Chapter 32

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I am heavily considering creating my second fanfiction now before I finish this one. It will most likely be on the Legend of Zelda series. Specifically Breath if the Wild. Comment if you would like to see it! In the meantime enjoy the next chapter of Rise of a Legend!

"Your rebel friends are going to bring the Empire down on all of us. You believe the darksaber will protect you? It won't, it's only a symbol." The Countess said.

"Yeah a symbol that's united all Mandalorians in the past. Look if we stand together now..." Sabine argued before she was cut off.

"Stand together? Sabine it's everything I can do to stop the other clans from destroying us because of what you did." The Countess shot back.

"I didn't know the Empire would use the weapon I designed against our people. But you don't believe me do you?" Sabine shook her head.

"Even if I did it wouldn't stop all the other ruling houses from seeing you as a traitor. Your own brother now serves Gar Saxon to prove our loyalty and regain some small amount of status." The Countess motioned to Tristan.

"Gar Saxon is a killer!" Sabine yelled.

"He's the Emperor's hand. The acting leader and governor of Mandalore." Tristan jumped into the conversation.

"And his men wiped out the protectors!" Sabine yelled again.

"The protectors were executed for treason, just as Fenn Rau will be when he is found." The Countess said.

"They were loyal to Mandalore and Saxon betrayed them!" Sabine raised her voice even louder.

"Enough! Fenn Rau's people are dead and mine are not and I intend to keep it that way. All of them." The Countess stood up.

Sabine sighed. "Except for me."

Jeffrey watched as the Countess' face noticeably softened for a brief moment. 

"Walk with me." She said as her and Sabine exited the room.

"So your Sabine's brother? I didn't even know she had a brother. I mean it's not that she didn't want to talk about you but I don't know she never really talked about you before..." Ezra started rambling to Tristan before Kanan stopped him.


"Yeah?" Ezra answered Kanan.

"Less is more." Kanan replied.

"Aren't we supposed to make friends?" Ezra responded with a grin.

"Jest let me handle the negotiating." Kanan said.

Jeffrey cleared his throat. "On a different note, do any of you Mandalorians know how I'm breaking a rule by wearing this mask?" Jeffrey asked.

There was silence for a moment before Tristan finally spoke up. "Wearing the Mandalorian mask is a serious offense because it shows that you are a Mandalorian. If you wear one without being a Mandalorian or having earned the right to wear it then you are considered to be treasonous." Tristan explained.

"What is the penalty?" Jeffrey asked.

"Death." Was the reply.

"How can I prove myself worthy to wear it then?" Jeffrey inquired earnestly.

"That would be a question for my mother." Tristan said with a small smile.

Jeffrey smiled back before Kanan pulled him and Ezra aside. "What?" They both asked in unison.

"I hate to break up the party but something feels off here. I get the feeling that this whole meeting might take a turn soon." Kanan told the younger Jedi quietly.

"Why don't we ask for Sabine's mother to come back? That way you can use your negotiating skills." Ezra thought out loud.

"I agree, it's probably our best shot at getting an alliance and finding out what's going on here." Jeffrey said.

"Alright then. And remember I'll do the talking." Kanan said and looked directly at Ezra who just raised his hands in defense.

10 minutes later the Countess joined them in the main room. 

"You believe that you know my daughter better then me?" The Countess challenged.

"You don't know what it's taken for her just to be here. You should listen to her." Kanan responded.

"She's a child." The Countess replied coolly.

"I believe that your underestimating the woman she's become." Kanan said.

"Why would Clan Wren even side with the Empire? Sabine said that your family were true Mandalorians, loyal only to..." Ezra entered the conversation before being interrupted.

"You have no idea what your talking about boy." The Countess snapped.

"I know that she was telling the truth about the protectors earlier. Sabine and I fought Gar Saxon on Concord Dawn. He was proud that he wiped out all the protectors." Ezra shot back boldly.

"Sabine? She fought Gar Saxon?" The Countess asked in surprise.

"Yeah she did. And she held her own." Ezra stated.

"Then I'm afraid what I have to do is unfortunate." The Countess leaned back in her chair as all the guards aimed their blasters at the three Jedi.

Fun fact: I actually rewrote a large portion of this chapter because I didn't like how it flowed before. I like it better now but it will look much more complete when the rest of the chapters are out. Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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