Chapter 20

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I've got great news guys!!! We hit 1k views😁😁😁🎉🎉🎉!!!!! Thank you, thank you so much guys! You guys are the best! As usual another chapter is here. Enjoy!

Kanan, Ezra, Ahsoka, Jeffrey and Maul came to a stop at what appeared to be a wall.

"Now What?" Kanan sighed.

Maul didn't answer as he pressed his hand against an invisible padlock of sorts and a red handprint, similar to the one that appeared when Ezra touched the pillar above ground, appeared and a part of the wall started coming down.

"Wow." Ezra exclaimed in amazement.

Once the elevator hit the ground, Ezra and Maul walked on. 

When Kanan attempted to join them, Maul blocked his way. "Only two, no more no less." He said.

Kanan just stood there for a moment. "Yeah? Well these two come as a set." He said and aggressively pushed Maul out of the way. "You ok riding with Grandpa?" Kanan asked Ahsoka. 

"I'll be fine." Ahsoka said. 

"I'll go last." Jeffrey said.

Everyone looked at him funny before Maul sent Kanan and Ezra up.

There was silence as Ahsoka and Maul didn't say anything and Jeffrey absolutely wasn't going to start a conversation. "I can feel that Maul has ulterior motives. But what are they and how will they affect us?" Jeffrey thought to himself after Maul and Ahsoka went up.

His vision was coming back to him as he realized that one of the voices  he had heard sounded eerily like Maul. That added with location and the chance that Vader could be coming alerted Jeffrey to the impending doom of Vader's arrival. He hurriedly attempted to let himself up but it didn't work. 

He then sensed Ahsoka jumping down to help him. 

"How did you know that I needed help?" Jeffrey asked.

"I knew you couldn't get up by yourself. Maul said so himself." She said. 

As they rode the elevator up Jeffrey tried to talk with Ahsoka. "Vader is coming. I can feel it." He tried to warn her.

"Are you sure that he will actually come?" She asked seriously.

"Yes absolutely." Jeffrey nodded.

Ahsoka took a deep breath. "I know this will sound bad but in case something goes wrong here I want you to know that as short as it may have been, I really did enjoy teaching you."

Jeffrey grinned through his mask. "I enjoyed it too... Master." He said with full respect for the first time. They shared a smile as the ride came to a halt.

They rejoined the group as Maul, Ezra, and Kanan all looked at the two Inquisitors flying around the temple. 

"Looks like they figured out your plan." Kanan said.

"Then we should alter it. I recommend that we split up. We should scale the pyramid from two sides, they will also have to divide their forces." Maul suggested.

"And let me guess, Ezra goes with you. No thanks." Kanan disagreed strongly.

"It is the logical choice." Maul said.

"I say we split up. Trust me." Ezra supported Maul.

Kanan sighed in defeat. "Excellent, excellent." Maul said. "You will find another lift on the far side. We will meet again on the next terrace.

"He'll be fine." Ahsoka said as they watched Maul and Ezra rise.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Kanan asked.

"Because, you taught him." She said.

Kanan smiled at that. 

"You guys can go to the lift on the other side, I'm going to go up here." Jeffrey said.

"How will you get up if nobody is going to be there?" Ahsoka inquired.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Jeffrey stated confidently.

Ahsoka and Kanan shrugged and began to walk to the other lift.

Jeffrey felt the ground beneath him and closed his eyes. "It is metal, not just stone." He thought to himself with relief. He began to try and focus lightning beneath him. Eventually he felt himself start to rise due to electromagnetism. He could hear blaster bolts being fired and had a feeling that Ezra and Maul were facing the Seventh Sister.

Once he got to the top he saw that Ezra and Maul were about to engage the Seventh Sister in lightsaber combat. Jeffrey Force jumped to them and helped Ezra in combat. Jeffrey slashed and slashed as did Ezra until they finally pushed her back. Then Maul used the Force to levitate and turn off her lightsaber. "Strike her down! You want to end this. Finish her!" Maul bellowed as he continued to hold her in place. Ezra hesitated and eventually looked away. "I can't." Ezra said.

The Seventh Sister let a smirk light her face. It immediately disappeared as Jeffrey said, "Let me handle this." He started to Force choke her more aggressively. 

"Who are you?" She asked as She gasped for air. 

"You want to know?" Jeffrey said.

He took off his mask and lowered his hood to reveal his face. The Inquisitor's face was shocked as recognition came into her eyes. "You! Your that boy!!" She gasped.

"Ah, so you do remember. Do you also remember what you did to me? To my parents?!" He said and squeezed her even tighter on that last part. She groaned in pain.

"This is for my parents." He said as he ignited his red saber and killed the Seventh Sister. Maul had been talking with Ezra although they had watched the whole thing.

"You mean that they were the ones who.." Ezra started before Jeffrey cut him off. "Yes, her and the Fifth Brother murdered my parents in front of me in my own home. Leave her, let's go find the others." Jeffrey finished.

They climbed the rest of the stairs and saw that Kanan and Ahsoka were occupied with the other two Inquisitor's. However both Jeffrey and Maul redirected their attention to ground above them. Jeffrey and Maul saw the one beam of light at a time disappear and then return as if someone was walking above them. "Vader..." Jeffrey thought in terror.

"What?" Ezra asked Maul upon noticing that he wasn't paying attention.

"Nothing." Maul said. "We must not delay, I will handle this." He said gesturing to Kanan and Ahsoka below. "Go place the holocron on the obelisk at the top, activate the temple and gain the knowledge you seek."  Maul told Ezra.

Ezra took one more glance at Kanan and Ahsoka. "I'll meet you guys at the top." Ezra said running off.

Jeffrey turned to Maul, "He's here, I know you saw it too." Jeffrey said and Maul nodded. "I will go to delay him." Jeffrey informed Maul. "That would be wise." Maul said and almost jumped down but stopped for a second. "How did you get up here?" Maul asked. "I used Force lightning to create electromagnetism." Jeffrey answered. "Fascinating..." Maul said to himself and then jumped down. 

Jeffrey watched Maul for a second and then took a deep breath, put his mask back on, and used the Force to summon the Seventh Sister's lightsaber. He started flying to the surface with it and used the Force to pinpoint around where Vader was. He found the ideal spot and broke through the top, flew backwards a bit and threw the lightsaber at Vader's head. Vader was caught off guard but still managed to pull his lightsaber out and deflect it quick enough.

Jeffrey pulled out both his lightsabers and prepared to meet his foe...

Next time is the final chapter in this arc! I hope you guys have enjoyed it and are prepared to stay tuned to the finale. (There is a chance that there could be another chapter after the next one that could turn it into a 5 part story arc but it is unlikely) Also this is not going to be the final chapter in the story next time. Until then, Lunch Kid out.

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