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Shots rang out behind Tenley as she ran through the dark forest towards the direction of the Lifeboat. She didn't dare glance over her shoulder as she ran. She knew that if she were to risk looking back to see how close they were, she'd trip and fall - and then, she'd be theirs. She couldn't risk that.

Scattered shouts and orders could be heard close behind. Tenley's heart pounded in her chest. She recognized the language they were speaking; German. She had hoped to have found the Allies' line or even a patrol wandering the forest but luck wasn't on her side. She knew the Germans were gaining on her - they knew the lay of the land better than she did.

Tenley skidded to a stop on the trail, quickly glancing about to try and get her bearings. One thing was certain - she was lost. She tried to steady her breathing in the silent night before hearing the voices behind her again. As she broke into a sprint, she began praying that the Lifeboat was near.

Her foot caught a tree root, bringing her down to her knees. Panic set in as the earth beneath her hands disappeared. She tumbled down the side of the hill and into the embankment. When she landed, she laid still for a moment, catching her breath and quickly assessing if she had broken anything on her tumble. Just before she contemplated scrambling back onto her feet, she held her breath and listened. There were no voices from up on the ridge but there were some voices ahead of her. She closed her eyes, afraid that she had stumbled upon yet another German line.

"Nine?!" a familiar voice called out.

Her heart skipped a beat. It was from Flynn. She scrambled to her feet, pushing her battered and exhausted body one more time in hopes of reaching Flynn - reaching the Lifeboat. When she pushed out of the ditch and the thick tree line, she spotted them. Her friends - Lucy, Rufus, and Flynn - were already inside the Lifeboat, calling out to her. She mustered up the courage once more and began sprinting for them.

"There she is!" Lucy shouted, pointing in Tenley's direction.

Rufus turned away from the hatch as he moved back inside. The Lifeboat began to whir to life. Lucy disappeared inside, most likely strapping in to leave the moment Tenley reached them. Flynn remained where he was by the hatch, watching intently as she approached.

Flynn shouted, "Come on! Hurry!" He beckoned to her with his hands.

Tenley's legs began to burn and turn to jelly. She worried that they'd give out from under her and she'd miss their escape - she was exhausted. Just as she got halfway across the long field toward the Lifeboat, a loud artillery blast echoed behind her in the dead of night.

Flynn jumped out of the Lifeboat, rolling onto his feet as he landed. He shouted over his shoulder at those inside the Lifeboat, "Get out of here!"

The hatch to the Lifeboat closed and locked. Tenley kept running toward them, while Flynn ran toward her. When he reached her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her away from the Lifeboat.

"What are you doing?" Tenley shouted.

Before Flynn could answer, a massive explosion landed where the Lifeboat had been just a second before it disappeared from sight. The blast knocked both of them off their feet.

All the air from Tenley's lungs escaped from behind her lips as she landed on the hard ground. She felt Flynn's weight suddenly on top of her, followed by the hot earth that rained down on top of both of them. Smoked filled their lungs as the debris settled around them, ears ringing slightly.

The two sat up, glancing over their shoulders at the place where the Lifeboat used to sit. Flynn scanned the area before stating, "They got out in time."

Tenley gasped for air, coughing slightly. "How do you know?"

"If they didn't, there'd be bits of the Lifeboat all over the place," he paused to look at her and added, "And you wouldn't be sitting here with me." She blinked at him, unsure how to respond.

The sounds of numerous guns being loaded behind them caused them to glance over their shoulders. They were surrounded by a small patrol of German soldiers. They spat orders in German at the two of them.

"Everything will be all right," Flynn whispered to her. "I promise."

The two of them raised their hands defensively while the Germans began searching them for weapons and other belongings.

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