Chapter 18

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"So this is Malachor." Jeffrey said in an almost bored way as he twirled his sabers. "Looks pretty normal to me."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "You aren't focused, the dark side radiates off of this planet at an overwhelming amount."

"I can feel that obviously, but it I don't see anything unusual. Are you sure this is the right place?" Jeffrey asked in a bad mood.

Kanan nodded. "This is definitely Malachor."

"Whatever." Jeffrey rolled his eyes and sat in the back of the ship sulking. He had been plagued by nightmares all night and was struggling to stay focused. Between all the nightmares and the fear of them coming true, Jeffrey was in a pretty bad mood.

He felt the ship land and adjusted his mask before he boldly walked out. He started to walk towards the odd pillars. 

"What are these things?" Ezra wondered out loud.

"This writing, it's in the old tongue." Ahsoka noticed as there was indeed writing on the pillar in front of them.

"Can you read it?" Kanan asked.

"I can try." Ahsoka said before she crouched down and started to decipher it. "It's a very old form. I can only make out a few words." Ahsoka started saying these odd words before Jeffrey noticed Ezra getting closer to the pillar as if he was going to..."

"No! Ezra, don't!" Jeffrey and Ahsoka warned at the same time before immediately a red handprint appeared where Ezra had touched the pillar. The ground beneath them started cracking and before anyone could react they all fell through. 

When Jeffrey opened his eyes he noticed that wherever they were was completely dark, save for the small beams of light that made it down with them.

"What is that?" Ezra directed his attention to the pyramid shaped structure in the distance.

"A Sith temple." Ahsoka said as they all stared at it.

As they walked towards the temple, Jeffrey got more and more uneasy. He could feel another presence, but he couldn't pinpoint it exactly. And this setting was too much like the one in his nightmares.

"I bet whatever we're looking for is in that temple." Ezra guessed.

"Just remember, there is a ship. We aren't alone down here." Kanan reminded Ezra.

"Wait there was a ship?! I must have zoned out again." Jeffrey groaned to himself as they kept walking.

Soon enough they came across a battleground. It was filled with figures and there were lightsabers littered on the ground. Ezra managed to ignite one for a second before it gave out,

"What happened here?" Ezra asked in shock.

"From what I can gather, thousands of years ago Jedi Knights attacked the temple."

"And the Jedi won right?" Ezra asked hopefully.

"From the looks of it, nobody won." Ahsoka answered.

"I hate to break up this history lesson but we should keep moving." Kanan said.

As they moved on Ezra shares his point of view on the planet. "If you ask me, the whole planet is a riddle." 

"If it's a riddle, then what's the question?" Kanan challenged.

Ezra smirked, "Why is Kanan such a..." "Look out!" Jeffrey interrupted as he moved to block Kanan and Ezra from the Inquisitor that had just revealed himself.

"Four Jedi?" The Inquisitor said with interest.

"An Inquisitor!" Ezra shouted as he rushed at him.

However the Inquisitor backflipped and sent three bombs at Ezra.

"Take cover!" Ahsoka shouted as the bombs hit.

"Kanan!" Ezra called as the ground beneath him crumbled. 

Jeffrey didn't stick around any longer. He immediately started running full speed after the Inquisitor.

It wasn't until they got to his ship did they actually duel. The Inquisitor attempted to start it off with a jump attack but Jeffrey Force pushed him away. Jeffrey then ignited his purple saber and ran at the Inquisitor. Fighting against two spinning blades is pretty difficult Jeffrey realized as he barely dodged a slash at his head. He was pretty even with the Inquisitor until Jeffrey pulled out his crimson blade.

"A red lightsaber? Just who are you?" The Inquisitor asked as launched another ferocious attack.

"I am a Jedi, like many were before me." Jeffrey responded before he backflipped away and ricocheted off of the Inquisitor's ship in a burst of speed. Even though Jeffrey was slowly gaining the upper hand, he was slowing down so he was glad when Kanan and Ahsoka arrived. Jeffrey Force pushed the Inquisitor into the ground, knocking his lightsaber out of his hand. When the Inquisitor attempted to grab his weapon, Ahsoka put her foot on top of it and her and Kanan's blades were pointed at him. He slowly backed away in surrender.

And I think I will end it there. The next chapter will resume exactly where this one left off! Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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