Chapter 22

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It had been 8 months since Malachor. The Resistance has been deflated for awhile after Kanan came back blind, Ezra had been in a state of almost constant anger and frustration for 6 months after, and Ahsoka didn't even make it back.

But it was Jeffrey who had become the largest mystery of all. Whispers and rumors were said about him in the base. But the truth was, nobody really knew what had happened to him. Some thought that he had gone dark and betrayed the Rebellion. Others believed that he went into hiding. Some even  thought that he had died and that the leaders weren't saying all that they knew. Eventually though, they all gave up on him. Even Kanan and Ezra. Nobody went to check on him or even thought about him for that matter.

But deep within the base, locked in his room Jeffrey floated in meditation. Eyes closed and mind in a different place entirely. Jeffrey had completely locked himself out of reality and closed himself in the holocron of Revan where he learned and trained with Revan, more then ever. He hadn't opened his eyes or even moved, eaten, or drunken anything since that day. He had put himself in such a deep meditative state that he didn't need those functions to live currently. They had tried to break into his room and had succeeded in getting the door open... but no farther then that. He had created an impenetrable shield around him so that he wouldn't be disturbed. Kanan and Ezra hadn't tried to break it but pretty much everyone else had. The only way Jeffrey would once again awaken, is only by his own terms...

Jeffrey practiced dueling against Revan. Jeffrey had grown to be an impressive duelist, having learned a lot of what Revan knew. When Jeffrey had first started training with Revan, he could barely last 7 strokes before he was disarmed. However, now he was able to go head-to-head with  the Prodigal Knight himself. Jeffrey slammed his two blades into a lock with Revan. Revan and Jeffrey were pretty equally matched in terms of strength but Jeffrey back flipped out of it. Mid-air, Revan grabbed Jeffrey and started to pull Jeffrey towards himself. Jeffrey broke this by blasting him with lightning and he managed to get back on his feet. On and on they parried, countered, attacked, defended, before finally Jeffrey managed to find an opening in Revan's form and took it. Revan then smirked beneath his mask, as soon as Jeffrey tried to stab him he got his blades into position so that he could force Jeffrey to yield. But Jeffrey proved cunning and twisted his other blade so that it sat across Revan's neck. Thus the sparring match ended in a draw.

"Your skills are improving." Revan complimented.

"Thank you." Jeffrey said.

"However, I will still ask you the same thing that I always do." Revan said. "Are you ready to face the real, outside world yet?" 

Jeffrey sighed at the familiar question. "I will give you the same answer that I always do. No." Jeffrey stated firmly and ended the conversation.


"The Empire continues to grow stronger. We need more soldiers, more resources!" Barked one of  the Rebellion leaders. 

"We are doing the best that we can but our supplies are limited." Commander Sato attempted to calm everyone down.

"You know what we really need to stop focusing on? Finding Jedi! The Jedi are dead and gone. Only two remain and those are the two that are with us. We should stop all searching for Jedi's and instead focus on finding weaknesses in our great adversary!" One of the soldiers yelled and got many cheers for it.

The Ghost crew watched all of this from the back and quietly took it all in. "Are we really the only ones left?" Ezra asked Kanan.

"No but we don't know where anyone else is located right now." Kanan responded.

"Have you forgotten a Jedi that we all know?" Sabine asked them.

"He was the apprentice of someone very close to us?" Hera added.

Kanan and Ezra thought about it for a moment. "Jeffrey?!" They exclaimed in unison.

"But we don't even know if he is alive at this point!" Ezra interjected.

"You would know if you hadn't given up on him!" Sabine countered.

"Who said that we gave up on him?" Kanan questioned.

"Your actions did." Hera curtly answered.

"I don't see you visiting him or trying to awaken him." Kanan said

"That's because there is nothing that I can do. But you and Ezra can." Hera pointed out.

It was just then that the all the other Rebels started filing out of the room. The Ghost crew was about to leave when Commanded Sato stopped them.

"Yes Commander?" Ezra asked.

"I need your help. We need more troops and experience but I don't think that it is going to be handed to us. Everyone thinks that we should give up on all other Jedi but I disagree. I believe that it is at times like these that we need Jedi the most. The two of you are great," He said motioning to Kanan and Ezra, "But if there is any way that you can get another Jedi, I think that would be best." The Commander finished and Kanan and Ezra looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"We know someone." Kanan said.

"This is good news. How long will it be before you can contact them?" The Commander inquired.

"It depends." Kanan said and the Ghost crew walked out.

"So does that mean that  you are going to bring Jeffrey back?" Sabine asked.

Kanan and Ezra nodded. "He is our only chance. The Commander is right, a new face is what we need. It is only a matter of time before Thrawn and his fleet find our base and we could use his strength. He could be the beacon of hope that we have been missing for so long." Kanan astutely  said.

With that being said, Ezra and Kanan traveled into a part of the base that had been abandoned for a long time. "Soon enough, he will rise." Ezra thought to himself.

Until next time, Lunch Kid out. (Literally out XD)

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