Another Note

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I know, but I figured that with the upcoming parts the cover should be changed.

Hopefully another part will come out soon, I still have not given up on this story yet!

And whoever reads this kudos. Lol

Update: WOW! I leave for 1 day. 1. With like 63 reads after like 3 weeks of posting this story. Then I come back tonight and I have 90 reads!!! All because of a book cover change. Man, if you are just starting out on Wattpad, make sure you have a good cover. And (I know I just can't help it) thanks for reading.

Update 2: 😮 In just 3 days, we have doubled the amount of reads to Rise of a Legend!!! 🎉🎉🎉 In celebration of crossing the 100 reads line, I would like to share a little about my OC Jeffrey.

First: The reason why I chose the name Jeffrey is because I have never seen ANY fan fiction with a Jeffrey in it so I thought, let's be the first😁.

Second: If you are wondering, I did base Jeffrey's personality off of my own just cause it's my first fanfic and I thought, why not? 

Third: Jeffrey may or may not appear in future fanfics BUT if he does it will not be the same one. Same name maybe but totally different person.

Fourth: A future fanfic could be in the Legend of Zelda Series, The Pokémon series, The Avengers maybe, or another Star Wars. You guys can vote if you want in the comments.

Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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