Chapter 21

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Vader only stared as Jeffrey advanced on his adversary. "Another Jedi has joined the Rebel's ranks. How interesting." Vader said in his deep, booming voice.

"You aren't getting to that temple. Not while I stand." Jeffrey called out.

"Then you must fall." Vader said and the two got into a saber lock.

Jeffrey was being pushed down as the immense strength of Vader was quickly overpowering him. "You are unfocused and weak in the Force." Vader taunted as he continued to push Jeffrey down.

"The Dark side of the Force is much more powerful. Tell me where the remaining Jedi are and I will show you the ways of the Dark side." Vader offered.

"I don't need you to teach me." Jeffrey said and managed to backflip out of the lock. "And I already know the Dark side." He grinned through his mask as he unleashed a torrent of lightning..

Vader seemed surprised as he was not expecting it but nonetheless blocked it easily. "You have impressive skill." Vader said. "Your master taught you well." 

Jeffrey didn't answer and instead engaged in combat. Vader was an excellent duelist but was slow. "I need to exploit that weakness." Jeffrey thought as he focused his Force power into boosting speed and agility. 

However no matter what he did, Vader managed to block all his attacks with ease. Finally Vader seemed to start trying after a huge blast of lightning erupted from below.

Vader finished the battle quickly as he knocked both of Jeffrey's sabers out of his hand on a weak stroke by Jeffrey. He then lifted Jeffrey into the air and slammed him into the ground hard. Without another word, Vader jumped on top of his Tie Fighter and went below into the temple. 

Jeffrey just lied there trying to catch his breath as he had been practically toyed with by the Sith Lord. Finally after about 10 minutes, Jeffrey managed to get to his feet and he got ready to jump below the ground again. He managed to time it right and landed on the top level of the temple. 

As soon as he landed, he saw Vader attempting to steal the holocron from Ezra and Kanan. Jeffrey jumped into action as Ezra lost his grip on the holocron and it started flying towards Darth Vader. Jeffrey immediately used the Force to pull it back in his direction, gradually slowing down the process of Vader getting the holocron.

He then saw Ahsoka with both lightsabers out running behind Vader, ready to strike him down. Vader turned around and Ahsoka slashed at his helmet and both of them fell over. Jeffrey ran over to Ahsoka.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine, let's get out of here. The temple is collapsing." Ahsoka answered and got to her feet and started walking when...

"Ahsoka." Vader called in a half mechanical, half organic voice.

Her eyes widened as She turned to face the Sith Lord. "Ahsoka." He said again while getting to his feet.

Part of his helmet had been broken when She had slashed it and one of his eyes were now visible.

"Anakin." Ahsoka breathed out with wide eyes.

The former Master and Padawan just stared at each other with mixed feelings before Ahsoka spoke. "I won't leave you. Not this time."

Vader looked to be conflicted as he just stood there for a moment. "Then you will die." He said with anger and hatred and he slowly started to advance on her.

Jeffrey tried to intercept the strike but Ahsoka sent him flying back, outside the temple. 

"What are you doing! He's too powerful I need to help you!" Jeffrey screamed as he helplessly watched Vader close in  on Ahsoka.

"I'm doing what's best. You need to leave this planet, the temple is rapidly destabilizing." Ahsoka called to Jeffrey.

"No there has to be another way!" Jeffrey demanded in a shaky voice. "I-I-c-can't lose you too!" He shouted.

"I will never leave you completely." Ahsoka responded full of sympathy before reigniting her sabers to block Vader's blow.

"No. No no no no no nonononono." Jeffrey yelled as the temple closed and Ezra pulled Jeffrey onto the ship. It was only seconds after they escaped the temple did it explode and Jeffrey felt him and Ahoska's Force bond break as She stopped responding.

Jeffrey sat in the back of the Phantom as he squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to think about what had just happened the entire trip back to the base. 

When they arrived at their base on Atollon, Jeffrey was the first one out of the ship. However one look at Jeffrey's posture showed what had happened. Jeffrey stormed away into his room on the base. Jeffrey tore off his mask and threw it across the room. 

"Why? Why did this happen?!" He screeched. He eventually calmed down enough that he started to just think about the consequences of losing his Master. "I can't believe She is gone." He whispered to himself. "I let this happen. I should have been stronger. Then I could have stopped Vader. She would be here right now if I was stronger." He whispered to himself. "I am weak." He said in defeat and just sat there for about an hour only repeating those 3 words. 

But finally he stopped. "But I don't have to be." Jeffrey said as he pulled out Revan's holocron.

Jeffrey held it in front of his face as the violet glow illuminated the room. "Mark my words, I will become strong someday. I will take down the Inquisition and stop Vader if I have to. This will not be the end." And with that he opened the holocron and went into a deep meditation.

It is actually Midnight exact right now as I close perhaps the most climactic chapter thus far. I cannot give you a gauge of how much there still is left in this story but we are definitely at least halfway if not more finished. And yes I know that I changed the story a bit but when you add an extra character and it's fanfiction... I think you get the picture.  Let me know if you have any ideas or Constructive Criticism for me in the comments and until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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