Chapter 27

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If you remember, awhile ago I promised Mandalorians. Well today is the day! I am starting the arc that has Mandalorians involved. Also this takes place about a month after the last chapter. Enjoy!

Jeffrey floated in meditation above the floor in the Ghost. He had decided to take a test that Revan had suggested. His test was to find Revan's holocron in meditation with Revan masking it's Force presence. He slowly swept the room using the Force. He frowned upon his initial search while coming up with nothing. He delved deeper into the power of the Force and searched the room again. Finally nestled in a far corner Jeffrey sensed a suppressed Force presence in an object. He used the Force to make it levitate before attempting to open it. 

"Well done Jeffrey. Your powers are improving." Revan said once Jeffrey had opened the holocron.

"Thank you Master." Jeffrey responded in respect.

"I sense restlessness in you. Is there a reason for this?" Revan asked.

"Not really. I can feel that something big is about to happen though. Plus everyone is in the main room so I get the feeling that a mission of sorts is going to be given out and I really want to be a part of it." Jeffrey finished in a rush.

Revan chuckled. "You have a lot ambition. Not unlike me when I was your age. You are dismissed."

"Thanks!" Jeffrey said while closing the holocron and floating back down to the floor. He opened his eyes which had been closed for several hours. 

He rubbed his eyes at the sudden light. "This is definitely the worst part of training." Jeffrey groaned to himself while his eyes adjusted.

As soon as he could see properly, he made a mad dash for the main room. 

Jeffrey burst through the door. "I'm here! What did I miss? Do we have a new mission? Can I be a part of it? When do we leave?" Jeffrey gasped after his rapid fire questions.

Everyone just stared at him. "Uh Kid are you alright? We were just talking about." Zeb started before the door opened and Sabine walked in.

"I won't do it." She said flatly.

"So you do know what the darksaber is." Fenn Rau said unsurprised.

"Rau? What's he doing here." Jeffrey thought to himself. "And what's the darksaber? And why am I always thinking when someone's talking!?"

"I know it caused my family nothing but trouble after Maul took it." Sabine said.

"Maul used it to divide and conquer our people  but you can wield it to do the opposite." Rau said.

"Wield it? You're crazy. Kanan, tell him he's crazy." Sabine looked to Kanan.

"Consider what he has to say." Kanan said.

"What?!" Sabine shouted.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that the saber came into your possession." Kanan said as he held the darksaber.

"Yeah but Kanan that doesn't mean she can fight with it. No offense." Ezra added quickly.

Sabine narrowed her eyes. "Go on." 

"What I mean is, look it's taken me awhile to learn and I mean, I use the Force." Ezra finished.

"She might not be able to fight like a Jedi, but she can become proficient with the blade." Kanan said.

"I am proficient! With many types of blades and blasters and explosives. But that is a lightsaber." Sabine pointed to it.

"The combat training is not as important as what that blade represents." Fenn Rau said.

"Right, right, you want me to lead my clan. I don't know if you realize this but I'm not that popular with my family these days." Sabine said.

"That could change." Rau said.

"No! It can't! You don't know what your talking about." Sabine yelled at him and crossed her arms.

"I know family is important to the Wren's, just like it is to all Mandalorians." Rau put his hand on Sabine's shoulder.

"I have a family. Here. On this ship. I don't need them." Sabine shrugged his hand off.

"But we do." Hera stood up. "If there is a chance that you can rally an army of Mandalorians to our cause then I have to ask you to do this."

"Hera. I- Sabine started.

"Family history can be painful, believe me I know. But we can use those warriors for our attack on Lothal." Hera said.

"Hera's right. We need to ask you to do this but you don't have to. You can walk away and forget about it." Kanan held out the saber to her.

Sabine sighed. "Alright I'll do it. Just give me the saber." She reached for it then tried to grab it.

"Listen once people know you have it you will be challenged. You need to be able to defend yourself." Kanan said and held on to the blade.

"Ok I'll try my best." Sabine said

"First lesson, don't try. Just learn." Ezra entered the conversation again.

Sabine instantly directed her frustration towards Ezra. "Give me the sword! I'm going to learn how to kick your." Sabine started towards Ezra before being stopped by Kanan.

"Sabine." Kanan said calmly and looked right at her.

Sabine sat there for a moment before relaxing. "Ok." She said much calmer.

Kanan released his grip on the handle of the blade and Sabine held it in her hands. 

"Yeah so am I to believe that Kanan and Ezra are gonna train Sabine how to fight with a lightsaber." Jeffrey finally spoke up.

Everyone turned around to face him, temporarily having forgotten he was there due to how quiet he had been.

"Yup." Ezra nodded happily.

"Mind if I join then? Technically I can fight with a lightsaber too." Jeffrey asked.

"I don't see why not." Kanan said while Sabine rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on it'll be fun!" Jeffrey said enthusiastically.

Ironically I don't have much to say this time. I think I covered everything at the beginning of the chapter. Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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