Chapter 8

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Author Note: I am back. With the next Chapter here as well!

As Jeffrey fell into the dark abyss, he noticed a dull light at what seemed to be the bottom. His eyes widened as he looked upon what would most likely be his doom. He braced his body for impact, when all of a sudden, some invisible force stopped him.

Only a few feet above the ground, he was gently placed on the ground.  

"Was that the Force?"  He wondered out loud to himself.

"But Ahsoka couldn't have saved me." He glanced at the tiny circle of sunlight, hundreds of feet above. "Not from way up there at least."

He then noticed that the glow was coming from inside of what seemed to be a cave of sorts. It seemed to have a purple tint to it.

"I should probably go to the light, maybe it's another Jedi." Jeffrey thought. "Who am I kidding, I should not go to the light, it could be an Inquisitor."

Jeffrey bantered with himself for awhile until he finally made up his mind to go to the source of the strange light.

He slowly walked towards it while he scanned the area around him for any movement.

As he entered the cave, he noticed that the light was coming from a cube that was mysteriously floating above the ground. It was also glowing purple.

"Huh," Jeffrey said out loud. "I wonder what it is?"

"Young Jeffrey..." A mysterious voice echoed off the walls of the cave.

Jeffrey immediately whirled around to find nothing. "Who's there?" Jeffrey called out.

"You are finally stepping into your destiny... my legacy." The voice continued.

"You didn't answer my question!" Jeffrey exclaimed.

Jeffrey then paused, "Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I have known who you are for a long time. I have seen this moment many times over the last couple thousand years." The Voice replied.

"What? Ok buddy, you're going to have to come up with something better then that. No living creature has been alive for over one thousand years."

"Who said that I was alive?" The voice questioned.

"Ummmm, well if you are implying that you are a ghost or a zombie, then think again because those are not real." Jeffrey replied.

The Voice just laughed, "You are still quite young, I suppose you most likely haven't encountered one yet have you?

"Don't make this about ghosts and zombies, you still haven't answered my question. Who. Are. You." Jeffrey yelled commandingly.

The Voice paused. "A tricky yet simple question. Praised by many, remembered by few. The Prodical knight, A Jedi, The Dark Lord of the Sith. I have had many names yet my true name has nearly been lost to time. I am a legend, thousands of years old, so old that I battled on this planet. I am Revan."

Jeffrey's eyes widened as he came to realization. "You were the powerful Force wielder? The one that the Jedi and Sith of long ago teamed up to stop?"

Revan laughed, "So you do know of me, that's a refreshing thought."

"So if you are an ancient force wielder then you can tell me what that purple floating cube is." Jeffrey challenged.

"That is a holocron or more specifically, my holocron that I made thousands of years ago." Revan answered.

"That is how I'm speaking to you right now actually." Revan continued.

"Through that cube? How?" Jeffrey curiously asked.

"My Force spirit was transferred to my holocron when I died to prepare and teach you of your destiny."

"My destiny?"

"Yes, you have quite the future ahead, but you must be prepared or else it will not go well for you."

"Why should I believe you?"

"You shouldn't, but you are going to have to."

Jeffrey let out a breath,"When do I begin training?" Jeffrey asked.

"Right now and as your first lesson, you must open the holocron."

"Open the holocron? How do I do that?" 

"Concentrate, rely on the Force," Revan said.

Jeffrey took a deep breath and closed his eyes. On instinct he concentrated his Force power into the holocron. Jeffrey could feel a strong resistance and it instantly broke his concentration.

"I can't, it has too much of a resistance."

"Do not be weak." Revan told Jeffrey. "Only two people in the galaxy are able to open that holocron." Revan paused after seeing Jeffrey's defeated look. "It seems I was wrong about you, maybe you aren't the one I saw in my vision." 

At that Jeffrey immediately began to attempt to open the holocron and prove Revan wrong. Jeffrey clenched his teeth as he began to break through the strong barricade the holocron put up.

Revan watched as Jeffrey began to tap into both the light side and the dark side of the Force to open his holocron. "Well seems like that made him angry enough to tap into the other side of the Force." Revan thought to himself.

As Jeffrey continued to slowly open the holocron, Revan thought to himself again,  "This is his true power. This is the Rise of a Legend."

And done! What did you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. I will try to return soon with more chapters. Until then, Lunch Kid out.

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