Will Against Will

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Amy stood next to Rowan as they watched Quinn and Bentley march along the empty dirt road before them. She noticed Quinn continued checking his watch. She pulled herself closer to Rowan and asked, "What's he doing?"

Rowan shook his head. "I haven't the faintest idea."

"Should we be worried?"

He turned to look at her. "I won't let anything happen to ye."

She nodded. "I know, I do...but..." Her dark eyes drifted back to the two before them. "Something just doesn't seem quite right."

Rowan agreed, "I know. I feel it too."

Amy scanned the surrounding area. They were walking on a lonely country road with no buildings in sight. The large fields of rolling grass sat on one side of them, while dense woods grew on the opposite. She glanced over her shoulder but found no one else on the road. She turned her gaze back to Rowan. "Where are we?"

Before Rowan had a chance to answer, the two heard the sound of a gun firing. Instinctively, Rowan pulled Amy behind him, shielding her from any potential harm. His eyes locked onto his brother and Bentley further up the road.

Bentley was splayed out on the road, no longer moving. Quinn had his gun pointed down at the lifeless man. Rowan's brows knitted together, mouth falling agape. "Quinn! What are ye doing?"

Quinn holstered his gun, casually glancing over to the two. He motioned for them to approach him, eyes turning back to the dead man on the road.

Amy gripped the back of Rowan's coat tightly. "What...why..."

Rowan reached around, grabbing her hand, slowly approaching his brother. "Quinn...what did ye do?"

Quinn motioned to Bentley. "We need to move him off the road."

"Ye killed him," Rowan stated.

"Yes," Quinn started. "I'm well aware of that."


"We don't have time for this squabble," Quinn remarked. "We are running late-"

"No," Rowan growled. "We're not going with ye until ye tell us what is going on!"

Quinn placed his hands on his hips, sighing heavily as he turned to face the two. "He was one of the ones who attacked me that night in 2002."

"You're certain?" Amy asked, still cowering behind Rowan.

Quinn nodded. "There were several Rittenhouse agents that night," he explained. "I caught a glimpse of him - he was older than he is now but..." He turned his darkening gaze over to the two. "I saw his tattoo on his wrist before he slashed my face... A tattoo of a snake, marked with the initials of Rittenhouse."

Rowan released Amy's hand, bending down to examine the body of Bentley. As he tugged at the dead man's sleeve, he spotted a tattoo in bronze and silver ink - a semi-coiled snake with RH underneath the head. He glanced up at Quinn and noticed he had turned his back to Rowan, almost proving a point that he wasn't looking at the image.

Amy looked at Rowan, her eyes drifting to the tattoo on Bentley's wrist. Her mouth fell agape as she turned her gaze over to Quinn. Rowan stood up, placing himself between his brother and Amy.

Quinn raised an eyebrow as he studied his brother. "I took out only one of these men who attacked me - attacked us!" he spat, motioning over to Amy. "I did what needed to be done!"

Rowan watched his brother carefully. "What does Rittenhouse want with her?"

Quinn's eyes darted over Rowan's shoulder to Amy. "We all know she's not Amy, so let's drop the pretense. Carol hoped to use her against the others - which is something we cannot allow to happen-"

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