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Ezra and Ahsoka watched through a portal in the World between Worlds as Jeffrey made his sacrifice. Both of them were teary eyed as their young friend had come full circle in his journey as a Jedi.

"Is there nothing that we can do?" Ezra asked shakily. He had just witnessed Kanan's death a few days earlier, seeing Jeffrey fall only made it worse.

Ahsoka shook her head silently. It hurt to see her apprentice die but perhaps the hardest part was not being able to stop it.

"There could be consequences in the future if we pull Jeffrey out of this moment." Ahsoka paused for a second. "His sacrifice will not be forgotten. You must make sure that it was not all in vain."

Ezra nodded but then stopped as realized something. "Aren't you coming back with me? We really need you right now."

Ahsoka shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I cannot go back with you. Our paths have been set before us but they are going in separate directions. I do hope that one day our paths will collide once more."

Ezra looked as if there was something he wanted to say but he held it back. "I understand. May the Force be with you no matter where you go."

"You as well Ezra."

The two of them sat a moment in silence staring at the portal where they watched the dust settle on the fallen Inquisitorius. 

"Alright now how do we get out of here?" Ezra asked.

"Perhaps I can help with that..." A creepy voice said from somewhere.

Ezra and Ahsoka turned to look at the owner of the voice and were met with the sight of the Emperor himself. He cackled and smiled at them as a cat would to a mouse in a corner.

"Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano mine at last!"


Back on Coruscant

The streets surrounding the destroyed Inquisitorius were completely empty and silent. One could hear a pin drop in the dead silence. Not much was left in the wreckage aside concrete and shrapnel but below several layers of concrete there was a small pocket. The area had already been emptied of all bodies but one remained buried beneath it all. 

If you were near the area where that body rested than one thing would stand out to you. A sound breaking the silence. It was as quiet as could be but it was definitely there. The soft thumping noises of a beating heart were unmistakably coming from underneath all the rubble.

Wow! This has been some journey! I can't believe that I finally finished this story. A huge final thank you to all of you readers, especially the ones that have been following it for awhile!

If you all would like to see a sequel to this fanfic, leave a comment below! I'm absolutely not opposed to making a sequel some point in the future. 

In the meantime, I have been working on my next project: Darkness's Vengeance which is a Legend of Zelda fanfic. If you liked this story and you are a fan of Zelda, then I encourage you to check out Darkness's Vengeance.

Or if you are a Marvel fan, then feel free to check out my One-shot: Shattered Reality.

If you don't like Marvel or Zelda and your just like "Man Lunch Kid, can't you just give me somewhere to go check out another Star Wars fanfic" than I do have a fanfic for you! Check out Youngling Survivor by Bitby Art. It's a similar style story to this one so if you enjoyed Rise of a Legend I would definitely recommend Youngling Survivor.

Alright I think that's all I have to say. One more huge thank you to all my followers that have been with this story since the early days of it!

03/06/23 note: I had to come back here and thank you all again for the amazing support you have given to this story. This has been incredible and I can't thank you all enough! I feel terrible that I haven't been able to give the time I want to its sequel but I hope that you guys will stick with me because I do not plan on giving up! Until next time...Lunch Kid out.

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