Chapter 41

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It's been awhile! I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter!

Jeffrey's ship landed on the the planet of Coruscant. Silently, he left the ship and followed his strongest instinct. Jeffrey ignored the cries of the jedi younglings from long ago that still echoed through the streets of the massive city. He glanced up at the looming jedi temple from the past. It was now heavily guarded by some of the most elite stormtroopers. 

Jeffrey considered storming up there and fighting his way through the temple but decided against it. He was here for one mission alone: Destroy the Inquisition and all the Inquisitors. He continued to march through the streets until he came to another heavily guarded fortress. Jeffrey could feel the dark side radiating off of it and knew he had finally found what he had been looking for.

He ignited both of his sabers and began walking straight toward the entrance. The troopers stationed in front immediately started firing on him but he deftly parried their bolts and deflected them. As soon as he reached the front entrance, he summoned a massive force blast and forced the door open.

Smoke poured from where the entrance once stood and the stormtroopers inside strained their eyes to make out the rogue jedi. Crimson and violet blades slowly came into view as the troopers restarted their attack. The armored figure wielding the blades easily blocked the attacks once more.

Jeffrey made his way deeper inside the Inquisition and deactivated his sabers. He eventually found himself in the center of all the darkness and sensed 3 dark presences in the dark room. 

"I can feel you. Come out and do your worst." Jeffrey stated calmly and reignited his sabers.

A collective sound of deep red sabers igniting filled the room. Three silhouettes came into view. Jeffrey got into a battle stance.

Two of the inquisitors looked unfamiliar to him but one of them had a similar look. Jeffrey's eyes widened with recognition.

It was the Eighth Brother. He hadn't seen him since Malachor. The last time he saw... Jeffrey shook his head and refocused himself. The inquisitors were already in a position where he was surrounded.

While the other two inquisitors were quiet in their footsteps, the Eighth Brother made loud clanking sounds with every movement. "I wonder what happened to him." Jeffrey thought to himself.

"Our master will be pleased at your defeat. He has been most interested in your abilities." The Inquisitor that appeared to be in charge said.

"Well if it's gonna be like that then how about we introduce each other. I'm Jeffrey, a Jedi and I enjoy taking down people that enjoy terrorizing the galaxy. Your turns." 

The Inquisitor merely scoffed. "I am the Second Sister and that's all you need to know."

With that she immediately ran right at Jeffrey. The Jedi met her strike with his own and quickly pushed her away to block a stroke from the Eighth Brother. He felt himself get pushed into the wall as the other Inquisitor pushed him with the Force.

The Second Sister took advantage of Jeffrey's temporarily immobile position and threw her saber at him. Jeffrey ducked just in time and had to roll away to avoid a stab from the Eighth Brother. "This isn't working." He thought to himself as the Inquisitors got ready for the next bout of attacks.

Rather than lightsaber duel, Jeffrey deactivated his sabers and used the Force to shove a massive metal object from the dark room at the Eighth Brother. All three of the Inquisitors combined their Force powers to stop the object in it's tracks.

Jeffrey then focused his energy into creating a huge burst of Force lightning. "Please work, please work, please work, please work." Jeffrey repeated in his head as he finally let out a small victory cry when he successfully summoned a small Force storm. He watched as the Inquisitors jumped and dived to avoid the wild bolts of lightning.

"How do you know how to do this?" The Second Sister panted when the last of the lightning fizzled out.

"When you have a powerful former Sith Lord as your master, you pick up a thing or two." Jeffrey smirked through his mask and reignited his sabers.

The Inquisitors wordlessly reignited their sabers and they charged in unison. Jeffrey twirled his blades as fast as he could but knew his strength was waning. Finally, the Inquisitor that Jeffrey hadn't learned her name yet, jumped behind him and attempted to slash his back.

Jeffrey jumped high into the air to avoid it but was instantly caught in the vulnerable position. The Inquisitor slammed him into the ceiling and then smashed him into the floor. She then followed it up by lifting him into the air just enough so she could deliver a powerful kick to his ribs. Jeffrey flew across the room and hit a wall, painfully hard.

Bright spots exploded in Jeffrey's eyes as the pain hit him full force. He felt like every bone in his body had just been smashed.

"Well done Ninth Sister." The Eighth Brother nodded at the Inquisitor that had just tossed him around the room.

Jeffrey gritted his teeth and tried to get to his feet. He stumbled a bit but managed to firmly set himself into the ground. He lifted his sabers weakly and tried to ignore all the spots in his vision.

The Second Sister slowly walked toward him. Jeffrey tried to cleave her in two but she effortlessly sidestepped the sloppy slash. Jeffrey turned around and tried again but she dodged once more and then lightly sliced a part of his leg that was not protected by his armor

Jeffrey felt the spots explode in his vision with a renewed vigor and felt a burning pain in his leg. He weakly tried to connect a stroke with her but this time she parried and knocked him off balance. She then cut the upper shoulder of the injured Jedi and he let out another hiss of pain as she had cut him in another place where he had no protection.

The Jedi nearly dropped his sabers but forced himself to try one more time. This time the Second Sister watched and just before it connected she ignited her blades and sliced the hilts of Jeffrey's sabers.

Jeffrey watched horrified as the two sabers that had once belonged to the great Revan clattered to the ground. Jeffrey crumpled to the floor with them in despair as he realized that he had been a fool for thinking that he could even do anything.

"I'm sorry Master. I have failed." He whispered as he fell unconscious.

It's been a long time since I updated but I have a good excuse. I started working on a Marvel Oneshot that I plan on uploading here very soon! But I hope to finish this story before the end of July. Once again thank you all so much for reading this far! We are nearly at 10k reads and I am excited to post the grand finale. Comments are all welcome and until next time Lunch Kid out.

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