Chapter 39

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I am so sorry that I made you guys wait this long for an update! Thank you all so much for being patient! Without further ado, enjoy the next part!

3rd Person POV:

In a matter of minutes, Jeffrey had been ushered away from the battlefield and sent back into the stronghold. He was still slightly dazed from his battle but he was still on his feet. 

"Are you guys bringing me back to my room? Because if you are I'm not going. I need answers and I need them now!" Jeffrey demanded.

The guards didn't even look at him as they led him to a new part of the stronghold. It was an underground chamber and the first thing that Jeffrey noticed was that all the clan leaders were waiting for him. 

"How did you guys get down here so fast? It's been like 2 minutes since the battle ended." Jeffrey asked, even more confused than he was a moment ago.

The only reaction he got was from Rau, who offered him another bottle.

Jeffrey looked at him in horror. "Oh no. I ain't drinking from another one of those things. I nearly died from that stuff." 

All the leaders chuckled. "It's the antidote." Rau said.

Jeffrey just looked at it dumbfounded. "It better not be a trick or another secret trial." He said as he stared suspiciously at the contents in the bottle.

"Relax, your trials are over." The Countess replied.

Jeffrey carefully drank from the bottle and instantly felt like he was coming back to life. Everything felt so much more vibrant and he felt strong again. His energy was returning to him as well.

"Wow. I feel so much better!" Jeffrey smiled as the leaders continued to observe him.

"Now, does someone want to explain what exactly happened out there?" Jeffrey questioned.

Nobody said anything for an uncomfortable moment before Rau finally spoke up. "The trial was designed to see how much control you had. You have obviously observed the ways of our culture and knew that we would have killed him in a second had we been in your place. Even when you were pushed and threatened you stuck with your morals and for that reason you have completed your trials. As a proof of this feat, we have summoned the clan leaders here so they could see for themselves."

"Because you have completed these trials we grant you permission to wear the Mandalorian mask as you are now an honorary Mandalorian." The Countess declared as she gave Jeffrey his mask back.

Jeffrey just stared at it awestruck as he looked at each of the leaders who all nodded. 

"Thank you. This is a great honor." Jeffrey genuinely said.

"There is one more thing we must give to you in order to prove that you have been accepted." The Countess said as she gestured to one of the clan leaders who presented an object wrapped in cloth.

Jeffrey carefully accepted it and delicately unwrapped it. Inside was a hilt for a blade. He stared at it shocked.

"This hilt... it looks exactly like the darksaber's and I thought that there was no blade like the darksaber. Furthermore it seems to be made of pure Beskar." Jeffrey noticed completely stunned.

"This hilt was made by my ancestors, who designed it after their ancestor's hilt for his lightsaber." The leader of Clan Vizsla informed Jeffrey.

"You mean Tarre Vizsla? The first and only Mandalorian Jedi?" Jeffrey asked.

"Yes, my ancestors recorded that just before his death Tarre Vizsla demanded that another hilt be made just like the darksaber's. He said that he had a vision that another Jedi would come along one day to attempt the Mandalorian trials. No Jedi has attempted... until now." The leader of Clan Vizsla finished.

"You all believe that I'm that person?" Jeffrey asked respectfully as he looked each leader in the eyes seriously. All of them nodded and met his eyes with confident looks on their faces.

"Than I accept this gift and the title of honorary Mandalorian." Jeffrey said.

"We must go and announce this to all the people of Mandalore now." The Countess said.

They all went back outside and in about an hour, all the people who had watched him fight were present. 

"We are here today to recognize that the Challenger has completed his trials and has achieved the status of honorary Mandalorian." The Countess announced and the people applauded.

"The other clan leaders and I have elected to give him this hilt made of pure Beskar and grant him full permission to wear the Mandalorian mask." The Countess showed the people the hilt and glanced to the other clan leaders.

"Clan Vizsla accepts!"

"Clan Brooke accepts!"

"Clan Elder accepts!"

"Clan Kryze accepts!"

"The Protectors accept!"

"And Clan Wren accepts. It is done." The Countess finished as the crowd cheered.

"Wow what an honor! We should throw you a party or something to celebrate!" Tristan said.

"You don't have to do that." Jeffrey said

"Nonsense! Of course I have to!" Tristan shrugged it off as Jeffrey shook his head and smiled at his thoughtful friend.

Later that night...

Jeffrey walked into his room exhausted. He had been partying most of the night with Tristan and his buddies. Jeffrey looked at his new hilt that had been laying on a dresser in his room. He reached out to grab it and as soon as he did, he was struck with a vision. He saw the future play out of front of him and no sooner than it started, it ended. Jeffrey was left sweating, and his heart was beating wildly.

How did you like the ending to this ark? We are nearing the final ark of this story, I'm thinking we'll go about 10 more chapters. Remember to comment if you have anything to say! Until next time, Lunch Lid out.

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