Chapter 13

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I have been away for way too long I know. I sincerely apologize, but I am back for now. We are almost at 700 reads and this is honestly way more then I thought I'd get. Without anymore needless talking from me😁 let's jump back into RoaL.

Jeffrey and Ahsoka came out of hyperspace where they were almost immediately intercepted by  Resistance Pilots. 

"State your business, this is..." One of the pilots began before Commander Sato cut him off.

"Stand down! They are ours." The Commander commanded.😂

Ahsoka landed inside the Capital ship. They were immediately greeted with blasters aimed at Jeffrey.

"Probably should have taken off the armor." Jeffrey sheepishly admitted.

"Ya think?" Ahsoka remarked.

"Let me try to talk to them." Jeffrey confidently walked off the ramp.

"Here we go..." Ahsoka said as she watched him attempt to converse with their allies.

"Hey guys, remember me? I'm Ahsoka Tano's apprentice." Jeffrey communicated.

The Resistance fighters looked at each other shrugging before returning their attention to Jeffrey.

"Oh come on! Do you remember Jeffrey the kid who was recently recruited?"

More shrugs came Jeffrey's way before finally the Commander showed up.

"Stand down I said! They are important to the fight against the Empire." The Commander informed the soldiers.

All of a sudden Jeffrey felt a warning from the Force as 3 rogue blasts aimed for his head were fired. Instinctively Jeffrey reached for a saber from his waist and knocked two of the blasts away before sending the third back at his assailant. Blasters were immediately pointed at him again as he realized what blade he had pulled out.

"I had to grab the red one." Jeffrey inwardly groaned as he thought of the consequences. It can't get worst then this..." Jeffrey thought to himself before the Ghost crew ran into the hangar.

The Ghost crew had just entered the room to a downed soldier, all the remaining soldiers with armed blasters, and a masked figure holding a crimson lightsaber.

"What is going on in here?" Kanan asked.

"Who is that guy?" Ezra said before Ahsoka cut off any other questions.

"Might I suggest that we take this to the command center? I believe that I can get this sorted out WITHOUT any unnecessary violence." Ahsoka said.

The Commander motioned to the soldiers as they retracted their weapons and he beckoned them to follow him.

As soon as they entered the command center Ahsoka began. 

"Commander I apologize, we got stuck up on the planet." 

"No need to apologize, even though we could have used you on Garel."

"What happened there?  Everything  was destroyed." Jeffrey asked.

"The Empire that's what." Sabine jumped in.

"After you guys left, the Empire launched a full scale attack on us. We didn't stand a chance." Sabine informed them.

"How bad were the casualties?" Ahsoka inquired after a moment of silence.

"Thankfully not terrible. Mostly just supplies, a few ships, and a base." Hera said.

Jeffrey and Ashoka breathed a sigh of relief. "But the two of you have a lot of explaining to do." Kanan said, crossing his arms.

"Righhhht, so basically what happened was, me and Ahsoka got there, She made us hike to an ancient battleground, we set up camp there, I meditated, lightning started flashing everywhere, I fell through a hole in the ground and landed in a deep underground cave, I found this armor and these lightsabers that used to be an ancient Jedi/Sith Lord's, I trained in the cave for awhile before I made it out, then we left and went to Garel, couldn't find anyone, we meditated and finally sensed you here, and we traveled to you and now here we are." Jeffrey finished his huge run-on sentence with a deep breath as everyone looked bewildered.

"Could you try that again, a little bit slower this time?" The Commander asked.

"Ok." Jeffrey said and began all over again explaining with a little more clarity.

"Awesome! So your telling me that an ancient Jedi turned  Sith Lord turned Jedi used to wear that armor and wield those lightsabers?" Ezra enthusiastically questioned.

"Pretty much yeah." Jeffrey grinned.

Author note: Ok so I probably should have mentioned this earlier, Jeffrey took the mask off while they were walking to the command center so everyone can see his face clearly. 

"Sweet!" Ezra and Jeffrey slapped hands  while Zeb rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure that's all that happened?" The Commander inquired."

"Positive." Jeffrey and Ahsoka firmly nodded.

"Then you are dismissed. Go get some rest, I'm sure that you're exhausted."

"Thank you Commander." Jeffrey said before exiting the room with Ahsoka.

They walked in silence for awhile before Jeffrey decided to start a conversation.

"That went well." Jeffrey said.

"Yeah only next time make sure to remind me not to let you do the talking." Ahsoka commented.

"Hey!" Jeffrey said while Ahsoka laughed to herself.

Back at the Command Center:

"Are you saying that we have traitors in our ranks?" Kanan almost yelled.

"Possibly, whoever fired those shots was not authorized to do so and with further research I have just received word that this troop has no history of joining the Resistance." The Commander grimly responded.

"Well what are we going to do about it?" Zeb cracked his knuckles.

"Stay vigilant, if anything else like this happens we need to be ready." Hera said.

"Until then we should keep moving forward." Hera continued, "If we are all finished here," She glanced at the Commander, who nodded. "Then we should all get back to work." Hera finished as the Ghost crew left the room.

That will do it for Chapter 13, let me know what you guys think of the story so far. Until next time Lunch Kid out.

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