Chapter 25

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General Kalani is the Super tactical droid btw. Thought it would be helpful to include. Enjoy!

"The objective of this battle is simple. You must battle your way back to my command center and free your friend." General Kalani said over an intercom.

"Rex, you've got more battlefield experiences then any of us, you lead." Kanan said while they prepared for the battle outside the old Republic station.

"Alright, our first goal is to get inside the hangar. Kalani is a war machine, it is programmed to kill and has the numbers and firepower to do so. Our only chance is to be aggressive and surprising, hopefully putting him on the defensive." Rex said.

"How many droids do you think he has?" Ezra asked before Kalani cut him off.

"The last battle will begin... now." 

Several battle droids began marching out to meet them.

"A lot! He has a lot of droids!" Kanan shouted.

"We've got to scatter them, use the sword and shield maneuver!" Rex yelled and put his helmet on.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Ezra asked.

"We block, he fires." Kanan said and him, Ezra and Jeffrey pulled out their lightsabers.

"Everybody ready?" Kanan asked.

"Yup." Ezra replied.

"Ready." Jeffrey affirmed.

"Let's go!" Rex said as the droids began to fire.

Jeffrey, Ezra, and Kanan began to deflect bullets as the incoming droids continually blasted them.

"Guys get ready to!" Kanan yelled at the younger Jedi while Rex threw a grenade over their heads.

"Again!" Kanan said after the first grenade had gone off.

Once the second grenade had gone off Rex called out the next orders. "That scattered them! Everybody forward!" 

The group started to move forward but Jeffrey had them all beat. He left the ones in the front line to Kanan and Ezra but all the others were at his mercy. All you could see was a blur of violet and crimson. The droids were falling left and right at his hands. After all the droids had been destroyed they all regrouped behind a few stacked boxes.

"That was pretty impressive Kid." Rex complimented him.

"Thanks." Jeffrey replied.

"The hangar looks clear, let's go." Ezra said

"Hold on, that's not how it normally goes." Rex held Ezra back.

"What's wrong?" Ezra asked.

"Usually droids come wave after wave." Rex responded.

"That tactical droid has had a long time to think about this and remember, he wants to win." Kanan said.

"I'm surprised this means so much to him." Ezra commented.

"It means a lot to his programming. It means a lot to mine as well." Rex said.

"Your programming?" Ezra inquired.

"All the Clones were bred for combat. Aside from a few exceptions, there was no other way of life for us." Rex reminisced.

Kanan put his hand on Rex's shoulder. "We should move."

"Right Commander, Kanan." Rex corrected himself again as they continued to push forward.

Out of nowhere, droidekas appeared on a catwalk above them. "Incoming!" Rex informed them as they started to get blasted.

"Ezra get back, their too dangerous." Kanan told Ezra after he tried to run in front of them.

They all ran back to the crates. "We are going to need some way around them." Rex said.

"I have an idea." Jeffrey said.

"Go ahead." Rex let Jeffrey explain his plan.

"Ok, you guys distract them long enough so that I can jump up there and destroy them. I have a feeling that they aren't as strong as they used to be considering how many years it has been since they have been created." Jeffrey said.

The others in the group started to distract the droidekas while Jeffrey ran past them and jumped  onto a nearby crate and bounced off of that. He used this method all the way up and them slashed two the droids from behind. He ran around deflecting bolts and Force pushing them off the catwalk before he got to the last one. He deactivated his lightsabers and hit the droid full power with Force lightning. The droideka's shield lasted for about 10 seconds but started to malfunction due to it's weakened shield from age and the constant pressure on it.

Jeffrey then jumped down to meet with the others. "That was amazing! Just what did you learn from Revan?" Ezra asked amazed.

Jeffrey just grinned beneath his mask. "I'll tell you some other time but for now let's focus on the  task at hand."

They kept running forward and Rex shot the Ray shield before they passed through it. "No Ray shields this time!" He called back to the group.

They ran through two hallways before one droideka on each side surrounded them. Jeffrey and Ezra took care of one while Rex and Kanan took care of the other.

Jeffrey blasted the droid's shield with lightning while Ezra deflected the bullets and ran forward. Ezra then proceeded to cleave it cleanly in two. Jeffrey and Ezra slapped hands as they kept running towards the command center.

The command center was lightly guarded and they made their way through with ease. Rex shot the gun out of General Kalani's hand. "Well, looks like we win." Rex said."

"I beg to differ Captain." Kalani said as one of his droids pressed a blaster to Zeb's back. 

Rex stared at Kalani for a moment before pushing his finger to the trigger of one of his blasters. "Rex, no!" Ezra exclaimed before pushing Rex's shoulder so that the shot missed Kalani's head.

"We didn't win. These droids are so old that they malfunctioned. If they hadn't, we might not have made it." Ezra explained.

"The boy is correct. The droid army would have prevailed so technically victory is ours." Kalani said.

"No it's not! I never really thought about it, never really asked, but the Jedi were wiped out, the Clones were decommissioned and the droid army was just shutdown. The Clone War ended but who won? If none of you did then who did?" Ezra questioned.

They all had a moment of silence before Zeb said. "The Empire." 

"Zeb that's right! How did you know?" Ezra asked.

"Because their here." Zeb nodded towards the window where an imperial Star Destroyer loomed. "And their about to win again." 

So what did you think of Jeffrey's first official battle after Malachor? Did I make him too OP? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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