Chapter 23

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So I did change the cover again, but I think that this one is really cool! I like it better then the last one. Anyway here is the next Chapter...

Ezra and Kanan reached the hallway that led to Jeffrey's room. 

"It looks like nobody has been down here in months." Ezra commented after seeing cobwebs and dust everywhere.

"You're right. Nobody has been down here since Jeffrey came here after Malachor." Kanan said.

They finally reached Jeffrey's room. "He's definitely in there alright." Ezra shivered at the thought of seeing his almost forgotten friend again after all this time. He had never truly forgotten about him but as the struggle with the Empire grew, Jeffrey continued to get pushed to the back of mind. 

Kanan opened the door and there they saw Jeffrey floating in meditation with a purple holocron. "There is that mysterious holocron." Ezra wondered.

They tried to walk forward but as usual couldn't walk any further as a barrier protected Jeffrey. 

"We are going to have to break through this barrier." Kanan said. "Are you ready?" 

Ezra nodded and at once they began trying to break through to get to Jeffrey. 

Inside Revan's holocron...

Jeffrey did his daily workout routine and then was about to ask Revan for some more lightsaber lessons before he felt a strain on his Force powers. He couldn't see anyone but he could hear them. 

"Jeffrey?" The voices called out questioningly.

"Ezra? Kanan?" Jeffrey called back out.

"Jeffrey! You need to come back." Kanan and Ezra called to him.

"What? Wait a second, how did you even get in here? Or are you even real? Is this an illusion? Oh wait, I know this is a test." Jeffrey laughed. "Ok Revan, I know this is your work." No answer. "You can come out now." Jeffrey tried again.

"This is not an illusion. We are real and need you." Ezra and Kanan called again.

"Why? I did nothing for the Resistance. All I did was fail to protect my Master." Jeffrey let out painfully.

"That's not true. And you are a valuable asset to the Resistance. There are people here that still care about you, you can't just give up." Ezra and Kanan tried again.

"I... I don't know if I can. It's been so long and..." Jeffrey trailed.

"Let go of your guilt. Nobody blames you for what happened on Malachor, not even Rex. You shouldn't either." They continued to try and persuade him.

Jeffrey closed his eyes. He remembered Malachor. He saw himself fighting Vader again and losing terribly. He remembered watching as his Master and Vader stared and each other. He remembered being pushed away from his Master in order to save his life. He remembered feeling her Force signature die. Jeffrey clenched his eyes at that last part. He then let out a pained cry and started to pull himself out of the meditation that he had put himself into all those months ago.

Jeffrey opened his eyes truly for the first time in months as he saw only a bright flash of light for awhile. Ezra and Kanan rushed to his side and steadied him as Jeffrey nearly fell. 

"Kanan? Ezra? Is that really you?" Jeffrey asked.

"It is." Ezra said and Jeffrey smiled.

They sat him down in a chair in his room and there they talked for about an hour about all the events that had transpired in the time that Jeffrey had been gone.

"So Maul lives, Vader is nowhere to be seen. And the Empire has not found our base yet?" Jeffrey recapped.

"In short, yes." Kanan said.

"In that case, I would like to talk with Commander Sato, assuming he is still around." Jeffrey said as he rose to his feet.

"He is in fact. And I'm sure he would pleased to find that you are awake." Ezra said.

"Oh yeah, how long was I meditating for again?" Jeffrey inquired.

"About 8 months." Kanan answered.

"And think that I hate meditation." Jeffrey thought to himself with a chuckle.

He followed Kanan and Ezra outside of his room and they walked to the main command center where the rest of the Ghost crew, Rex, and the Commander were waiting for them.

There was silence for a few seconds before Jeffrey awkwardly broke it. "Hey guys..." Jeffrey rubbed the back of his head.

Hera was the first to speak. "It's good to see you again. It's been way too long." She smiled and Jeffrey smiled back.

"Been kinda quiet around here without you and Ezra stirring up trouble." Sabine said and Jeffrey  laughed.

"Once you have some free time, come find me and we can play a few rounds of holochess."  Zeb cracked his knuckles and Jeffrey grinned.

"It's good to have you back Kid." Rex clapped him on the shoulder and Jeffrey continued to smile.

"We are all grateful that you managed to make it back to us swiftly." The Commander said and Jeffrey nodded.

"If you have time Commander, I would appreciate it if you could give me the latest in what the largest threat we are currently facing is." Jeffrey requested.

"Of course." The Commander replied. "In fact I can tell you now."

I know, really bad way to end a chapter but I don't want to make this chapter too long now. Also a quick update, I just edited chapter 14 ( I think ) in which there was an error in Jeffrey's knowledge. It is now fixed and one more minor thing. While Jeffrey, Kanan, and Ezra were catching up in Jeffrey's room, he told them about his holocron so they now know about it. I know I mentioned it earlier but let me know if like the new cover! As always, until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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