Chapter 6

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Better late then never! Anyway here's Chapter 6....

While Jeffrey was walking through the base, Ezra came running up to him.

"So, how did it go? What did Ahsoka want?" Ezra asked.

"Well to put it simply, Ahsoka is now my master. She's gonna teach me the ways of the Force." Jeffrey responded.

"Yes!" Ezra pumped his fist into the air. Jeffrey looked at him confused. 

"If Ahsoka is training you, then that means that you'll be staying on base for awhile." Ezra explained his logic while Jeffrey shook his head.

"I don't think so, Ahsoka said that She was going to take me to a traditional place to begin my training and I don't think She means outside."

Ezra looked disappointed for a second but then his face brightened a second later. "Hey maybe you'll get a lightsaber!" Then we can be sparring buddies!"

"A what?" 

"One of these," Ezra said as he pulled out his lightsaber hanging from his waist.

"Ohhhh, those laser swords that everyone seems to have all of a sudden." Jeffrey said while he examined Ezra's blade.

"I guess that's one way to put it," Ezra said while he put it away, "but only a handful of people have these."

"Seriously? They are that rare?" Jeffrey asked in surprise.

"Yep, I got one after an old Jedi Master gave me the crystal that powers the lightsaber."

"I'll have to ask Ahsoka about these lightsabers, they look pretty cool." Jeffrey said.

"Trust me, they are." Ezra said.

Meanwhile, at the Command Center...

"Commander, would it be alright if I take Jeffrey to Rishi to begin his training?" Ahsoka asked Commander Sato.

"Why would you want to go to Rishi of all places?" The Commander questioned.

"I feel like that's where the Force is telling me to go." Ahsoka sheepishly answered.

The Commander sighed, "The Force does work in mysterious ways after all." Ahsoka said.

"I would think that we would be gone for a week at the absolute longest." Ahsoka continued to attempt to convince the Commander.

"Alright, but no later then a week, understand?

"Yes, we will be leaving first thing in the morning." Ahsoka said.

The Commander nodded as Ahsoka walked out of the room.

Later that day...

Jeffrey heard a knock at his door. "Come in," Jeffrey said as he got up off of the ground.

Ahsoka opened the door, "We leave tomorrow first thing in the morning, be up no later then 5:00."

Jeffrey's eyes bulged, "That early!?"

Ahsoka laughed at his reaction, "Yes I would like to get there as soon as possible."

"Where are we going anyway?"

"To the planet Rishi."

"You mean that tiny tropical planet in the outer rim?"

"Yes although it's not that tiny."

"It most certainly is!" Jeffrey exclaimed.

"Yeah well you can see it for yourself in the morning."

"Yeah we will see...or maybe we won't because it's too small."

Ahsoka just shook her head but was smiling at her student's comments.

"Just be ready to leave here by 6:00 and make sure you have everything that you'll need."

"Got it covered Master."

"Alright, I'll leave you to your business." Ahsoka said as she began to leave. "You should go to bed soon, it is getting late." 

Jeffrey groaned, "I know, I'll be up in the morning."

"Just making sure," Ahsoka called back as she left Jeffrey's room.

Jeffrey made sure She was gone when he pulled out his com link that Ezra gave him earlier that day. "Come over after you retrieve the package." Jeffrey told Ezra through the Com Link.

"I'll be over with the package in about half an hour." Ezra responded.

Jeffrey grinned to himself, "This is gonna be a fun night."

And that's Chapter 6!

First: If your not sure why I'm having Ahsoka and Jeffrey go to Rishi, do some research because it may or may not have to do with Revan.

Second: If your wondering why I'm having Jeffrey and Ezra misbehave, it's because I thought, 2 teenage boys that have a chance to hangout would jump at the opportunity.

Third: Stay tuned to find out what "The package" is!

Until then Lunch Kid out.

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