Chapter 14

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Alright so first... we made it past 700 reads😁😁😁!!! Thank you guys so much!!! To celebrate I have another chapter ready! Here comes  Chapter 14... and this one does have a time skip, of about 3 weeks so that might help to know about.

Jeffrey stared at his two blades and prepared to strike down an imaginary opponent. He easily sliced through the air as he ferociously fought his opponent.

"You're starting to look pretty good." Ezra commented, having just walked in on Jeffrey's practice session.

"Thanks." Jeffrey said as he retracted his sabers to take a seat.

"I think that we are going to have some Jedi action soon. I can feel it." Ezra said as he sat down next to Jeffrey.

"Really!? That's so strange because I keep having these weird dreams and they feel very real." Jeffrey shuddered as he thought about it.

"Do you think it could be a vision from the Force?" Ezra asked seriously.

"I dunno, possibly. They are kinda foggy and very fast moving. They really don't make much sense, yet I can't shake the feeling that it is trying to tell me something." 

"Can you remember them?" 

"Yeah I think so."

"Alright, don't move I'll be right back." Ezra jumped to his feet.

"Where are you going?"

"To get Kanan and Ahsoka." Ezra shouted back over his shoulder.

A little while later...

"Ezra says that you had a vision from the Force. Is this true?" Kanan asked.

"Yeah I think so." Jeffrey responded.

"What happened in it?" Ahsoka inquired.

Jeffrey took a deep breath. "The four of us were at this place, it was very dark and it felt evil. I kept hearing lightsabers clashing and red blades were everywhere. I could hear voices but couldn't understand them. Then I saw this burst of light and a modified tie fighter with a figure holding a red lightsaber atop it. Then I heard this mechanical breathing and saw the figure fighting with someone while all this lightning is going off. That was all that I saw. I think there was more but I'm not strong enough in the Force to see it all. I'm sorry." Jeffrey said as he finished his story.

"Don't be, that was more than enough." Ahsoka said.

"The figure with the mechanical breathing, could that be Vader?" Ezra asked.

"It probably is him, so we need to be ready." Ahsoka answered.

"Wait, who's Vader?" Jeffrey questioned.

"He is a Sith Lord. He is the leader of the Inquisitors." Kanan said.

"Oh, so he can do this?" Jeffrey said and sent a blast of Force lightning into a nearby wall, leaving it scorched and nearly destroyed.

Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka all jumped. 

"Ummmm, maybe but you had better keep that in check." Ahsoka scolded him.

"Sorry." Jeffrey rubbed the back of his head.

All of a sudden, Kanan's com beeped.

"Sorry guys, I've gotta go, Hera needs help with something. Kanan said as he exited the room.

"I've gotta go too,  the Commander said that he needed me for something." Ahsoka said as she walked away.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Ezra asked Jeffrey.

"Nope, I'll probably just go back to training." Jeffrey said.

"In that case do you want to spar? I want to get in some lightsaber practice too." Ezra said.

"Sure!" Jeffrey grinned as he walked across from Ezra and pulled out his lightsabers.

Ezra ignited his blade and they both started circling each other. 

"Should I go easy on you or hard?" Ezra confidently joked.

"As hard as you can! No holding back!" Jeffrey charged as the fight began.

As they clashed Ezra was surprised to find few weaknesses in Jeffrey's form. However he did eventually find a small opening and gave a power stroke on Jeffrey's red blade, effectively knocking it out from his hand. Jeffrey pulled back as they began circling each other again.

"It's not too late to surrender." Ezra joked some more.

"Don't hold your breath!" Jeffrey shot back while they charged again and the fight resumed. On and on they fought and clashed and eventually the soldiers started filtering into the room, watching the young apprentices spar. They started to cheer them on.

"C'mon Kid!" One of them yelled.

"Ezra start fighting offensively!" Another hollered.

"Kid! Focus on his swings and counter!" Another called.

Eventually after about 30 minutes of sparring, both Jeffrey and Ezra were sweating and panting.

"You can give up at anytime." Jeffrey said as he pulled himself up.

"Same goes for you." Ezra rebutted.

"Alright then, but that was your final warning." Jeffrey said as he let out a stream of Force lightning.

Ezra barely managed to block with his saber as Jeffrey started to run towards him. Jeffrey started to do flips and spins while using lightning in between attacks. Ezra started getting overwhelmed before finally, after jumping over a low swing, Jeffrey placed his blade at Ezra's neck. The soldiers cheered at the end of the battle and started congratulating them both. Before long Jeffrey motioned for Ezra to follow him.

Jeffrey and Ezra laughed as they went to a different part of the ship.

"Honestly though, how did you do that? Like you were using form 1 for awhile and then after you started using your lightning, you turned it into this like form 4 and form 6 combo." Ezra asked.

"I dunno, I guess I just kinda started fighting more on instinct. But I nearly lost several times. Your form 3 is tough to beat. If it weren't for my lightning strikes in between, I would have been a goner." Jeffrey laughed.

"That was pretty impressive though. And you did it without using your other lightsaber too." Ezra said.

"Yeah well thanks I had fun." Jeffrey said.

"Me too, we should do this again sometime." Ezra responded.

"Definitely." Jeffrey said.

"I guess I'll see you around?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, see ya!"

"See ya!" Ezra called back as they went their separate ways.

Ok a few things to go over.

1: I will not break my oath to make Jeffrey super OP. I had him win the battle because he is more talented then Ezra and is being taught by better duelists then Kanan. (No offense Kanan fans)

2: I had Jeffrey use a form 4 form 6 combo at the end because Revan was a form 6 specialist and I picture Jeffrey using form 4 a lot so I though it would be a good fit. I also figured that Ezra would use form 3 because that's what Kanan uses dominantly.

3: Also regarding the mask, if Jeffrey is in battle or on a mission, then the mask and hood go on, if he is talking, then assume it is off unless I say otherwise. (I say this so that I don't have to repeat where it is constantly)

4: If you were wondering why the soldiers were calling Jeffrey Kid it's because they are still getting to know him and he is a lot younger then most of them.

5: A little sneak peak, the Mandalorians will be in the story eventually, and they will have a big impact on the future events so stay tuned for that.

6: Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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