Chapter 2

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"Ahsoka Tano, out from the shadows at last," the Seventh Sister sneered.

"I know why you want the children, and I won't let you take them."

"Lord Vader will be most pleased at your capture." The Fifth Brother said, and dropped Jeffrey so he could ignite his dual blades.

Ahsoka gave a small smirk as she revealed her white sabers. The Fifth Brother then charged right at her.  Ahsoka easily parried his attacks as his form was very unrefined.  The Seventh Sister was about to join the attack when she sensed Jeffrey attempting to sneak up on her.

She allowed him to get close but grabbed his wrist as he reached for her weapon. "You have a fighting spirit," Seventh Sister said with interest, "perhaps my master will put that to use."

Jeffrey just glared as he was practically immobilized by the crimson blade at his neck. "Good move Jeffrey, good move." He sarcastically thought to himself.

Meanwhile Ahsoka had taken up the offensive and currently had the upper hand.  She then switched back to the defensive as Fifth Brother unleashed a flurry of sloppy blows.  Ahsoka back flipped to avoid them and then used the force the slam him against the wall.

She then was about to give a finishing blow when she heard the Seventh Sister laugh.  "Kill him and the boy dies." 

Jeffrey attempted not to look too desperate but couldn't help it as he knew that the Inquisitor wouldn't hesitate to kill him, same as his parents.  Ahsoka looked at the Seventh Sister, then at Jeffrey, then back to the Seventh Sister.

"Alright, just let the boy go." "Hmmm, now why would I do that, given that I have all the cards." Seventh Sister smirked as she gestured over to the Fifth Brother who was waking up.

"You know, I have friends whom I could call that would be here in 2 minutes flat." Ahsoka attempted to intimidate.

Seventh Sister almost laughed, "Who, the untrained Jedi and his even weaker Padawan? Your better off by yourself then with those weaklings."

While the Seventh Sister and Ahsoka "chatted", Jeffrey realized that this was his chance. He didn't know how he knew, he just had a deep feeling that now was the time to make a move. Jeffrey mustered his strength and then ripped the lightsaber out of the Seventh Sister's hand.

Ahsoka looked on in amazement before coming to her senses and reigniting one of her blades placing it in front of Fifth Brother who was reaching for his lightsaber.

"Who has the cards now, Seventh Sister?" Jeffrey grinned as he brandished her blades.

"You are not just foolish but quite annoying as well." Seventh Sister said.

"Maybe, but it looks like I win." Jeffrey confidently stated.

"Don't be so sure," Seventh Sister said as she gave her own wicked grin and dispatched one of her "pets".

Jeffrey's grin immediately faded as the droid latched on to his head and began pulling his hair. While he was distracted, the Seventh Sister reclaimed her lightsaber from Jeffrey, who had dropped it in an attempt to get the droid off of him, and then ran out from the house.

Fifth Brother, getting what she was doing, used the force to ignite his discarded weapon and summoned it, forcing Ahsoka to jump back, to avoid the spinning dual blades.  He then force pushed Ahsoka into the opposite wall and used the opening to follow Seventh Sister.

Jeffrey finally got the droid off of him and threw it to the ground and before it could get back up stomped on it, effectively shutting it down for good.  He then raced over to Ahsoka, who was picking herself up off the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I should be asking you that." Ahsoka answered.

"Yeah, but you just got thrown into the wall by stone face." Ahsoka gave a small smile, "You make a good point, but I'm fine."

Jeffrey grinned but then saw his parent's bodies and his grin quickly faded. Ahsoka noticed this and put a hand on his shoulder. "They killed your parents, didn't they?"

Jeffrey just nodded his head as his face was full of grief. But then a fierce fire lit in his eyes as he said, "They need to be brought to justice!"

Ahsoka nodded in agreement. "The Seventh Sister was right, you do have a fighting spirit."

"Well that spirit will be the end of her."

"Whoa, hold on, your not going outside to fight them."

"Why not?"

"Because they will take you and then use you for their own evil purposes."

"Maybe, but you can't stop me from going out there right now."

Ahsoka then sighed, "No I can't but I can show you another way."

"And what way is that?"

"Join the Rebellion, I can take you to them and they will take you in and teach you to fight."

"I thought the Rebellion was just a rumor."

Ahsoka shook her head, "That's what the Empire wants you to think, but I can assure you it's real."

Jeffrey thought about it for a moment. Alright, you make a good point as well, I'll join you and your Rebellion.

Ahsoka smiled, "Good, we will leave after we pick up my friends."

"Are they part of the resistance too?"

"Yes, and they might need our help against you know who, so we better hurry."

"Right," Jeffrey agreed and then said, "I'm Jeffrey."

"My name is Ahsoka Tano, if you didn't already know."

Jeffrey showed a small smile, "Well it's nice hearing it come from you rather then those thugs."

Ahsoka laughed and then said, "As soon as we go outside they could be anywhere so follow my lead."

Jeffrey nodded and followed Ahsoka as she ran outside his house. He stopped near the door though and looked back one more time.

"This is it, a new beginning" he thought to himself as he left his house for the final time.

Meanwhile running through the streets......

"I hope you know what you are doing." Fifth Brother said to the Seventh Sister.

"I do actually, we will retrieve the boy later, for now it would seem that the other Rebels have located our other target on this planet."

Dun Dun DUNNN!!!

And that's a rap, Chapter 2 is out. I do want to say that it will get more interesting later on and Revan will definitely be introduced later on. Just be patient.

Anyway Chapter 3 will hopefully be out later today (And by late I mean like nighttime) so if your a night owl look for that, and if not enjoy it tomorrow. Welp I am signing off now- Lunch Kid out.

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