Chapter 11

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Jeffrey began to wake up after his rescue from the cave. 

"Ashoka?" He asked as he shook her awake. Ashoka began to wake up.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you actually hurt yourself badly getting me out of that cave." Jeffrey said while Ashoka shook herself awake.

"Thanks for lifting me by the way, that fall would have really hurt." Jeffrey continued to ramble while Ashoka just listened.

"You've grown stronger in the Force." She said causing Jeffrey to stop.

"I have? I mean of course I have, Revan was training me in the cave." Jeffrey said.

"Revan? You mean the ancient Sith Lord?!" Ashoka took a step back as she looked at the armor he was wearing.

"Yes, I mean he was a Sith Lord but then he became a Jedi again." Jeffrey explained.

"As long as he wasn't teaching you the dark side of the Force, it's ok." Ashoka breathes a sigh of relief.

"So now what? Should we stay or go back to Garel and meet with the Rebels?" Jeffrey asked after a moment of silence.

"We need to get back to the Rebels. I told the Commander that we would be back in a week and it's already been a week." Ashoka said while she began packing up the camp.

"Why don't you run ahead to get the ship and I'll pack up here? Then you can come pick me up here and we can get off this planet." Jeffrey reasoned.

"That would be faster." Ashoka agreed. 

"Well then what are you waiting for? Go get that ship!" Jeffrey pointed in the direction of the ship as Ashoka smiled and ran off.

"Now, let's see how strong I've gotten in the Force." Jeffrey said out loud as he began to use the Force to disassemble the tents and pack them up.

1 hour later...

"All packed up and ready to go." Jeffrey said while he jumped in the ship.

However Ashoka wasn't moving. "Ahsoka? Ahsoka are you ok?!"

"I've just got this terrible feeling that something bad has happened." Ahsoka grimaced.

Jeffrey's face darkened, "we had better go then."

 Jeffrey watched as the planet started to get smaller. "Goodbye Rishi." He thought to himself as they jumped to light speed.

Ok, definitely a shorter and not as well written chapter but I think it fits better with the story. This is more of a filler chapter. Also thank you everyone, we have reached 200+ reads🎉🎉🎉!!!

Another chapter will be out soon. (Hopefully) Until then, Lunch Kid out.

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