Chapter 40

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I am really excited to post the rest of RoaL now! I have wanted to post these parts for a long time!  Sit back and enjoy the ride because this (should be) the final story arc!

"I need to leave, immediately." Jeffrey walked briskly into the main room the next morning.

"Leave? So soon?" The Countess asked slightly confused.

"Yes, there is an urgent matter that I must deal with." Jeffrey stated. "I know this is a bit much to ask but would it be possible that I borrow a Mandalorian starfighter?"

"That depends on if you tell me what is going on that requires you to leave right away." The Countess cooly replied.

Jeffrey sighed. "I cannot tell you everything but I have seen a vision of the future. Or rather what it could be. It is a dark future and hundreds maybe even thousands of innocent lives could be killed. The only way to stop it is for me to go now."

The Countess seemed a little bit taken aback by his response but quickly recovered. She thought it over for a minute before speaking. "You may take a starfighter. It is your right as you are now an honorary Mandalorian." She smiled slightly on the last part.

"Thank you. You are doing the galaxy a favor." Jeffrey said before he left.

He immediately went to his room and packed his belongings before pulling out Revan's holocron. Jeffrey closed his eyes and opened the holocron.

"Master." He acknowledged Revan's presence.

"It's been a long time. Tell me, what have you been up to of late?" Revan inquired of the young Jedi.

"Where to begin! So much has happened but I cannot tell you right now. I need your wisdom." Jeffrey said.

Revan became serious almost instantly. "You are worried. There is much fear around you." 

"I have seen the future. The emperor plans on releasing his Inquisitors on the galaxy with the intent to destroy. We killed 3 of the Inquisitors on Malachor but I do not know how many are left. I have to find their base and destroy it. It is the only way." Jeffrey shared.

Revan pondered the matter. "Do you believe that your abilities are strong enough to handle a challenge this great?" 

"I do not know. But I have to try. If I die trying than so be it." Jeffrey declared resolutely.

Revan hesitated. "This will be the last time I speak with you in a long while isn't it?" 

Jeffrey slowly nodded. Revan slowly realized what Jeffrey was implying. "You do not plan on coming back." 

"I know not of what will happen but I know that if I survive, I will be a different person than the one that goes in there.

"I will miss you. It has been a long time since I have had a connection to the outside world." Revan said.

"I will miss you too. You have played a major role in my training and my journey in becoming the Jedi that I am today. Thank you, Master." 

Revan smiled and for the first time in thousands of years, felt at peace with himself. Jeffrey closed the holocron and carefully laid it with the rest of his belongings.

In less than an hour, Jeffrey stood outside the ship that he would be taking. The Countess, Tristan, Rau, and Sabine had walked him to the ship as they said their goodbyes.

Jeffrey shook hands with Fenn Rau and the Countess before turning to Tristan and Sabine. 

"Thank you so much for your hospitality. Sabine, if it weren't for you I wouldn't even be here right now and Tristan, you have made me feel like this is my home for the short time that I have stayed here." 

Sabine punched him in the arm. "As annoying as you are, especially with Ezra, I am glad that you came along with me to Mandalore." Jeffrey and Sabine shared a smile before Tristan spoke.

"You'll come back right" He asked.

"Of course I will! We still have a score to settle." Jeffrey smirked but inwardly twinged as he knew that the chances were high that would never return. Tristan shot his own smirk as he thought of their sparring match the previous night. They shook hands and Jeffrey jumped up into the ship.

The four Mandalorians watched as Jeffrey lifted off and flew out of sight.

"Let's put those piloting lessons to good use." Jeffrey said to himself as he set the course for Takobo. He winced inwardly as he thought of his former master. He quickly shook it off and prepared for lightspeed.

It took an entire day to reach Takobo but when he did he set his sights on the largest imperial base on the planet. He docked his ship nearby it and quickly pulled his mask on. He went into stealth mode as he crept towards the base. He found an entrance and used the Force to cause a distraction nearby that caused  the stormtroopers that were in his way to investigate the disturbance.

Jeffrey slipped into the base and quietly snuck around the base just like he used to when he was younger. Thankfully it was just as he remembered it and he soon found the main terminal. Jeffrey calmly entered the room and decimated any stormtroopers that attempted to blast him.

He started looking on the imperial network for the location of the inquisition. The computer whirred for a minute before finally revealing that it happened to be on Coruscant. Jeffrey swiftly left the room and nearly escaped unnoticed but then a group of stormtroopers attacked him. Even though Jeffrey made quick work of them, the encounter attracted the attention of the other troopers in the facility. 

Jeffrey blasted the nearest stormtroopers with lightning before running for the exit. The doors began closing but Jeffrey hurled his lightsabers at the control panel near the doors and they stopped closing. He made a beeline for his ship as the imperials followed him out. Jeffrey jumped into his ship and got it in the air as fast as he could. 

He let out a sigh of relief when he finally left his home planet's atmosphere. "Coruscant here I come." He mumbled as he programmed the coordinates into his ship and entered hyperspace.

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