Chapter 46

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Alright also so this is the dark side ending. This ending is completely separate from the light side ending and starts right after Chapter 43. Enjoy!

"I-I..." Jeffrey's thoughts were blending together as he started to seriously consider what Vader was offering. An opportunity to destroy the true mastermind of the Empire, power, respect, authority. He could take over command of this entire facility. He then remembered the last time he tried to fight Vader. How he was toyed with and then it led to his Master's death. He shivered as he remembered that last one.

Maybe he could just use Vader to really elevate himself to a high place and when he was strong enough, kill Vader and take over the galaxy. Then he would bring about true peace and avenge all of his friends and family that were killed at the hands of the Empire.

He shut the herosaber off. "I accept your offer."

The Sith Lord turned his crimson saber off as well. "Then we must hurry, we do not have much time." 

Jeffrey followed the Sith Lord's lead as he pulled his mask back on and put his hood up. The two of them walked outside before Vader stopped his new apprentice.

"There cannot be any witnesses. The Eighth Brother and Ninth Sister have been sent away already, but the Second Sister is below the Inquisitorius in an underground room. We must destroy the Inquisitorius in order that your allegiance remains a secret." Vader instructed.

"As you wish, master." Jeffrey said as he stood beside the Sith Lord.

They both rose their hands and started bringing the place down. Sounds of metal groaning and screeching filled the air. Jeffrey grimaced as the weight of the place was heavy but he used all of the anger and pain he felt to completely fuel his actions. 

There was a loud rumble as the the fortress fell apart and then there was silence. A thick layer of dust covered the rubble but without a doubt, the Inquisitorius was gone and anyone that manged to survive, wouldn't be alive much longer.

Jeffrey was breathing heavily but he quickly recovered and waited for Vader's instruction. 

"It is done. We must go to my ship now." Vader said.

Jeffrey nodded and turned to follow Vader but noticed something through all the dust. It seemed that some sort of transmitter was still operational. He was about to go investigate when Vader called him again.

Jeffrey was right to pay attention to that transmitter as it connected all the way into the underground chamber. The Second Sister lied there in the room, with a broken leg from a piece of rubble that had fallen and a broken wrist. She was barely conscious but she knew what had happened.

Vader had betrayed her and she would make sure he payed. The Inquisitor slowly moved to the hologram projector and while the picture feature had been damaged and was no longer operational, you could still contact someone. The Second Sister used the Force to activate the secret contact imbedded deep within the system and after a few attempts, it came to life.

"Lord Sideous, I come with important news." The Inquisitor said with some effort.

"Tell me of this news." The Dark Lord answered.

"Vader has betrayed me and is going to betray you next. He turned the Jedi and they both destroyed the Inquisitorius." The Second Sister coughed violently as soon as she finished.

"I see. Thank you for informing me of this... most disturbing turn of events." Sideous said.

"Yes my Lord." The Second Sister said and before she could say anything else, the connection broke and the system shut down. The Inquisitor fell to the ground and propped herself against the projector. 

A wicked grin broke out on her face as she thought of what would become of Vader and the Jedi.


Vader and Jeffrey flew towards the Emperor's flagship. Jeffrey and Vader practiced for their showdown against the Dark Lord. However, one little thing still bothered Jeffrey.

"Are we sure that we will take Sideous by surprise?" Jeffrey asked.

"We took as many precautions as we could. The odds are in our favor. But you need to follow exactly as I have told you or else everything thus far has been for naught." Vader responded.

"How much longer will it be until we arrive?" Jeffrey inquired.

As if on que the ship left hyperspace. An officer came into the room. "We have arrived Lord Vader."

Without a word, the Sith Lord marched out of the room and prepared to board the Emperor's ship. Jeffrey followed as well and ran through the plan in his head one last time.

All the Imperial troops lined up and saluted Vader while he continued to the Emperor's throne room. The room was dark and quiet as Jeffrey and Vader entered and it felt like the temperature had dropped 20 degrees. Suddenly a cackle came from the throne in the room and Jeffrey finally laid his eyes on Darth Sideous, Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the galaxy.

Vader knelt before the Emperor. "Master." He acknowledged.

"Lord Vader." The Emperor wickedly grinned.

"I have something for you Master." Vader said.

Jeffrey's hand gripped the saber Vader had given him under his armor as that was the get ready signal. As soon as Vader made his move, Jeffrey would follow.

"What is it Lord Vader?" The Emperor questioned.

"I give you...the Jedi." Vader said and with that he grabbed the saber Jeffrey had been getting ready to pull out, with the Force. Jeffrey was shoved to his knees and he was filled with so much fury he couldn't even speak. Vader had betrayed him. He should've known.

"You have done well Lord Vader." The Emperor cackled.

Finally Jeffrey found his voice. "You traitor! You said we would destroy the Emperor!"

"My boy, Lord Vader is loyal to me only. You had a chance to join us on our conquest of the galaxy, but you rejected my kindness. Now you will pay the price for your lack of vision." The Emperor said.

He lifted his hands and Jeffrey braced for lightning but instead he felt something else entirely. It felt as though his soul was being ripped out of his body.

"What is this? How are you doing that?" Jeffrey asked in a panic.

"The dark side of the Force unlocks abilities some consider to be...unnatural." The Emperor responded with a twisted smirk.

Jeffrey felt as the edges of his vision darkened. He could tell he was getting weaker and weaker by the second. He tried to focus on on fighting back and not giving in but there was nothing he could do. He felt like he was in a sea and the waters were trying to pull him under. He continued to grow more and more tired and then finally, the waters beat him and he fell under.

As Jeffrey finally fell down completely, Revan's mask came loose and slid across the floor to the Emperor. There was silence in the room for several moments as the two Sith Lords observed the lifeless form of the tricked Jedi.

"We must continue to be relentless. The rebellion cannot be allowed to recruit anyone as powerful as this boy ever again. I want his death broadcasted everywhere and I want there to be a massive celebration throughout the galaxy. They will know what has happened here today." The Emperor said.

"It will be done, my Master." Vader said and briskly left the presence of the Emperor who turned to gaze at the stars outside of his ship.

Dark Side ending: finished.

I hope you all enjoyed the dark side ending! There will be an epilogue for the light side ending as I have chosen the light side ending to be canon in my little fanfiction universe lol.

Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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