Chapter 29

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At last another chapter has arrived, enjoy!

Ezra and Sabine got into their starting position while Kanan and Jeffrey spectated. The sparring match was mostly Ezra blocking Sabine's attacks and  obviously holding back. Kanan watched for a while before finally saying something.

"That's not going to work." He said.

"Working so far." Sabine replied.

"I think your doing well." Ezra offered.

"Opinion noted." Sabine said as she punched his arm and continued the fight.

While they were dueling, Fenn Rau arrived at their camp with supplies. 

"Got you guys supplies." Rau said while he hopped off of his speeder. Kanan didn't answer.

Rau turned to Jeffrey. "How is it going?" 

"Uhhhh, well... Sabine is definitely getting better." Jeffrey answered.

Just then Sabine attempted a wild jump slash and Ezra easily side-stepped the attack. Sabine attempted to get back on her feet but the tip of Ezra's training saber kept her down and ended the match.

"You over committed." Rau said.

"Oh good, anyone else have an opinion they want to share?" Sabine responded sarcastically.

"Let's take a break. Ezra help me unload the supplies." Kanan said as Sabine threw her training saber on the ground.

"What!? I won! Shouldn't I get the break?" Ezra asked incredulously.

Kanan just gave him the look. Ezra sighed as he accepted his fate. Jeffrey studied his surroundings. He could sense the boiling anger in Sabine and strangely felt that it soon changed to glee. He focused a little more and found that it was revenge and victory that she was truly feeling. He opened his eyes and saw Sabine and Ezra about to begin again. Immediately Jeffrey noticed the hand braces that Sabine was now wearing.

Her and Ezra  started the battle the same way as the previous encounter except this time Sabine's presence and stature exuded confidence. They crossed blades a few times before Sabine turned around and blasted Ezra with some kind of pulse. Jeffrey looked on in surprise as Ezra barely managed to keep his balance and then keeled over. Sabine swiftly defeated him. 

"And that's your head." She said.

"Hey, not fair! Where did you get those?" Ezra asked.

"Special delivery." Sabine smirked while Rau chuckled.

"Hey!" Came the shout from behind. "Is this a game for you?" Kanan asked Sabine, more then a little frustrated.

"No game just outsmarting my opponents. Care to take a shot?" Sabine taunted as she launched an energy rope at Kanan. Jeffrey suspected she would try something like this and immediately jumped in front of Kanan. He used his purple lightsaber to deflect the rope. Sabine sent another pulse, similar as she did to Ezra, but Jeffrey was prepared for it.

He took the energy from the pulse and contained and controlled it in his hands before reflecting it back to Sabine. The impact knocked Sabine off her feet. She attempted to get up but Kanan put his lightsaber to her throat.

"History lesson: the Jedi won the war with Mandalore. These tricks may amount to something and keep you alive from time to time but they won't keep you alive in the long run. Only training! And discipline!" Kanan emphasized before retracting his saber.

"The only thing I'm learning is that Ezra must be really talented to learn as he has from a lousy teacher like you." Sabine said angrily and slammed her training saber down and stormed off.

A few hours later... 

"I didn't think she would be gone this long." Ezra told Jeffrey and Rau.

"She'll return and soon." Rau replied.

"Kanan's taking it kind of hard, do you think he's ok." Jeffrey looked at Kanan who had been meditating since Sabine had left.

"He'll be fine, he's waiting for Sabine to return. On a different note, how much do you guys know about the Mandalorian War?"

"Not much. It was fought several millennia ago. I know that the Jedi won and that it was brutal war." Rau said.

"How about you Jeffrey?" Ezra asked.

Jeffrey hesistated. "I know a lot and I don't mind sharing but it might take a little while. Are you guys ok with that?" 

Both Ezra and Rau nodded. 

"The Mandalorian War was mostly fought between the Republic and Mandalorians. The Mandalorians were winning but the Jedi refused to do anything anything about it. The Jedi Knight, Revan, knew that the Jedi could make a difference in the war and constantly argued with the Jedi Council of that time about the matter. Finally, Revan and his apprentice decided to disobey the Council. They convinced several other Jedi to do so as well. Revan was a military genius and through his strategies the Republic started winning. At the climax of the War, Revan faced Mandalore the Ultimate in fair combat and prevailed. After that, the Mandalorian War winded down and the Jedi were recognized as the victors and Revan was remembered as the hero of that war." Jeffrey finally concluded his synopsis of the Mandalorian War.

"I never knew that." Rau said.

"Not many people do. Most of those facts have been lost to the ages." Jeffrey said.

"Hey look Sabine's back!" Ezra said happily as her form appeared at the top of a hill.

Alright only 1-2 more chapters left for this snippet of the Mandalorian part of the story. This only the beginning... anyway until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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