A Place To Call Home

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The Bunker

Present Time

The Lifeboat landed with a clank, whirring to a stop. Lucy and Mason rushed into the main living area, watching with anticipation for the hatch to open. The moment it did, they spotted only three of the four-man crew emerge.

Lucy's heart stopped. "Where's Wyatt? What happened?"

Denise held her hands out in a calming manner. "He's fine."

"Where is he?" Lucy repeated, her voice showcasing her worry.

Flynn stated, "He stayed behind to make sure the place remained secure for our trip back."

"Alone?" she questioned. Flynn shrugged, unable to tell her anything she didn't already know about Wyatt. She'd be able to figure out what was going on in that thick head of his better than anyone else.

Rufus stated, "We're not going to need to bring much with us. It's completely stocked."

"Really?" Mason asked, completely shocked.

Rufus nodded, a smile gracing his lips. "You wouldn't believe what they've got-"

"Not now, Rufus," Agent Christopher suggested with a shake of her head. "We need to get the others and head back."

Lucy nodded as she turned to return to her room with a better understanding of what to pack. She even packed Wyatt's belongings.

Tenley asked, "Should I box up my supplies-"

Denise shook her head. "There's no need. They have a full infirmary with everything you could possibly imagine."

"Really?" the doctor asked, surprised. "I wonder how they managed to get everything..." her voice trailed off as she lifted her eyes at them. "I guess it doesn't matter...I'll finish up packing."

Agent Christopher nodded, watching as the team meandered toward their rooms to pack up what little personal belongings they had. She pulled her phone out of her pocket the moment she was alone. She hesitated to do what she knew she had to do.

Tenley threw what little belongings she had into a duffel bag. She glanced around the old infirmary, a small pang of remorse for what she was leaving behind washed over her.

She heard movement behind her, followed by a familiar gentle voice, "Got everything you need?"

Her eyes drifted slowly across the room. Images of helping Flynn with a gunshot wound to his side came to mind. Then again when he looked like he had been run over by a truck. She blinked back the tears and memories, slowly taking in the rest of the room. By the time her dark eyes landed on the old couch, she spotted a familiar grey hoodie. Approaching the couch, she picked it up and looked at him. "I think so..."

Flynn closed the gap between them, wrapping her in an embrace, allowing her head to rest against his shoulder. He lowered his nose into her hair, breathing in the familiar scent of honeysuckles and vanilla. "We're going to be okay, Nine. I promise."

She blew a long sigh from her lips, gripping his back tightly. "What if this is a mistake?" she pondered. "What if they follow us because of me?"

Flynn pulled away slightly, looking her in the eye. "Then we'll cross that bridge when we get there...together." He saw the uncertainty behind her expression and held her shoulders as he lowered himself slightly to look her in the eyes. "Nine...We'll get through this together. No matter what happens, okay? I'm here."

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