Chapter 17

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I am back! I went away for a few days and I come back and we are very nearly at 1000 reads!!! You guys are the greatest!!! Anyway here's the next chapter.... Also I am switching it back to 3rd person POV.

"Wait a second, your saying that you fought this evil shadow of you, beat it, and spoke with Master Windu?" Kanan asked incredulously.

"Yeah. That's pretty much all that happened, then the temple was falling apart so I had to run out of the room, broke a wall and jumped through, almost killed myself from jumping, and then you guys showed up." Jeffrey finished as Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka looked at him stunned.

"And to think that I only got to chat with Master Yoda." Ezra pouted.

"Hey, I just sat in the room that we first entered into and meditated the whole time so I'm pretty sure I should be the one complaining." Ahsoka pointed out.

"Yeah but still, I want more action." Ezra crossed his arms.

"It wasn't easy you know. I passed out and nearly got shocked to death and the pain was crazy. If I were you, I would be glad I didn't need to go through all that." Jeffrey shivered as he thought of the painful memory.

Ashoka put her hand on Jeffrey's shoulder. "I'm sure that you handled it well." She said.

"Thanks." Jeffrey responded before Ezra jumped up.

"Wait a second! I almost forgot! Master Yoda told me to find Malachor. Who's Malachor?" Ezra asked while Kanan and Ahsoka exchanged glances.

"Malachor isn't a person, it's a place." Ahsoka said.

"Do we know where Malachor is?" Jeffrey inquired.

"Yes." Ashoka answered.

"Then when do we leave?" Ezra questioned.

"The sooner the better." Kanan said.

Author note: Rather then ending the chapter here, I will treat everyone and present a time skip of about 1 week.

"We finally found a base. It took a long time but we eventually found a planet where the Empire wasn't present." Jeffrey informed Revan.

"Good. How have you been doing with your training?" Revan questioned.

"Actually pretty well. Ahsoka taught me some new lightsaber techniques that I can use to refine my form. And I have been getting stronger in the Force. I am going to need it for tomorrow when we go to Malachor."

Revan's face darkened. "You are going to Malachor? That is not a safe place to be going to." 

"I know but in order to destroy the Sith we need to travel there. Do you have any tips about the place." Jeffrey asked.

"Don't let your emotions control you. In order to go to Malachor you need to focus and not let yourself fall to the dark side." Revan answered.

"The dark side? It is present there?" Jeffrey worried.

"Yes, however it doesn't need to be an adversary for you. You are a special case. Let it fuel you, but don't let it control you." Revan suggested.

However Jeffrey couldn't stop thinking about his nightmares/visions. 

"I've gotta go. Thanks for your help." Jeffrey hastily closed the holocron before Revan could respond. Little did he know that it would be the last time he talked to Revan for a long time...

And done! So obviously we all know that we are nearing the point where the entire dynamic of Rebels changes. I gave you all a little hint as to what will happen to Jeffrey. The next few chapters are going to be a huge climax so get ready! Until then, Lunch Kid out.

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