrected himself as he put his helmet on.

The Ghost flew away and Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, Jeffrey, and Chopper all walked towards the old Republic station.

Rex started to talk to them but Jeffrey spaced him out and took in his surroundings. "I can't believe that I have been meditating for 8 months. 8! This is the first time I've been on another planet aside from Atollon since...." Jeffrey shook his head and pulled himself out of his thoughts as they stopped walking.

"Hold up. Let me recon first." Rex said and ran ahead of the group.

Rex ran ahead and then a few seconds later motioned for them to follow him. "We hit paydirt. The ammunition depot is fully loaded. We'll have more proton bombs then we can carry." Rex informed them.

"Good job Rex." Kanan said.

"Way to go Captain." Ezra encouraged as they ran towards the supplies.

Ezra started to walk ahead of the group before Rex warned him. "Be careful Kid, the droids used to protect their armies with ray shields."

"What's a ray shield?" Ezra asked as a ray shield suddenly activated around all of them.

"This is a ray shield." Rex said.

Separatist battle droids marched into view. "Woah, are these battle droids? I though they were all shut down?" Ezra asked, shocked.

"Well these weren't." Zeb grumbled as he got his weapon out.

"You have been captured by the Separatist alliance." One of the droids said.

"Separatists?" Zeb said confused.

"Prepare to blast the Republic invaders." The droid said as they aimed their guns.

"Republic invaders?" Kanan said confused as well.

"Delay that order!" The droid said as he talked with someone. "Uh-huh, Uh-huh, roger roger." Th droid finished his conversation.

"Wait Who is Roger?" Ezra asked.

"We have new orders. Incapacitate and capture. Activating stunner." The droid pulled out a device and hit a button stunning the Rebels immediately.

Jeffrey slowly came back to consciousness. He heard Rex mumble something and Kanan trying to get his attention.

"Cody!" Rex said and then saw that is was Kanan.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else." Rex apologized.

"I need you here buddy, we're in the usual mess. I think that's a super tactical droid." Kanan nodded to the droid in front of them who appeared to be in charge.

Rex sighed. "It is."

"Is that bad?" Ezra inquired.

"Really bad. That droid is super intelligent." Rex said.

"Near the end of the war Separatist droids outnumbered Republic units significantly. By my calculations our chance of being defeated was only 23.6%." The droid paced in front of them while holding Rex's helmet.

"After clone order 66 the whole droid army was given a shutdown command. How are you even operating?" Rex demanded.

"The Jedi betrayal ended the war for most of the Galaxy but here on Agamar I believed it to be a Republic trick and prevented the shutdown command." The tactical droid answered.

"Well it doesn't matter how it ended, the war is over. Let us go!" Rex roared.

"Negative Captain, I calculate that this is my only chance to end the war as I planned. With a victory for the Separatist alliance." The droid said.

"What do you want us to do, surrender?" Rex asked sarcastically.

 "On the contrary, I want you to fight. Then I can prove whose tactical strategy was better." The droid informed them.

"Well you can count me out. I'm not playing some stupid war game." Zeb said.

"That is correct Lasat. Your species was not in the Clone War so you will act as the hostage that your allies are trying to rescue. The Jedi rescue is a recurring scenario in the 132 battles I have reviewed." The droid said.

"Yeah we've done it a few times." Ezra said.

The droid turned to face Kanan. "Jedi is this your Padawan?"

"Most of the time." Kanan said.

"Good, a complete set of Republic opponents will make this authentic." The droid confirmed.

"No it won't because we are NOT fighting!" Rex yelled.

"If you will not fight then you will be terminated." The droid presented the alternative option.

"I'll fight your Clone War." Ezra declared.

"What?" Rex was stunned.

"Ezra, no!" Kanan said.

"Don't worry, I've got this." Jeffrey interrupted.

"Here is my deal." Jeffrey told the droid as he broke his handcuffs with the Force and and ignited his Purple lightsaber.

"Let us go now, or I will destroy you and all your droids." Jeffrey twirled his blade and got into a offensive position.

The droid blinked for a few seconds. "I detect a 90% chance that you pose as the largest threat in this group." 

"Good, then you should also know that I won't hesitate to do as I said." Jeffrey responded.

The other battle droids in the room pointed their weapons at Kanan, Rex, Zeb, and Ezra at the raised hand of the tactical droid.

"If you attempt to attack me or any of the droids, I will destroy your friends immediately." The droid threatened.

Jeffrey thought it over for a moment before deactivating his lightsaber. "Guys I think we can win, I mean look at them." Ezra pointed to the battle droids.

Kanan sighed. "Ok, it might be easier to fight then head-on rather then get out of our current dilemma." 

"Fine, fine we'll do it." Rex said.

Ezra redirected his attention the tactical droid. "If we win then Zeb goes free and we get all the proton bombs in the hangar." 

"I accept your terms." The droid said and dropped Rex's helmet at his feet.

Get ready for a battle scene with a Jeffrey that is fully trained by Revan, next chapter! Good luck droids...  Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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