Chapter 31

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"Home sweet home." Sabine muttered as they jumped out of hyperspace in front of Krownest.

"You really think it's gonna be that bad?" Ezra asked.

"I haven't been here since before my time at the Imperial academy and I didn't exactly leave on good terms." Sabine replied.

"Maybe things have changed. They might be happy to see you." Ezra offered hopefully.

Sabine gave a dark chuckle. "You don't know my family."

"I do. Your mother is the leader of Clan Wren,  Sabine. She may be with the Empire now but I believe her true loyalties lie with Mandalore." Fenn Rau said from the back of the ship.

"Even if that were true, she thinks I'm a traitor." Sabine said.

"If you could convince your Mother to help the Rebels, all of Mandalore might follow the darksaber." Rau deduced.

"Ah! I should let them know we're coming so they don't shoot us down." Sabine said.

"Ha! That's funny I- Wait your not kidding are you." Ezra realized as they entered the atmosphere.

Sabine spoke over the Phantom's radio in Mando'a. A response soon came in the same language before a loud beep. (Mando'a is the Mandalorians own language)

"What happened?" Ezra asked slightly concerned.

"They're jamming us." Sabine answered as Chopper started banging the roof of the Phantom from outside in distress.

"Incoming, looks like your family just sent out the welcoming committee." Kanan suddenly warned and sure enough, four Mandalorians with jet packs were flying right at them.

The Mandalorians then proceeded to launch 4 rockets at the Phantom.

"Rockets! ROCKETS!" Ezra shouted.

"I see them." Sabine snapped and started taking evasive maneuvers.

After Sabine dodged all the missiles the Mandalorians began a shooting barrage with their blasters. Chopper continued to beep at them as a warning.

"Didn't you tell them what you wanted!" Ezra asked.

"That's probably why they're shooting at us." Sabine answered dryly.

Jeffrey searched through the Force and managed to find two of them on the roof of the Phantom. "Guys we might have a problem..." Jeffrey started before the ship jerked violently.

"We lost a main thruster. Brace yourselves!" Sabine forewarned as they started to fall rapidly.

Within 30 seconds they crash-landed into a snowbank. Everyone stated to jump out of the ship.

"Looks like the Wren's will be harder to recruit then I thought." Rau stated.

"You weren't easy to recruit either so we switched to plan B. Better stay out of sight, I have a feeling we will be needing you later." Kanan said wisely and Rau closed himself in the Phantom.

The four Mandalorians from before and another one that seemed to be their leader landed a few yards away from them. "Now remember I could be related to them." Sabine whispered.

"Don't worry I'll play nice." Ezra assured her as he pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it.

"Ezra..." Sabine started before the leader of the Mandalorians called out, "Jedi!"

Immediately a fight broke out. Kanan and Ezra deflected bolts while Sabine used her hand braces and created a small energy shield. Jeffrey watched from the side and soon realized that Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra would be overcome by the Mandalorians.

"Everybody STOP!!!" He shouted and when nobody listened he jumped into the air and curled up into a ball and absorbed Force energy before releasing it in a much more powerful shockwave that sent everybody flying. (If you played Force Unleashed or know who Starkiller is then you know what this looks like. It's basically a much less powerful version of it since Jeffrey is still learning. If you don't know what it looks like then I recommend looking it up. It's really cool :)

As soon as everyone recovered they looked straight at Jeffrey. Some of them seemed to be studying him. "Do you guys know Sabine Wren?" Jeffrey asked the Mandalorians seriously.

"Sabine?" The one in charge asked in unbelief. He quickly told the others to stand down as he walked towards the Rebels. The leader took off his helmet. Sabine gave a quiet gasp as she removed her own. "Tristan?" She asked in the same tone he did.

They walked towards each other. "Changed your hair again." Tristan crossed his arms.

Sabine gave him a small smile. "You know me." 

"Do I? Who are the Jedi and who is that guy?"  Tristan pointed to Jeffrey.

"They're my friends. I'll explain everything, I promise." Sabine vouched for them.

Tristan gave a small nod. "I'll take you to the stronghold but I can't vouch for how you'll be greeted." He started to lead the way but then he stopped and looked at Jeffrey. "I see your lightsabers, I'm going to need one of them in order to let you come any farther." 

Jeffrey stared back at him through his mask. "Does it matter which one?" Jeffrey asked hoping for a smile. Tristan didn't smile at all. "Fine you can have it." Jeffrey gave him his purple one. "Just be careful with it, it's old."

The small group made their way to a large, secure structure.

As they walked Sabine couldn't stop staring at the Empire's symbol on Tristan's armor. "How can you wear that armor Tristan? How could you join them?" She finally inquired.

Tristan stopped walking. "You shouldn't have come back Sabine." He said and continued to walk.

They arrived at the stronghold within 15 minutes. Sabine attempted to walk up the stairs leading to the entrance but a guard stopped her. A few seconds later a female Mandalorian in yellow and gray armor walked outside and stood at the top of the steps. Jeffrey immediately could tell that this was the clan leader. 

"So it's true then." She said coldly.

"Mother..." Sabine began before she was cut off.

"Put her in a cell she'll be held for trial." Sabine's mother ordered.

"Mother!" Sabine said more forcefully. "We need to talk." She ignited the darksaber.

"The darksaber." Sabine's Mother said in shock.

Sabine put the darksaber away. "Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Jeffrey.... I don't know what your last name is, this is my mother Countess Ursa Wren." Sabine introduced them.

"Hi!" Ezra waved hello and immediately every blaster was pointed at him. "Whoa! Hey! I was just saying hello." Ezra put his hand down and took a step back.

"What did you expect would happen here Sabine? That you would be welcomed with open arms? Your wanted by the Empire!"  The Countess exclaimed.

"I know but I'm part of the Rebellion now. Please here what I have to say." Sabine pleaded.

"I will tolerate the Jedi presence on our ancestral home, IF they surrender their weapons." The Countess said and began to enter the stronghold before Jeffrey caught her eye.

"You... you have a Mandalorian mask yet I do not recognize it. What is your clan?" She asked him.

"I don't have one." Jeffrey shrugged.

Ursa's expression darkened. "Then you are treasonous against Mandalorian ways!" 

Instantly the blasters were all pointed at him. "I didn't know I was breaking a rule! I can explain why though!" Jeffrey said and the Countess thought for a second and nodded before entering the stronghold. The guards' blasters pointed away from Jeffrey as they followed after giving up their weapons.

That was the longest chapter in a long time! I've been looking forward to this one for several weeks! Also, Krownest is a ice planet in the Mandalorian sector of the galaxy. It is where Sabine's clan lives.  Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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