Chapter 12

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Phew 😅 this one took a bit of research. And I've been incredibly busy. But enough about me, time to jump back in to Rise of a Legend...

As the ship came out of hyperspace, both Jeffrey and Ahsoka could tell that something was definitely wrong.

When they landed the ship, it looked as though a hard battle had been fought.

"What happened here?" Jeffrey asked with shock as he looked at the destroyed base.

"The Empire, that's what." Ahsoka said as she lifted a piece of scrap metal left from the fight with the Imperial  logo on it.

"Well at least it looks like that the rest of the Rebels escaped safely, all the ships are gone." Jeffrey pointed out.

"They could have been taken by the Imperials for scrap metal." Ahsoka considered.

"I doubt it, they would have needed to bring ships to store the rebel ships on and it would have taken a lot of time." Jeffrey said.

"That is true." Ahsoka said. 

"But now what are we going to do? We don't even have any Rebels to go back to." Jeffrey paced while he thought.

"We meditate." Ahsoka said as she sat down and closed her eyes.

"Ok, but I'm going to ask Revan." Jeffrey said and pulled out Revan's holocron.

Jeffrey placed the holocron on the ground and began to open it. He found that it was much easier to open the second time. 

"Revan, can I talk to you for a second!" Jeffrey asked when he felt Revan's presence.

"What do you need?" Revan answered.

My friends, the Rebels were attacked while we were on Rishi. My master and I have no idea where they are and I could use your advice on how to find them in space?" Jeffrey rushed al in one breath.

"Focus and use the Force." Was Revan's reply, " you'll find them soon enough."

"Soon enough? SOON ENOUGH??? I don't have soon enough, I need to find them now. They could be in grave danger." Jeffrey practically shouted.

"I'm sorry but that is the best I can give you." Revan said.

Jeffrey sighed, "Yes I am sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I'm just worried, y'know?"

"I understand, but you will find your friends eventually. Just have a little patience." Revan said while the holocron closed. 

As Jeffrey closed the holocron, he felt Ahsoka come out of her meditative trance.

"Find anything useful?" Jeffrey attempted to start a conversation.

"No, did you?" 

"Nope, just the same old advice, meditate, meditate, meditate. You would think that they get tired after all that meditation.

Ahsoka have a small smile before becoming serious again.

"Do you think that we can actually find them?" 

"Honestly, I have no idea." Jeffrey shrugged, "but maybe if we combine our power..." Jeffrey trailed as Ashoka caught on.

"Let's do it." Ahsoka said while she got up.

Jeffrey sat down and Ahsoka put her hand on his shoulder. 

"We start on the count of three, 1...2...3!" Jeffrey exclaimed as Ahsoka began adding her strength to his own.

Jeffrey started to search through space for the fleet of ships. The two of them searched through space with the Force for hours before Jeffrey's eyes suddenly shot open...

Boom! Another short one I know but it's really late and I'm tired. So see you guys next time, Lunch Kidout.

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