Chapter 43

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2 years prior: Jedi Temple on Lothal

"The temple is under attack, you must go." Master Windu ordered.

Jeffrey nodded and grabbed his lightsabers off the ground and almost ran out of the room before he turned around. A bright yellow light erupted in the center of the room. 

"No, it can't be." Master Windu sounded shocked at the sudden appearance of the bright light. "The hero crystal." He whispered.

"The hero crystal? What is that?" Jeffrey asked.

"An ancient legend. It is a special Kyber crystal, one that is said to work only for a true hero. That is how it got it's name, the hero crystal. Few people ever believed the myth because of how vague it was and the fact that no evidence had ever appeared to support it's existence. Until now. You must take it with you!" Master Windu urged.

"What? No way! I have enough responsibility as it is right now. I don't need some special crystal so I have another laser sword." Jeffrey adamantly refused as another rumble shook the temple.

"The crystal chose YOU. It isn't a choice, you have to take it." The Jedi Master replied.

"I...I can't. I'm not ready. I'm not the right person." Jeffrey whispered.

"Trust in the Force. You may not be ready as it is but someday you will. Someday you will find yourself." 

"How will I know when I'm ready?" Jeffrey asked.

"You'll know..." Master Windu's voice faded as the crystal's light finally died down to a weak golden glow. Jeffrey sat there for a moment in silence and then quickly grabbed the crystal and stuffed into his small pack on is waist.

Jeffrey looked at the room one last time. "Thank you Master." He said quietly and then ran out of the room.


Back on Mandalore, the night before Jeffrey left for Coruscant

Jeffrey stumbled backwards after his vision. He stared at the Beskar hilt and pulled out his yellow kyber crystal. He examined the hilt and closed his eyes to meditate. He focused on finding weak parts of the hilt to take it apart. Once he found them he slowly separated the hilt into several parts. While they floated in the air right in front of him, he let his kyber crystal float forward and rest inside the parts of the hilt. He carefully pieced the parts of the hilt back together until it was finished. 

He let the hilt drop into his hands and found the button that would ignite the saber. He took a deep breath and pushed the button. Nothing happened. Jeffrey pushed the button again and again but nothing happened. Jeffrey sighed and just attached the saber to his back. 

"I can figure this out later if I make it out of the Inquisitorius." Jeffrey muttered and closed his eyes to get a few hours of sleep before he departed in the morning.


Back to the present...

Vader and the Emperor both appeared to be genuinely surprised before it was replaced by anger. 

"It seems that you are full of surprises young jedi, I offer you one last chance to jo-" The Emperor was cut off as Jeffrey used the Force to destroy the hologram.

"Now it's just you and me Vader." Jeffrey narrowed his eyes.

The Sith Lord didn't respond as usual and Jeffrey sighed.

"It haunts you. I can feel it. You didn't want to kill her. You are in just as much pain as I am." Jeffrey said.

"You know nothing about me." Vader growled.

"I know that you were once a great jedi. You were once a good person. The Emperor has twisted you and he thinks that you've been turned but I can feel the good in you. Ahsoka died trying to save you. She felt horrible about leaving you before. It hurt her as much as it did you. Come back to the light, it's not too late." Jeffrey finished.

Darth Vader was visibly taken aback and Jeffrey saw the same conflict in Vader that he saw earlier. However, as soon as it came, it left. 

"I will not betray my master, as you did yours when you left her to die on Malachor." Vader boomed and brought his lightsaber up.

"I didn't leave her to die! She pushed me back!" Jeffrey shouted.

"You and I both know that you could have broken out of that and helped her. You chose not to. You...were afraid. And because of your fear, your master is dead." Vader condemned the young jedi who was quite affected by his words.

"No, that's a lie." Jeffrey weakly tried to deny it.

"It is no lie. These are the kinds of things that ruin a jedi. But they are the makings of a great Sith. Join me and we can destroy the Emperor together! We can rule the galaxy!" Vader clenched his fist.

As much as Jeffrey tried to ignore it, the offer was tempting. He stared at his golden blade which seemed to be flickering almost.


Cut! Haha I think that's my best cliffhanger yet. So I think I'm going to make the end of this story quite unexpected and really interesting. But if you want to find out, stay tuned to the next part! Leave a comment below on what you think Jeffrey will say to Vader's offer.

 If you are enjoying this story, I encourage you to check out my friend's story: Youngling Survivor. He just started out on Wattpad and is making a story similar to mine about an OC Jedi. His name is BitbyArt.

If you are a Marvel fan (like I am lol) then consider giving my Oneshot: Shattered Reality a look. It's about another OC and takes place behind the scenes of Avengers Infinity War. 

As always, I'm the Lunch Kid and I'll see you all next time! Lunch Kid out.

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