Chapter 33

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It's almost Christmas so I probably won't update for a few days. In the meantime, enjoy the next chapter!

"Oh great, how is it we always end up in these messes?" Ezra pondered sarcastically.

"Well it's not like you helped the situation." Kanan said.

"Where's Sabine? I bet she won't be happy with you if anything happens to us!" Jeffrey suddenly yelled at the Countess.

The Countess didn't answer as Sabine ran into the room panting. "You can't do this!" She shouted.

The Countess continued to stay silent before a new voice made its appearance known. "Yes she can." The voice said as it walked into the room. "Because she is loyal. Just not to you."

"Gar Saxon." Ezra whispered.

"I believe you have something else for me." Saxon looked at the Countess.

The Countess still didn't say anything and tossed the darksaber Saxon's way. Immediately Jeffrey reached out and held the darksaber in place midair.  Using the Force he ignited the blade and pointed it at Saxon. "Let us go or Saxon dies!" He yelled.

All of Saxon's men joined the other guards and pointed their blasters at Jeffrey and his companions. Gar Saxon just laughed. "I don't think I've met you before. You seem like a smart person so I'll present to you this. You kill me and my men will kill you and all your friends in a second. Unless of course you release the darksaber and hand it to me." Saxon said.

Jeffrey's face just tightened and finally he released the saber and let it clatter to the ground. "A wise choice." Saxon smirked and picked up the darksaber.

"I've upheld my end of the bargain Saxon, you have the darksaber. Take the Jedi and let my daughter go." The Countess said.

"Your mother betrayed everything you believe in to save you. It's admirable... except she consulted with known traitors to do it." Saxon told Sabine.

The Countess' eyes widened. "What are you talking about?" 

"Why Countess you are harboring Rebels here. Clan Wren is clearly a threat to the Empire and must be made an example of." Saxon replied and all of his men pointed their weapons at the guards in the room who in turn redirected their weapons from the Jedi to Saxon's men.

"Governor wait. It doesn't have to be this way, we are all Mandalorians." Tristan stepped in between the two conflicting parties.

"I've been fair to you Tristan and you've served me well. I'll give you a choice: Stand with me or die with your family." Saxon offered another ultimatum.

Tristan appeared conflicted for a few moments before pointing his blaster at Sabine who was standing right next to him. After a second he turned around and pointed it at Saxon. "I choose family." He boldly declared and tossed Jeffrey his purple lightsaber.

"Then Clan Wren ends here." Saxon said coolly as he ignited the darksaber.

Suddenly a window broke and Fenn Rau flew in and tossed Ezra Kanan and Jeffrey their lightsabers. (Jeffrey's red one)

"Took you long enough!" Kanan said as they all got into a defensive stance.

"Rau!" Saxon growled and the battle began.

"Remember, only blast the guys..." "In white got it!" Sabine started to say before Ezra finished.

The battle was starting to turn in Clan Wren's favor before Jeffrey noticed Saxon sneaking up on the Countess. "Sabine go help her!" He yelled as he was occupied with two of Saxon's men.

Sabine nodded and she tried to blast Saxon but her blaster was knocked out of her hand. "Sabine!" Ezra called from across the battlefield and tossed her his lightsaber. Sabine caught it and ignited it. She then ran to her mother as fast as she could.

Saxon attempted a huge jump slash but Sabine managed to block it right before it cut down her mother. "You will be taken back to Mandalore to finish what you started! The last living member of the Wren Clan." Saxon said.

Sabine pushed him back a little and jumped away but Saxon used his jet pack and flew into her. They both fell through another window and landed on the ground below. The battle in the main room quickly ended without Saxon as Tristan finished off the last of Saxon's troops. Everyone quickly ran outside to see what happened to Sabine.

They soon found both Sabine and Gar Saxon dueling. Ezra attempted to jump down from the platform they were on but the Countess pulled him back. "By Mandalorian custom and law, no one can interfere." She informed him.

"Are your customs more important then the life of your daughter?" Kanan challenged.

The Countess appeared conflicted as the duel below them continued. They clashed sabers for awhile before Saxon flew into the air and started pelting Sabine with blaster fire. Sabine activated her energy shield from her hand brace to block the bolts and ran to a snow hill. She jumped onto it and used it to gain momentum as she jumped into the air and used her flamethrower on Saxon. He flew back annoyed and attempted to locate Sabine again as she ran behind him. She shot a small blast from her hand brace at Saxon's jetpack and sent him back to the ground.

"I'm impressed. You have some skill, but not enough to save you!" Saxon growled as he reignited the darksaber.

"That's funny. I was about to say the same thing to you." Sabine smirked as she brought Ezra's lightsaber into a ready position. 

Saxon charged at her and started dishing out ferocious slashes that Sabine either parried or ducked underneath. Each time they took a step the ice beneath them cracked. They continued to fight until Saxon finally made a slow move and Sabine cut his arm deeply. He cried out in pain as the darksaber flew into the air and Sabine caught it. She put the sabers in an X shape across Saxon's neck.

"Yield!" She shouted.

"I'll never yield to you girl. You'll have to kill me!" Saxon said.

Sabine stared him down for a few moments before putting the sabers down. "That might be the Mandalorian way. But it's not my way, not anymore." She said and nodded to Tristan who began to walk to Saxon.

Sabine walked away but behind her back, Gar Saxon pulled out his blaster with an enraged look on his face. He aimed it at Sabine but before he could fire, the Countess shot him first.

Sabine turned around in shock as Saxon crumpled to the ground and she realized her mother saved her. "Mother!" She said surprised but happy.

"No one hurts our family." She put her hand on Sabine's shoulder.

"Gar Saxon was guilty of treason against the throne, collaborating with our enemies, and executing my fellow protectors. But when the rest of Mandalore hears about his death, there will be chaos." Rau walked over to them.

"Perhaps Mandalore needs chaos if it is to become strong again. And soon we will find a leader, worthy to lead our people." The Countess said.

Sabine appeared to be deep in thought before her mother thanked her for saving her. "It wasn't me Mother. If it weren't for Jeffrey this day wouldn't have ended the same." Sabine said.

The Countess turned around and looked at Jeffrey. "I've been meaning to speak with you. Why don't you join my family for dinner. In fact why don't you all." She smiled at Kanan and Ezra.

Jeffrey looked to Kanan and Ezra who both nodded. "We would be honored." Jeffrey smiled back.

That was a fun chapter! I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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