Chapter 16

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Ok, so I have no idea what happened. I started writing this chapter and then it disappeared and so this is a rewriting, (sorry for the delay). Anyway, enjoy!

Jeffrey POV:

Pain. Darkness. That was all there was. I felt as though I could do nothing. All there was to do was float in this endless void of pain. I wanted to give up. I wanted it to be unreal. I wanted to wake up and assure myself that it was all just a nightmare. But it wasn't. This is real. As I was thinking these things, I heard another voice, aside from the one in my head.

"This fight isn't over." It said.

"It's over, I can't win." I tried to tell it.

"You underestimate yourself. You can do it."

"It's not possible." I cried.

"You can't give up, not an option. Get back on your feet."

"How can I do it? He is too powerful."  I questioned with desperation.

"You have more power then you realize."

I felt solid ground underneath me.

"Get up!" It yelled as I gritted my teeth and went up on one knee.

"You can do it!" It yelled again as I rose to two knees.

""You have more in you then you believe." It said as I rose to my feet and opened my eyes.

My shadow was shocked and then immediately angry.

"It's time to end this." He said and prepared to hit me with more lightning.

I put my hands in front of me as the lightning hit me. I felt it stinging my hands and I winced before I remembered the words of the mysterious voice. I put my energy into the Force and all of a sudden the pain receded. I could see the lightning hitting my hands full throttle still and I could feel the lightning coursing through my veins. But it didn't hurt anymore. 

My shadow fell over, breathing heavily after having exerting all his energy. 

"How?" He cried." "That should have killed you."

"You should know." I said as I prepared my own attack. "The Force." 

I unleashed my lightning attack and he yelled in pain. I continued to stream lightning into him when he started to glow red and then in a bright flash of light, vanished.

When I opened my eyes again, the room was no longer dark and although barren, had a mystic feel to it.

"You have done well to overcome your trial young Jeffrey." The Voice said.

"It's you again! Hey thanks a lot for helping me out back there, I really needed it." I  called out.

"I didn't do anything, that was all you and your trust in the Force." The Voice continued.

"By the way, what was that... thing?" I asked.

"It was a dark version of you. That is your inner dark side, it is a part of you but you have shown that you do not let it control you." The Voice said.

"So that was all just a test?" I asked a little confused.

"Yes. And you passed it. There is one more choice you must make." The Voice said.

"Alright, what is it?" I was inwardly hoping that I wouldn't have to fight anymore evil people.

"The path ahead will not be easy, are you sure that you wish to continue down this path?" The Voice questioned with all seriousness.

"Yes I am." I boldly stated.

"Then I, Jedi Master Mace Windu, induct you into the Jedi order." Master Windu said.

My eyes widened with shock and I couldn't believe I hadn't figured it out by now.

"My apologies Master, I didn't know who you were I'm so..." I started before he cut me off.

"At ease young one. I knew you didn't know who I was, there is no need to apologize." Master Windu said as I let out a sigh of relief.

Then something occurred to me. "Master, my instructor Ahsoka Tano is no longer a Jedi, so how could I be one?" 

"She isn't a Jedi but that doesn't mean that she can't be your master. Besides I believe you have another master as well." Master Windu said.

"Revan? Is he talking about Revan?" I thought to myself before I was pulled out of thoughts by the temple shaking.

"The temple is under attack, you must go." Master Windu ordered.

I nodded and grabbed my lightsabers off the ground and almost ran out of the room before I turned around. "Thank you, Master." I told him and then I ran out of the room, to where the door now stood open.

This time though I ran through a tunnel until I came to a dead end. At this point the temple was collapsing rapidly and I could tell that this wall was natural and that it led outside. I could here a ship moving and started panicking, thinking everyone was about to leave. Even though I had no idea how high up I was, I backed up a few steps, took out my lightsabers and ran at the wall, with a slash that broke it. I ended up being extremely high up and going into a free fall. 

As I was falling, I remembered to trust in the Force and focused my energy into landing. Right before I hit the ground I used the Force to miraculously survive. I let out another big breath before I heard footsteps. I prepared to battle but much to my relief, it ended up being Kanan, Ahsoka, and Ezra. 

"Jeffrey! Thank goodness! I was hoping that you were here." Ahsoka said but before I could respond Kanan interrupted.

"Run now, talk later!" He said and called for Chopper who picked us up swiftly. 

I was the last one to make the jump and as soon as I was on, Chopper closed the door and we blasted out of there.

Again sorry for the delay, this should have been out a lot sooner. And also, what did you  think of adding Mace Windu? Unfortunately I have no future plans for him but that could change. When Jeffrey was talking to him, it was like how Ezra talked with Yoda in Season 1 of Rebels. Until next time, Lunch Kid out

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