Chapter 44

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Wow it's been awhile! I can't thank you guys enough for your support of this story even when I've been late on the updates. It's almost been one year since I originally posted it and I'm so happy that we just passed 16k reads!!! I don't wanna keep you guys waiting too long so let's pick up where we left off:)

Thousands of thoughts ran through Jeffrey's mind as his blade continued to flicker. 

"I-I..." Jeffrey stuttered.

Jeffrey glanced up at the menacing Sith Lord who extended his gloved hand. It was at that moment that Jeffrey restrengthened his resolve.

His blade seemed to match his newfound courage and started glowing brighter than ever.

"No." Jeffrey said that one simple word before launching a furious attack on Vader.

It caught the Sith Lord by surprise but he quickly recovered and knocked Jeffrey off balance. He then grabbed him with the Force and threw him outside of the room, effectively breaking one of the thick metal walls in the room. Jeffrey coughed and slowly got back to his feet just as Vader started hurling metal slabs from the wall he just broke at him.

Jeffrey ignited his saber swiftly and sliced the metal flying towards him and did the same took next one as well. Finally with the third one, Jeffrey turned his saber off and attempted to catch the hunk of metal with the Force. He slid backwards a few inches but managed to stop the large object in the air and send it back at Vader. He then sent the other sliced pieces of metal at Vader as well.

There was silence for a moment before a low rumbling sound came from underneath the rubble.  Just as Jeffrey was going to walk towards it, all the metal on top of Vader flew into the air and the Sith Lord reignited his crimson blade.

Jeffrey turned the herosaber on and the two enemies stared at each other for a moment. 

"You have grown powerful." Vader said.

"Maybe so, but unless I do what I came here to do, it means nothing."

Vader responded by throwing his lightsaber at Jeffrey's neck. Instead of parrying the lightsaber, Jeffrey ducked and conjured Force lightning which he sent at Vader.

The Sith Lord let out a small cry of pain before using the Force to make his lightsaber return. Jeffrey barely dodged out of the way as the blade flew towards its owner. The young Jedi hissed as the plasma of the blade nicked his arm before returning to Vader's hand.

Vader lunged at Jeffrey, who barely managed to block in time. Vader pushed down on his blade as hard as he could and Jeffrey had to drop to one knee to keep himself alive. He felt himself losing more and more momentum as the Sith Lord seemed to be trying to drill him into the ground. Jeffrey rolled to the side and Vader's lightsaber crashed into the ground. Jeffrey took advantage of the Sith Lord's weapon being lodged into the ground and pushed him into the nearest wall.

He then twisted the surrounding metal to hold Vader in place as a sort of prison and then sent a stream of Force lightning at him. He heard the components of the Sith Lord's suit slowly frying before he stopped the lightning. There was smoke coming from Vader's suit and instead of the deep, steady, mechanical breathing Jeffrey was used to, he heard a weak gasping instead.

"Are you going to destroy me?" Vader slowly asked.

Jeffrey thought hard for a second before reaching a decision. "You've destroyed the Jedi, sent your Inquisitors to capture me, killed my master, and now you tried to kill me." Jeffrey sucked in a deep breath after finishing his little rant. However, that was not what I came here to do. It is not my destiny to kill you.

Jeffrey began to walk away before he stopped with his back to Vader.

"She never stopped caring about you. Even though she wouldn't ever admit it to anyone, she missed Anakin Skywalker more than anything."

Jeffrey left as the sounds of Vader's breathing became quieter with each step. He reached a long, dark hallway that led to an elevator. The young jedi, cautiously entered before looking at the different levels in the place. He noticed that there happened to be a sub level that was labeled: Battleground 1. Jeffrey decided to check it out and listened to the soft whirs coming from the elevator.

As soon as he reached the the sub level, he realized that it was just as silent and empty as the other floor. All that was in this place was a large hologram projector to contact Vader, and aside from that, it was a huge empty room.

Jeffrey sensed that there was some sort of technology imbedded in the whole room but he couldn't tell what it was or what it was used for. He walked out to the middle of the room but before he could do anything else, the room erupted in blinding light. 

Jeffrey couldn't see anything and dropped to the ground to shield his eyes better. It took almost a full minute before the light abated but when Jeffrey finally looked up, the room was different.

Not much to say at the end of this chapter lol. Hope y'all have a great rest of your day! Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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